
Assuya has a minion!

Wormy the Dragoo

Legacy Name: Assuya

The Field Keeto
Owner: Ouroboros_880

Age: 12 years, 8 months, 3 weeks

Born: September 22nd, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 8 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: September 22nd, 2011


  • Level: 42
  • Strength: 100
  • Defense: 100
  • Speed: 100
  • Health: 100
  • HP: 0/100
  • Intelligence: 20
  • Books Read: 20
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

NAME: EnvyAGE: a little less than 200GENDER: None.SEXUAL ORIENTATION HAIR COLOR: Varies.EYE COLOR: Varies.OCCUPATION: Instigator homunculus for Father.INTERESTS: Killing, degrading, torturing, observing and over all causing pain to humans.ATTRIBUTES: Envy is a coarse and harsh. And although no gender has ever been give to Envy, it usually takes the form of a male. He has the ability to be anyone and anything. His appearance would suggest a female, but at second glance one can see more masculine features and no distinguishing ones. His attire doesn't help either, the skort can be quite confusing to finding out what gender he is. Normally he has long black hair and red eyes but due to his ability it could change periodically.~ ~ ~ ~ ~Story: UNFINISHEDIt's dark and cold underground, the tunnel goes on for a long ways. The figure walks down the tunnel not making a sound, feet covered in what could toeless and heeless black socks step lightly over the wet ground. The tunnel comes to an opening, and the figure exits the tunnel and relishes in the dark of night as stars sparkle above. A wide smirk covers his face as he suddenly takes flight in the form of a hawk. He flew over the city of Central, Amestris looking down on the humans from high above, he enjoyed this form, for from up here he could see what the humans really were, ants, insects, below him on the food chain. They were his play things, they should all feel privileged to be even seen as that. For to Father they were energy.

Pet Treasure

Green Vanity Rose Brush

Green Nail Polish

Bloodred Feli Hot Water Bottle

Pet Friends