
Legacy Name: Shukei

The Glacier Montre
Owner: Junjun

Age: 12 years, 7 months, 1 week

Born: November 5th, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 7 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: November 5th, 2011


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Name: Shuyusuke (“Shukei”)
Age: 478 years old; appears eighteen/nineteen in his human appearance
Gender: Male
Race: Fox yokai (fox demon)

Arrogant, and difficult, Shuyusuke is easily annoyed. He appears rather laidback, but can be a hard worker, and will go great lengths to help out Hanako (though most of the times, Hanako is not aware of this). Though he acts stubborn and difficult, Shuyusuke has a soft spot for Hanako (although, he questions this at times). Perhaps it is because he is a fox, Shuyusuke is calculating; unlike Hanako, who tends to see the best in people, Shuyusuke will doubt their intentions. He is normally quite mature and composed, but tends to lose his composure when Hanako is involved. The fox demon can be cruel and cold, and will kill other demons without a second thought.


Shuyusuke is the leader of a large and powerful fox demon tribe. As such, he was raised to be the perfect demon – cold, strong, and heartless. When he was younger, Shuyusuke killed an entire dog demon tribe. Ever since then, his relations with other dog demons have never been great. As a young fox demon, Shuyusuke also raided many human villages, and stole many young women; he fooled around a lot, and usually got his way with the ladies, given his handsome appearance as a human.

Like most demons, Shuyusuke hunted humans. However, he never hunted more than was needed to fulfill him and his tribe. High class yokai like himself required human blood to live; any other type of blood would not suffice. During one of his raids, Shuyusuke was caught by a shrine-maiden. However, instead of killing the fox demon, the shrine maiden, perhaps in kindness, decided to seal the fox demon away.

Almost a hundred years later, Shuyusuke was unsealed from his confinement by Hanako. At first, the fox demon was reluctant to accept the fact that the young seventeen year old girl was to be his master. However, he slowly became quite used to the presence of the cheery young woman. His feelings for her also started to waiver, and he realized such; however, he has tried to keep his feelings to himself, knowing the dangers that his feelings may put Hanako into.

Other details:

In human appearance, Shuyusuke has black hair and golden eyes. In his demon form, Shuyusuke’s hair turns white, and his fox ears and tail become visible. When he is extremely weak/injured, he will turn back into his fox form.

Shuyusuke’s tribe does not know where Shuyusuke currently is, and has been trying to track him down. The tribe is currently led by Shuyusuke’s older brother, Tokishiro. When Shuyusuke was released from his seal, his tribe became aware of his presence, and insisted on looking for him. Tokishiro, however, wanted to keep his position as the tribe leader; so, he sent some demons to find the whereabouts of Shuyusuke – and kill him.

The only way to release Shuyusuke from his “contract” (or service) to Hanako is for Hanako to be killed.

Hanako called Shuyusuke “Fox” for two months, before Shuyusuke told Hanako that she can call him “Shukei”. The reason for this was that if Hanako knew Shuyusuke’s real name, she would be in danger (from dog demons, his old tribe who want him back, and the hunters after him, sent by his brother).

Image References:


Pet Treasure

Pet Friends