
Legacy Name: Wicca_853

The Common Celinox
Owner: Raveny

Age: 54 years, 5 months, 2 weeks

Born: December 31st, 1969

Adopted: 12 years, 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: November 1st, 2011


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

The Wicce believe in duality and the laws of karma, celebrating life through the seasons and the old Pagan season festivals. Through attunement of nature, practice and ritual, one can learn the ways of the Wicce. The peace, joy and love for everything in nature are the only required quality; the knowledge, mindset and satisfaction through Wicca are LEARNED.

His most likely transformation will be into either of the following - however, I am still looking into other species that I can create an overlay for that is fitting to his personality. He'll be tied in with my pet Scooby, most likely, because they'd obviously get along. This is not the final decision on his species - because I mentioned having an OC and I don't quite know how to match her to a subeta species yet (I have a few hours of going through Neocolours before I pick the perfect pet). But these two came to mind immediately.

His name is truly the virtue by which he lives - to put it simply, the kid is a nervous wreck. Emphasis on nervous - may as well put an emphasis on wreck too. Even the smallest inconvience can overwhelm him; this will undeniably trigger a full-blown anxiety attack. If you have never experienced this feeling firsthand, there is almost no way to explain it - it sends shivers racing up your spine, locking each vertebrae in it's icy grip. Your heart pounds against your ribs, making every attempt to rip through your chest. Your entire body shakes violently, it is impossible to hold the footing to which you are frozen to. He often feels as if he is drowning, though he desperately claws to reach the surface - it seems to get further away. Or, is he being pulled down to the abysmal bottom of some deep ocean? His chest feels as if it is being crushed, and everything is spinning. All while being terribly, heart-stoppingly afraid of everything.

For at least thirty minutes, these panic attacks wrack is menial frame - thirty minutes lost in a reoccurring nightmare.

Panic has a heart of glass - figuratively of course, but there is some truth to the statement. Medically, his heart is weak, and any slight stress or anxiety can cause cardiac arrest; one more thing to be afraid of, no?

Due to having a large tail - she uses it to her advantage. During a panic attack, it is not uncommon to see her hiding behind her tail, seeking refuge - or, snuggling against it in an attempt to calm her racing heart.

hese attacks usually only last about ten minutes or so, but including the time during which the attack builds up and dies down, the total is around a half hour. While the intense anxiety attacks are terrifying enough, Panic also lives in constant fear- not only of his next attack, but also of other dogs, humans, starvation, and cars to name a few. He avoids specific parts of the city at all costs- especially Guerilla turf and overly crowded places like Main Street. The poor boy never makes friends, and especially never has lovers- he’s usually far too reclusive and scared of being abandoned or hurt. He’s very attracted (not sexually. :b) to older female dogs, motherly figures if you will, or any dog that can make him feel safe. When he meets a dog like this and becomes comfortable around them, he will refer to them as ‘mother’. A pack would probably be good for him if he ever got up the courage to join one, but it’s not likely. In fact, he’ll probably spend the rest of his life jumping at shadows.Panic also has a lot of tics-a tic being a sudden, repetitive, involuntary movement such as blinking the eye. Panic’s tics involve excessive blinking, flicking his right ear, and scrunching up his face in a sort of grimace. Individuals with tics are often aware of an urge, kinda like the need to sneeze or scratch an itch, which they satisfy with said tic.He’s very much like a child- very naive, innocent, and trusting of older dogs. He can occasionally offer pearls of wisdom when he isn’t too frozen with fear to speak. He’s very submissive as well, you can bet he’d be a sorry excuse for a fighter or a leader, also because he’s never angry.What is your biggest fear?

mythical, bazooka, deathly, alaskan

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