
Bolitho has a minion!

Herrick the Whyn

Legacy Name: Bolitho

The Angelic Sheeta
Owner: Dragon_Cloud01

Age: 16 years, 7 months, 2 weeks

Born: November 7th, 2007

Adopted: 16 years, 7 months, 2 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: November 7th, 2007 (Legacy)


  • Level: 6
  • Strength: 17
  • Defense: 17
  • Speed: 17
  • Health: 15
  • HP: 10/15
  • Intelligence: 16
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Kivell Bolitho
Kings Officer
Age: Depends on the rp
Occupation: Depends on the rp.
A fateful companion
History:Kivell Bolitho--or he’s commonly known as Balti.

A seafarer through and through, his family history is lined with great and/or inspiring men that had moved on from this world to the next. Each one reached the coveted rank, a Captain of a ship in the navy. Few had made it much further—only one to admiral. The legacy makes it hard for the young to follow in the footsteps of their forefathers. But none had wanted to do it as earnestly as Bolitho, the youngest of five brothers.

His petty fun when they were all too young for the service caused endless grief for his mother and the nannies hired to watch the young and aspiring Bolithos. But it didn’t end when his oldest brother turn was due and he signed on a massive Ship-of-the-Line to start his own tale at sea. After that they all filtered out, one by one until Balti was left.

Being the youngest of the Five and the apple of his mother’s eye, Balti was ‘held back’ from what he wanted to do by his mothers wishes when his father returned from the last war a Commodore wrote off by injury to his arms. Word was quickly passed through gossip and letters to a few select people that the youngest of the Bolithos was to have nothing to do with the sea but to remain on land. This angered the pale young Sheeta. He wanted to go to sea, while others held him back.

Well, he then decided that they were not going to hold him back anymore.

Word got round of a very unusual ship in harbor, The Fools Courage. Run by a man as curious as the rigging of his ship. Balti managed to track the man down, and pleaded for a place on his crew. It worked and the next day Balti was off on his own ‘adventure’ following his brothers out onto the sea. He was fourteen at the time he took to sea.

It wasn’t long after they set sail the captain announced they had crossed into the path of their quarry. Balti was given a small brief of what was going to happen, and he marveled at his captain’s odd way of handling the situation. Although it had worked very well for their ‘commission’ whatever it was. Without a struggle they took the stricken Fellowship, a Sloop no bigger than their own Courage, but her tattered sails and missing rear mast was a reminder that if they crossed someone much stronger than themselves. Or even another ship the same size they would be in trouble as he had doubts on their crew.

With the Captain of the other ship safely in the brig as he was the requested ‘item’ they transferred over some equipment and gear to see the little battered ship safely to port. As they parted ways, the other captain began to stir from the effects of the sedative as their spy had laced his drink with more of the drug than the crews. Curious as he was, Bolitho spotted his Captain Head down below and as quietly as his padded paws would let him he followed.

Satue Truian, The Captain with the bad scars. The young sheeta had heard stories of him. Bolitho came to his on conclusion as he listened to the two captain’s talk from the shelter of his hiding spot. Apparently he had angered their commissioner in some deed and he was wanted for revenge. Bolitho missed most of the rest as a clatter from the deck announced that at least one of the crew had either fallen or dropped whatever they were at. He scurried back to deck in hopes he wouldn’t be found out. Bolitho had the start of his own plan in mind to get into the Service and it weighed heavily on the scarred Captains take to him.

Things transpired and somehow they managed to complete their commission while keeping the Truian alive. He and Balti made their way to the Captains ship, the partially repaired Fellowship. As things got about in the course of widespread gossip, the partically unwilling Captain was turned from disrespected to admired, saving the child from kidnap.

A few years later…

Pet Treasure

Libra Pendant

Mysterious Truth Telling Device

Antique Wooden Ship

Golden Skeleton Key

Icy Sheeta Gem Sword


Chion Plushie

Chibi Antlephore Plushie


Pet Friends