
Legacy Name: Coffin_883

The Common Clawsion
Owner: Raveny

Age: 54 years, 5 months

Born: December 31st, 1969

Adopted: 12 years, 6 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: November 1st, 2011


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

cold | macabre | conceited | heartless | explicit | ghostly

Coffin has been labeled, by none other than Lucifer, as the Keeper Of The Reaper - the reaper, of course, being Coyote. It is not a job he considers to be a pleasure, and one he'd rather not be stuck with - he knows damn well Coyote doesn't need a keeper - but she is weak. Without him to keep her ass on the line, she'd never take another soul; and it would be him who would suffer for her ignorance and weakness. The business of taking souls is something Coffin is used to seeing, and had done in the past. When he was younger, Coffin, like his black canine companion, was a reaper - though instead of being the death omen of a black dog, Coffin was a large, beady eyed magpie raven. Now, he has become a mentor; Lucifer found it a better ideal than to keep him as a reaper, though it could have easily have still been his job. Coffin was reluctant to take it, but the dark master is not someone you want to say no to, despite the fact the Irion's sass and sarcasm has got him in trouble with his boss on more than one occasion already. Both soul snatching, and protecting the flea bitten black hound, Coffin is cold to pretty much every kind of emotion - that's not to say he is emotionless, they are just diluted and warped.

The thing that annoys Fin worst about his job is the fact that his partner is such a damned coward - it physically makes him ill to see how much it upsets her to take a soul. Not out of compassion for her, or anything of the sort, but out of disgust. Irritation is just about the only feeling he has toward the dog, though a sense of companionship that he refuses to acknowledge has grown between them. Despite this, he continues to call her a raggedy cur, and that little dog - Runt - a burden. Excessive rudeness from the older bird is something they have come to expect, and he doubts it even bothers them anymore. He shows no respect to anyone, period. In fact, when approached with his job offer, his exact words were "No, fuck you, you asshole. I don't want to take care of that nasty mongrel bitch."

Pet Treasure

Pet Friends

I ain't ask to worth with yeh, got stuck doin' it. To be real honest, I think you ain't much of a reaper. Scared of takin' them lives an' such. Ain't fit to be no omen of death. And I ain't your poppa, I don't even want this damn job.

Why the hell that ratty mutt saved yer life in beyond me. Weak, thats what you are. Yer a damn rat who shoulda been drown'd.

Yer an annoyin' bastard, is what y'are. I respect ya doin' what you do, but you ain't gotta create extra work for me. I hate draggin them old hounds around evr'where your ass ends up.