
Legacy Name: Ezio_Auditore_da_Firenze

The Common Rreign
Owner: Deja_Vu

Age: 12 years, 6 months, 2 weeks

Born: November 12th, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 6 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: November 12th, 2011

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Profile Graphics by Deja_Vu, Coding by FallenSamurai, Story by User not found: librarian
The night was cold, the wind whistled across Florence, whispering destruction and doom to all those who could hear it. I lay awake in bed, as was my habit on nights like this. For although I could not understand the wind, some part of my brain seemed to know it, like a friend. Or perhaps an enemy. My window was open – oh, why did I leave it open? I never left it open, yet the wind was so peaceful, so friendly, I could smell the garden that my mother tended so meticulously. Little did I know it would soon betray me, bringing vipers instead of violets and rogues instead of roses.
I pulled the covers closer around my shoulders, trying to ward off the shivers that ran up my spine despite the warm summer air. My ears jumped at every creak, every shudder, every groan of the old house sent my adrenaline running. I rolled over and tried to fall asleep, and almost fell asleep. Almost. Just as I was about to drift off into the wonderful land of dreams and rest a scream from down the hall jerked me awake. I nearly jumped out of bed, grabbing my dagger and heading off towards the sound of the scream. I ran into my brothers in the hall. Both Frederico and Petruchio, my brothers, were standing in the hall way, both clasped daggers in their shaking hands. With a slight nod from Frederico we all moved towards the door to father's room and burst open the door.
Leonardo Dagger
What I was saw enough to make my stomach churn and my heart faint. My father lay pinned to the wall with a dagger through his throat. Mother was tied to the end of the bed, gagged with the sheet. They did not kill her, why is still a mystery to me even now. As soon as we entered the room we knew something was wrong. My brother's eyes darted from corner to corner of the room. Their shoulders relaxed slightly. That was when I looked up. My cry came too late. Almost as soon as my eyes noticed the two figures cloaked in red. They dropped down with a thud and grabbed my brothers, forcing cloths over their faces. I stood there like a dumb culo (donkey) while those men forced each of my brothers to their knees and tied their arms behind their back. Then they turned to me. That was when instinct kicked in.
I kicked the first one in the palle (crotch), and then kneed him in the face as he started to crumple. The other I caught upside the face with the edge of my knife and went to kick, only to have the second trip me. I fell to the ground, my head hitting the floor with a crack. My world swam. I could barely make out the two men dragging my brothers and the body of my father out of the room before I blacked out.
Hangmans Noose
That morning late in the fall of 1476 was burned into my mind for the rest of my life. I stood on the outskirts of the crowd, my cloak pulled tightly around my face to protect me from the wind and to hide my face. I watched as my brothers were lead up to the gallows, and stood there as they were murdered by the people who had once routed for their works. I waited there until the last watched bard drifted off before making my way through the crowds to start my new life. It was time to accept the line of my fathers and their fathers before them. That was the day when I became who I am. That was the day I became an assassin.

Pet Treasure

Hangmans Noose

Ontra Poison Darts

Bloodred Axe

Bloodstain Removal

Pet Friends

A toast it is then. And who is your lady friend?

Hello, thief-girl. Mingling with the assassins, eh? Does that mean you wish to join us?