
Adalard_646 has a minion!

Barrett the Mooby

Legacy Name: Adalard_646

The Dusk Serpenth
Owner: DonCarnage

Age: 12 years, 10 months, 3 weeks

Born: August 1st, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 10 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: August 1st, 2011


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

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The bright sun poured warmth down on reptillian scales that were basking in it. A dusk Serpenth lay out on a rock in a large grassy field. It's eyes slit open and he peered down at an Arid Hikei that was dozing peacefully beside the rock. Two inseperable friends. Life long companions. Outcasted by their own kind for different reasons, they sought strength in numbers. Adalard had been friends with Chamyle for many years. They were traveling companions and best friends. Though each had their ups and downs, they still stood side by side when the sun set. He slithered off the large rock, wings stretching in the sun light. A Mooby flitted beside him, the creature was constantly hyper active which was the polar opposite of Adalard. With his cynical attitude and love for sarcasm, he could be a bit hard to deal with. But Chamyle was a different story. She was bright and optimistic, though there were times she suffered from a crippling depression. Either way they made their friendship work. The arid Hikei must have sensed Adalard waking up because she too rolled over and stretched her body out. She sighed sleepily and cracked an eye open at him, "Morning Addy." She said with another yawn and nudged her adorable companion. A turvy tumbled by giggling. Adalard smiled, slightly and turned his head away to look at the day. They weren't the most normal friends, but they made things work. And with each other, they were never lonely.

Enter Anastas

Adalard and Chamyle didn't stay alone for long. They had a friend, another companion. A bumbus. Just a plain Bumbus but to them he was extraordinary. They grew up around each other. Even when outcasted they stayed together. But he had to leave. Adalard and Chamyle had to go on without him. And after a few years they feared the worse. Adalard and Chamyle continued living in their own little home. A far off field with high grasses and sweet flowers. It was late one day, as the sun was setting that they felt a stir in the wind. Something was coming. Adalard got in the defensive position while Chamyle rounded up Barrett and Vivienna. As the sun slowly disappeared, Anastas appeared. He glowed like the sun, bright and bold. His eyes peered at his old friends and he waited. Adalard slithered closer and cocked his head to the side. Chamyle approached slowly and blinked, "Anastas, what happened to you?" She said slowly. His sad smile gave him away. He had went to a dark place, but was given another chance at the world. Chamyle exchanged a look with Adalard before they turned back towards the large boulder they used as a home. He nodded at a small Pyrefox who had been hiding behind him. He smiled sadly at her before he slowly followed behind his friends. They said nothing to him and he lowered himself to the ground beside Adalard. Eyes closing, and allowing peace to finally settle over him as the three companions curled closer to each other for the night.

Originally coded by: dreamsky
Edited by: DonCarnage

Pet Treasure

Mineral Blue Traditional Watercolor Chips

Pet Friends

You're the baby of the group, I have to watch out for you

Don't worry friend, we'll keep you safe