
Feraullin has a minion!

Introject the Griim

Legacy Name: Feraullin

The Glacier Kerubi
Owner: Yeleste

Age: 12 years, 10 months, 1 week

Born: June 25th, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 9 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: July 26th, 2011

Pet Spotlight Winner
October 28th, 2012


  • Level: 6
  • Strength: 15
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 12
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Patty Flipper

Ava was on the move. Not that she was ever still for very long, but she had paused in a Chicago hostel long enough to catch her breath. The money she had tucked into her socks, fraying bra, and right backpack pocket was dwindling. A sensible person would have realized that it was time to stop. A sensible person would have stopped a long time ago.

The faster you move the less you have time to think. Ava was not sightseeing, or backpacking, or on vacation--she was running. The problem was, she wasn't sure what she was running from or where it was lurking, waiting to snatch her. If you don't know who or where the enemy is, running is pointless. But she tried anyway.

[Bad memories of home. Imprisoned (and drawn) by Ava, Age 5 1/2]

Underneath the glacier there were many beings. Sickly beings that scuttled on all fours, smelling putrid and unwashed. Helpless beings in little tights and white dresses; they'd been stuffed with her memories, and left to starve. Violent beings: suppressed volcanoes intent only on her destruction. All were quarrelsome and stricken with suffering. She made sure to keep the ice thick, and cold, so they could not escape. Every year the temperature inside of her dropped. Near freezing. Below freezing. Now, practically unlivable. If she made it much colder, she could no longer survive. Her defenses were killing her.

Ava was, for sure, running to avoid facing what her mandated school counselor called her "bad life choices" and her foster mother called "the Devil inside of you." When the Devil was inside of Ava she fell asleep at church on Sunday, stole jewelry from the Dollar Store on Wednesday, and ran away from home on Friday. Ava no longer knew what the Devil was doing, because without Mrs. Yoder's help, she couldn't distinguish Him from herself.

As the nineteen-year-old continued on her journey to nowhere, she picked up more reasons to keep running, and remembered some old ones. How the man in the massive pickup truck (bumper sticker: Live Free Or Die) could have been a serial killer, but instead had dropped her off outside of Pittsburgh. His only transgression had been remarking on his love of blondes. How back at home she had rejected sweet, dopey Josh and gone off running back to Tom. Tom had had a massive ego, way too much gel in his hair, and not much else. She had run away from Tom eventually, too. She ran away from everything.

[Feeling really mad all the time. Banished (and drawn) by Ava, Age 7]

She had become a relic, a mammoth stuck in time beneath the snow. When you cannot feel, you stagnate. She couldn't feel anything. The beings would cry out to her, but she was far away across the ice. All she heard were faint echoes from deep in the earth, where it was warm, and full of feeling. She had cut them out of herself, and thrown them away. She had banished them from her kingdom for inciting violence and causing famine. Her ruling had been just. The only place for them to go had been down below, beneath her awareness. Into the Dark Place. Although she had tried, it was impossible to execute them. She had made them in the first place, out of her own self. So they lurked below, hungry and discontent.

When Ava was little, she had lived in a place called Feraullin. In Feraullin, she was the Queen of Everything. As a child, being Queen of Feraullin meant you could eat pop-tarts in the middle of the night, and nobody would notice. It meant that you could leave the dejected brick row-house on 58 Prince Street (and beyond) to preside over more important matters, like dragons, and swords. Feraullin was where she went to abandon unpleasant feelings, thoughts and memories. Because she was queen, she could leave whatever she wanted there, imprisoned forever in the dungeon of her choosing. Her subjects hadn't told her, fearing retribution, but the prisons were out of date, rusted, and insecure. If she was unlucky, things could get out. Even if she was grown up. Especially so.

As Ava boarded a Megabus (one way, further west) Feraullin was far from her mind. She was telling herself that this would be her last move. This time, she would have to listen, mainly because she out of money. If she still had money, she would have kept going. No matter how illogical or dangerous. Now, she would be stuck in a new city, homeless with nowhere to run. Ava was too old for child welfare to swoop in this time, clucking disapprovingly. She pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. Her dingy grey sneakers, which halfway succeeded at copying Converse, were coming apart. Even though she needed them, she wasn't sure if she cared. Ava knew that when she stopped things would change. When the reality of semi-self-inflected solitude, cold, and hunger hit, she might begin to feel.

[Mean foster brother. Locked away (and drawn) by Ava, Age 9]

The only way to keep the beings at bay was to stay frozen. If she became warm, and her heart jolted back to life--beat, beat, beat!--up they would all come. Roaring, incensed by her banishment. An army of darkness. With this in mind, she nursed her cold like it was a dying child and she was its mother. Such a mother is guarded, vigilant, and prepared for the approaching catastrophe. One day she would not have the strength to maintain the cold anymore. Her shelter would thaw, and eventually, the ice would crack. Her discarded pieces would come to devour, to reunite, and to remember. She would be forced to become one with them, or die--and neither option was acceptable.

by Opundo

~ Lovely art by InsanityFallsUp ~
~ Layout, writing and scribble beings by Yeleste ~

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