
Annaleisa has a minion!

Toku the Wowl

Legacy Name: Annaleisa

The Twilight Hikei
Owner: Sacrifice_275

Age: 12 years, 10 months, 4 weeks

Born: July 30th, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 10 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: July 30th, 2011

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 1
  • Books Read: 1
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Navigation: Owner : Subeta Homepage : Explore : Inventory : Forums

The Follower

How Annaleisa and Toku met;
The wind sighed through the trees that were nestled around a large opening covered in grass. The moon shone brightly against the backdrop of trees and covered the area in a soft light. Stars twinkled in the black sky, some shooting across before disappearing from sight. A small Wowl, an owl like creature, was sitting atop a branch when it's large eyes peered into the clearing and saw a dark form huddle in a ball, shivering. The Wowl made a hoot like sound before hopping off the branch and gently floated using it's wings to the dark from. At the sound of a visitor the creature popped it's head up and it's identity was revealed, it was a Twilight Hikei. The Wowl cocked it's head to the side and hooted, making the Hikei smile. "Are you alone?" The Hikei asked the Wowl and she slowly got to her feet. The Wowl contemplated her question before nodding. "I am a too." She said with a sigh and lowered her head a little. The Wowl stared at her before hopping closer and rubbing it's head against her leg. The Hikei looked down at it and smiled, nudging it with her own head. "I am Annaleisa, and you shall be Toku." Annaleisa stated in a 'matter of fact' tone. The Wowl, now Toku, chirped cheerfully and nodded in agreeance. "Lets stick together than, so we'll never be alone." Annaleisa said down to Toku who chirped once again. She smiled and turned, padding off towards the cluster of trees looking back to make sure Toku was following. Toku looked around at his now old home before hooting quietly and hopping up to catch a breeze that would carry him after Annaleisa. The two friends vanished into the dark trees together.

Enter Kyothe and Nori!;
Annaleisa drank quietly from a cool stream as her companion Toku chomped happily on a piece of fruit. Her blue eyes glanced to and fro as she drank before slowly closing. The stream quenched her thirst and tasted wonderful, she lifted her head a few inches from the water and was about to resume drinking once again when she heard a rustle in the bushes near her and Toku. Alarmed Toku jumped away from the fruit and fluttered himself to Annaleisa before perching himself on the top of her head. She glanced up at Toku before turning to face the bushes that were rustling once again. Preparing for the worse, she hunkered down and readied her body for a quick escaped when a form rolled out of the bush. A Barghest, a red eyed small black dog, shook its head violently before glancing up to see where it was. Annaleisa was about to step forward to see if it needed help when another black from stepped from the bush. A BloodRed Ruffie was smiling down at the Barghest and nudged it with her nose. The Barghest pulled itself to its feet, shaking off the leaves and dirt from it's body before pointing it's head towards Annaleisa and Toku. The Ruffie's bright green eyes locked onto Annaleisa and it stopped smiling, obviously summing the two companions up. Suddenly a smile broke across the Ruffie's face and it walked right up the Annaleisa. "Well Hi there. I'm Kyothe and that jackass back there is Nori." The Ruffie said, somewhat loudly, before laughing. Annaleisa opened her mouth to speak but the Ruffie cut her off by talking once again. "Are you guys all by yourself? Thats sad. Nori and I have found companions to be with...Why don't you join us?!" The Ruffie, now known as Kyothe, said cheerfully as she turned and padded back over to the Barghest Nori. Annaleisa stared confusedly at Kyothe the Ruffie before shrugging and following along behind her. "Whats the worst that could happen?" She muttered to herself and Toku as she disappeared after the Ruffie into the bush the pair had come from.

Hello Beliaal and Ryker;
To Annaleisa it seemed like they had been traveling for days. They had made their way across a tree-less prairie, had swam across a lot of rivers, and had crossed through very tall grass and thick bushes. Her feet hurt, and she was starting to feel like they had been walking in circles. But every time she tried to ask Kyothe where they were going the Ruffie would just smile enigmatically and tell Annaleisa to have some faith. That would be the end of the conversation and it was frustrating Annaleisa to death, not to mention Toku was worried about what was going to happen to them whenever they got where they were going. After another day of walking Annaleisa and her group had found themselves in a quiet forest. They had settled there for the night and as the sun peeked through the treetops the next morning Annaleisa became aware of a form standing right next to her. She jumped up and wildly looked around for Toku when she saw him sitting next to Kyothe and Nori, smiling and chirping. Annaleisa slowly turned her head and found her blue eyes staring into murky green eyes. "About time you woke up." The owner of the eyes muttered, and she finally noticed that a field Demi was standing by her with a small Glade Bunny peeking between it's legs. "I..I'm a deep sleeper." She replied sheepishly before quickly running over to Kyothe, Nori, and Toku, bending her head down so Toku could scramble up ontop of it before she plopped her bum down next to Kyothe. The field Demi walked back and forth in front of them like some drill sergeant, the Glade Bunny following along behind him. "Honestly Kyothe, you need to stop adopting every traveler you come across." The Demi muttered, frowning at Kyothe who just chuckled as a reply. "But since she is already here we can't just chase her off." The Demi said obviously annoyed that that option had been taken from him. "Who are you?" Annaleisa asked, looking at Kyothe for a second before looking back at the Demi. "I'm Beliaal. I am the Leader. And this Bunny is Ryker, please don't touch him." Beliaal the Demi answered, stopping suddenly so Ryker the Bunny ran into one of his back legs. "We travel, A lot, so best that you learn your place as quickly as possibly." Beliaal said after a small silence passed between the group. Annaleisa just nodded dumbly, almost throwing Toku off of her head.

And that was how they all got started....

Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited by: Sacrifice

Pet Treasure

Red Man in the Moon Plushie

Star Collar

Lime Star Belt

Purple Star Plushie

Pet Friends

Best friends forever!

You need to try being friendly once in awhile.

You're one of my best friends.

Lets atleast try to be Friends, jeez.