
Abiel has a minion!

Wisdom the Tchataka

Legacy Name: Abiel

The Angelic Kumos
Owner: Roshini

Age: 14 years, 4 months, 2 weeks

Born: February 5th, 2010

Adopted: 9 years, 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: January 28th, 2015

Nominate Pet for Spotlight


  • Level: 17
  • Strength: 20
  • Defense: 16
  • Speed: 16
  • Health: 16
  • HP: 16/16
  • Intelligence: 36
  • Books Read: 35
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Store Manager

It takes a lot to be a King. To be a good leader, you must follow. Follow the dreams of your people, understand their woes and realize from your mistakes. I have been crowned King...but am I a King?
My kingdom and my people are my world. And it is my responsibility to ensure their happiness and well-being. I take my role very seriously. I have been put here for a reason. Yes, by default as the oldest sibling of the Royal Family, I stepped into my kingly duties. But that is not a reason, no, it is just a cause. The REASON I am here is to serve my people. And serve them I will, until I can do no more justice to my post.

Friends, fans and followers. I stand before you as your newly elected King and you must all be thinking "This is the end of the journey". But no, you are all wrong for it is the beginning of my journey.
My role as an administrator has many perks, I will not deny that. I can take decisions, unquestioned and make use of many resources. But the biggest perk of this job is to watch the smiles on your faces when I do something FOR YOU. And that, is why I begin this journey today.
We are one big puzzle, and each one of you is a piece of this jigsaw without which the picture is incomplete. Each of your input and feedback is necessary for the BIGGER picture. So I say this to you all, my friends, my co-workers in running this kingdom efficiently- HELP ME HELP YOU.

Dear Friend,
I write this letter to you as a last resort. The issue I had talked to you about months ago is really stressing me out. My sister Dallie seems to be getting worse by the day. I have forbidden all at the palace to breathe word of this outside... it would cause panic and mayhem. How much longer am I to pretend like she is okay... taking her out to public events, heavily made-up so that the people of my Kingdom won't suspect that an enemy has worked his magic on her. How many more lies do I have to speak to MY OWN people? She is my sister, and I love her so. But I am afraid that she is gone... and we're only beating a dead horse. It would be better for her, and for us all if she died peacefully in her sleep... a heart attack can be the official announcement. But here she lies, her heart still beating slowly as she murmurs incoherently in her stupor. She is getting weaker and I know that the time is near. I am saddened by the thoughts I am having but it is necessary for the Kingdom's well-being. She must be taken care of, and soon. I am afraid I cannot hold on any longer... I cannot function normally with her presence weighing me down. The mere knowledge of knowing she is here in the palace is reminding me of my inability to help her, my ineptitude to keep someone so dangerous and harmful away from her.. and away from my people. I am afraid that keeping her here, half alive will only attract more dark entities, and before the news of her condition spreads to our enemies, I must let her go... at least for the safety of MY PEOPLE.
My friend, you are the one I turn to in times of crisis. And I need you now, to solve this little problem I have. And soon. You are the only one who can do this, as my hands are tied by the very people who serve me.
Yours truly,

Pet Treasure

Tiny Emerald Crown

Angelic Rod

Angel Wings

Angelic Toga

Royal Blue Hearted Mask

Shinwas Blessed Water

In the Eye of a Kumos



Kumos Power Paws

Pet Friends