
Legacy Name: Maayu

The Reborn Malticorn
Owner: Junjun

Age: 12 years, 7 months, 2 weeks

Born: October 29th, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 7 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: October 29th, 2011


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Name: Mayumi Shizuka (nickname: Mayu)

Age: 16/17

Appearance: medium, silky black hair (usually loose, but sometimes, she ties it up in a pony tail; she has side bangs), milky white skin, light brown eyes. She stands at about 1.65m, and weighs about 45.5kg – very slim, but still has a little bit of curves. Mayu is considered to have a very pretty face; though she is aware of it, she does not think of her beauty as anything but a tool on her missions (especially assassination missions).

Born to a prestigious family with an affinity for yin/yang chakura (she inherited a “holy” chakura), Mayumi was trained from a young age to be successor of her family. Her family was highly acknowledged for their skills in assassination missions – especially that of beasts. Because her chakura has “holy” affinities, Mayumi is able to poison demons. From a young age, Mayumi was trained in many different things – from flower arranging, to performing the perfect assassination. The talented girl graduated from the shinobi academy at the age of 8, alongside Sai. She became a chunin at the age of 9.

Despite the fact that she grew up in a relatively serious household (well, they did handle assassinations), Mayumi appears to have a very sunny disposition. She smiles when she is happy, and whines when she is displeased. Mayu appears to have a pretty patient temperament (but that is not the case – she is simply good at hiding her anger). When she is angry, Mayu shows no signs of anger. She will, however, tell whoever annoys her to “shut up, please” with a sweet smile. People usually stop annoying her there, so no one has really seen Mayu mad.

When serious threats or missions come, however, Mayu’s usually sunny disposition becomes that of a calm yet frightening one. Though she may not seem like it, Mayu places her first priorities on her missions. She can be stubborn, when it comes to withdrawing from missions, as Mayu considers withdrawal a form of failure. When her comrades are hurt, Mayu will attempt to complete the mission herself, despite however dangerous it may be, in attempt to prevent withdrawing from a mission. There have been a few times when she herself has been wounded badly, and she refused to abandon the mission. Her comrades ended up knocking her out, in order to withdraw.

Mayu has a somewhat morose perspective on the concept of “beauty”. Because of the nature of her family, she has been sent to various missions undercover, acting as a dancer, an entertainer, or even a hostess. What happens before Mayu assassinates her targets has never been mentioned, though there seems to be a mutual understanding that it should not be talked about. While Mayu acknowledges the fact that she is considered beautiful, she only thinks of it as a tool for missions (a pretty face goes a long way in obtaining information from drunken men). Because of this perspective of beauty, Mayu hates when young men (or men in general) tell her she is “pretty”, “beautiful”, or anything along those lines. Despite all this though, Mayumi, overall, appears to be a very sunny and outgoing.

Relationship with Sai:
Mayumi first met Sai during their Shinobi academy days. However, the two never talked too much, other than one instance when Mayumi asked Sai what he was sketching. It was not until Sai became a member of the Konoha ANBU corps that the two became slightly more acquainted with each other, as Mayu’s family handled assassinations as well. However, the two never talked much, and relationships were kept a barely a mission-partnership relationship.

It was not until the two were a little bit older, and Sai joined Team Kakashi that the two became much closer. Mayu has been well aware of the harsh trainings that the ANBu must undergo to “lose” their emotions. She has also been aware that Sai has been trying to “learn” the different emotions from books. As such, Mayu has always tried to subtly influence Sai with her own emotions, and have Sai experience emotions, such as happiness, curiosity, amazement, etc for himself, rather than merely read the emotions from books. She likes to ask Sai questions about his drawings.

Other information
Mayu likes to sing when she feels lonely; she usually feels lonely when it rains.
Mayu is the youngest of the main branch of the Shizuka family; her relationship with her older brothers and sister has always been a bit of a mystery. It appears that their relationships are not very great, but that has not really bothered Mayu much.
Mayu likes to eat sweets, but she does not show it much; she also likes rivers and streams, and can become quite giddy around rivers and streams.
Mayu can become quite competitive over games at festivals.
Mayu does not like cold weather, and gets cold easily. It does not help that she usually wears sleeve-less shirts and shorts on missions.
Mayu rarely complains about wounds/being in pain; this is probably because she has distaste for hospitals. In fact, she hates hospitals so much that she will leave immediately after any medical procedures, even if the doctors tell her she should stay for a couple of days to rest. Heck, she’ll sneak out if she has to.

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