
Conrad Harper has a minion!

Helios (no gender) the Aquos

Conrad Harper
Legacy Name: Conrad Harper

The Glacier Keeto
Owner: slim

Age: 12 years, 6 months, 2 weeks

Born: October 20th, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: October 20th, 2011


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 8
  • Books Read: 8
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Art 1 | Art 2 | Art 3
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Glacier Potion - Erebus
Name: Conrad Harper (Ru3na)
Age: Appears 27
Race: Demon/Human - White
Height: 6'1"
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Talent: Writing/Engineering
Body Mods: None
Personality: Charming, well mannered, and inquisitive when happy, impatient, unrelenting, and snide when you get on his bad side
Strengths: vast knowledge in mechanics and weaponry, learning a person's weakness and exploiting it, mechanical/cybernetic arm
Weaknesses: He suffered damage to his spine in a fight with his brother and tires quickly in battle as a result. He's working on ways to remedy this.
Likes: No one knows his interests and hobbies. He enjoys technology, but he's pretty nonchalant about things in general even if he is taking pleasure in something. The only exception is Alice.
Dislikes: People who talk a lot but don't really say anything meaningful (case in point, his brother), extreme heat, being unsure of himself, mints, vegetables, and being corrected by others
Love Interest: Miss Xana :D

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Etiam sed ante libero, ac malesuada lacus. Cras nibh eros, gravida ut elementum in, congue ut ligula. Duis lacinia sem ac erat feugiat dignissim. Mauris non sem ac enim mollis convallis dictum nec mi. Duis venenatis quam vel justo congue at euismod nulla venenatis. Morbi sed iaculis enim. Donec blandit risus eros. Phasellus lacus elit, convallis non malesuada at, commodo auctor velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Pet Treasure


Wrinkly Scrap of Paper

Mysterious Truth Telling Device

Brass Ball Bearing

Blue Inkwell

Black Inkwell

Red Inkwell

Swan Feather Quill Pen

Raven Feather Quill Pen

Peacock Feather Quill Pen

Turkey Feather Quill Pen

Steel Dip Pen

Ivory Dip Pen

Calligraphy Pen

Blue Insignia Pens

Cherry Typewriter

Quirky Typewriter

Classic Typewriter

Crinkled Scrap of Paper

Messy Scrap of Paper

Folded Scrap of Paper

Curled Scrap of Paper

Creased Scrap of Paper

Rumpled Pages

Folded Scrap Papers

Book of Quills

Strapped Book

Pet Friends

Sebastian Harper
Dear brother, must you be so...bland? You were so fun after Alice left you, so dangerous.

Sir, I know it's not my place but must you have so many kittens? They're a distraction when I'm on guard.

Oh Mr.Harper, if it pleases you, I shall initiate what you both desire but are unwilling to do but, be aware I cannot undo a done deed...

For someone who likes rules, it seems you have a habit of breaking them. Should I learn from you or are you a bad new barer?
