
Duchess_the_Great has a minion!

Kitteh the Octopuss

Legacy Name: Duchess_the_Great

The Galactic Feli
Owner: Angelwockies

Age: 12 years, 6 months, 3 weeks

Born: November 24th, 2011

Adopted: 12 years, 6 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: November 24th, 2011


  • Level: 33
  • Strength: 28
  • Defense: 26
  • Speed: 40
  • Health: 32
  • HP: 31/32
  • Intelligence: 172
  • Books Read: 170
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Stylist


The Spirit of the Stars and Galaxy above

Items coming later. :D
Name; Duchess Harmon
Called; Duchess
Age; Ageless (But her physical age is about 21)
Likes; Family, Stars, Galaxies, the Moon, natural weather and things and men that don't see her as a huge goddess or something or the sorts; men that would love her for who she is, not what she controls
Dislikes; Evil, rude people, snobs, things that hurt nature
Status; Single
Sexuality; Strictly Straight
Suit Songs; "We're All In This Together" by Ben Lee; "We Found Love" by Rihanna ft. Calvin Harris
When you glance up at the stars at night,

You'll see the many things up there

You might think someone else made them, drew them step by step with every paw stroke

But the truth is, I've made them

I've been around since the beginning

But I'm modest, kind, sweet

Most men only see what I own - not who I am

I'm considered good with magic, I know how to protect myself

So when you glance up at night, thank me - Duchess, a Galatic Feli

And men - like my for who I am, not what I own


Duchess was born, indeed she was, but not by normal people. She was what happens when a Goddess of Stars and the Father of the Milky Way have a child, Duchess came from it. She held the power of the stars in her paws, and was then blessed by a Galactic Pool to gain and empower the resting powers within her blood. Once everything was said and done, she was ready to lead a kingdom solely set under the stars. However, in the year 185, a terrible war broke out. In order to save their lands, her father and mother both braced themselves and sealed away the evil with their own bodies and spirits. She then was forced to take control over the stars and such, but she found herself wanting, wishing, to be normal. She, all her life, wanted to live like a normal pet, maybe having a little magic knowledge.
So she went and found herself an owner. She found Angel, her owner and she loves her like besties. She is currently the argument-settler of the house, if there ever is one, which doesn't happen like, ever. She goes around, and loves to be modest. She is not whom she may seem like when you meet her and know that she is the one who painted every star up in the sky with her bare paws.

Pet Treasure

Knitted Feli Plushie

Pet Friends

Never listen to what others think about you. You're job is the most important of all.

Me and you come from the same place, don't we...

You have a great life ahead of you, my dear friend.

Miao Yin
You are the leader of a very strong trio...

Hey, get out of that pan! We COOK in that, you know! *laughing*

Don't make me get out all of the Cold War books. *grinning*

*singing* Here comes the Escalade in black~

You will be useful in the second Cold War, if there is one, Miss Fallout.

You are a very protective brother.