
Fresnos has a minion!

Valentine the Green Lovebird

Legacy Name: Fresnos

The Galactic Wyllop
Owner: Hedgie_756

Age: 12 years, 9 months, 4 weeks

Born: August 26th, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 9 months, 4 weeks ago

Adopted: August 26th, 2011


  • Level: 7
  • Strength: 11
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 11
  • HP: 0/11
  • Intelligence: 25
  • Books Read: 25
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Towel Folder

If you must know, and you're obviously curious since you're asking, I don't think I'm terribly interesting. You must, because you're here, and you want to know about me. And I guess, within reason, I can tell you what you need to know. It's not that I'm a private person, believe me when I say I'm not, it's just....I've got a weird little story. I am the eldest of twelve, all wyllops....all various colors, shapes, and sizes. Fairly balanced in genders, and a couple smatterings of twins here and there. No more on the way, as far as I know, though my parents are still young enough to have more. I wouldn't complain. Unless I screw up majorly, I won't be lonely. Thankfully, with my immediate family, screwing up bad enough to become a pariah is near impossible (Though, once you get outside of my parents and siblings, it's the easiest thing in the world. They won't talk to me, and I could care less. But there's so many of us that I end up running into them every so often, and it's the most awkward thing in the world). Trust me, a few have tried, and none have really succeeded. Needless to say, they're all very accepting people. Decidedly wealthy, too. I wouldn't have to work a day in my life if I didn't want to, but I want to...for reasons that will later be explained. Anyway, they're very accepting, as I'm so flamboyantly gay double rainbows cower in fear of me, and they don't care at all. They love me even more for it, and my siblings like to play at it, especially the girls, and ask if any of their crushes, celebrity or otherwise, and boyfriends are attractive to me. Most of them aren't, and half are too young (or too old) for me anyway. I adore my sisters, and they like to tell my brothers that I like the girls more (icredibly ironic, I must say) than them. It's hilarious.

Anyway, about my "type"...I seem to have a thing for what one would call "damaged goods" or "lost souls", namely people with issues. I've been with guys who have a list of problems that would cause your average search engine to crumble under pressure. Eating disorders, anger issues, abandonment issues, panic disorders; you name it, I've probably dated it. And the only reason I've been with so many is well..for one, I got into the "dating" scene pretty early, and none of them last very long. Half the time they dissapear on me in the middle of the night, and the other half, I've had to get them to proffesional help before they do something drastic. Needless to say, I should probably look for something a little more stable. I guess, after having such a stable upbringing, I've been looking for a little instability to shake things up. There's other ways to do that, though. As I said, I'm not very exciting. I don't travel much, I'm a strict vegitarian, and I basically eat, sleep, go to school and/or work, go home...lather, rinse, repeat. I could use someone a bit more energetic and exciting. Unpredictable's better for me than unstable, as long as they aren't dealing with too many issues at the same time. I guess, really, what I need is someone energtice, lively, and bold, a brave soul but with a good head on their shoulders. It can't be too hard to find....

As I mentioned in passing, I was born into money. My parents struck it big somehow and now we have more cash than we know what to do with, so I don't need a job, and I don't need to go to college. I coud just take some money, buy a yacht, and sail the world for the rest of my days if that's where my fancy takes flight. But I don't want to. As my previous relationships may indicate, I want to help people with their problems, namely struggling young people Also because I lost a friend to some bad stuff a while back. Yes, he was an ex of, I'm not telling you anything else. I'm going to a nice, small college in the city to learn how to work with troubled youth. It's going well, but I can't seem to wean myself off of metting people. I'm really friendly, and a hopless romantic, so I end up meeting new faces daily, in large numbers, and people like me. They like that I have a steady, calm way about me, like a rock in the middle of a river. And that I clean up nice....that I'm kind, and I'm not afraid to pick flowers for them off the roadside just because they're "as pretty as you are". I'm weird...what can I say? I'm also a little bit clingy, and I don't like being alone. And as I live in a busy, kind of over-populated, metropolitan area, I don't feel as alone as I did at home..but I'm kind of single right now...and it's a bummer.

I'm tall, even for my age, and I never quite grew into myself. So I have this thin, awkward build, long arms and legs, big feet and hands that end in long, graceful fingers. I have moments where I move like some kind of dancer and others where I look like I'm about to fall flat on my face. My hair is constantly messy, and for a blacklight..I'm pretty lightly colored. Lighter charcoal on top, light gray on the bottom, silver hair with streaks of varying colors. Freckles, huge ears, big, pink eyes...I like to wear ties with everything, except pajamas, obviously, and they just look good. T-shirts even look kind of official if you wear a tie with them...

And I don't wear shoes...ever. Not everyone does, you know..and they don't quite fit my feet.

So that's all, really, I promise.

Pet Treasure

Feli Love Stories

Cool Striped Tie

Pet Friends
