
Conceived Sorrow has a minion!

Dixon the Tooro

Conceived Sorrow
Legacy Name: Conceived Sorrow

The Bloodred Devonti
Owner: Kokitsunes

Age: 16 years, 1 month, 1 week

Born: May 4th, 2008

Adopted: 16 years, 1 month, 1 week ago (Legacy)

Adopted: May 4th, 2008 (Legacy)


  • Level: 15
  • Strength: 25
  • Defense: 25
  • Speed: 17
  • Health: 17
  • HP: 17/17
  • Intelligence: 19
  • Books Read: 18
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Sales Associate

Name: Vinicio Florencio Reyes
Age: 20
Species: Human
Status: Alive / Former Infected
Strain of Infection: Bindi Bite
Infection Capability: Infectious via blood only
Location: Shadowglen

During the 2011 epidemic of Subeta Vinni crossed over to Shadowglen where he encountered many of the unliving. Like those before him, he fell victim to their biting habits where he contracted the strain of infection dubbed the 'Bindi Bite.' Shortly there after he had a run in with two unliving who have since become his friends; Miles Carfield and Absinthe Sinclaire. Through the two of them he learned the ropes of living in Shadowglen and the do's and don'ts of their fellow unliving, as his progress of infection began to spread throughout his body. Unfortunately the overwhelming thought of being unable to return to his family crippled his judgement in an escape past the Shadowglen quarantine to Centropolis. In the city he was confronted with the ability to cure his infection with little to no risk at all, finding this to be very tempting he fell into a testing of the cure.

While it managed to stop and even, in a very minute manner, reverse some of the effects of the infection it did not cure him of it. His outwardly appearance still showed signs of the infection through what scientists dubbed 'Stage Six Progression' of the virus' growth. While easy to hide with the right clothes and makeup he was still far from the same. His blood work showed signs of the virus still active but at a much slower and weakened state resulting in him being labeled a carrier. Oddly enough this gave him something of an immunity to becoming infected again regardless of how many bites he'd received.

Advised against returning home he settled down in Shadowglen where he works in a small minion and pet shop, owned by the eccentric unliving Florence Kingsley. He occasionally visits his family for very short periods of time but is exceptionally nervous of the chance of infecting them that even that is limited to a few rare times a year. He's made himself a comfortable home in Shadowglen and found to be on rather good terms with many of his neighbors, volunteering himself to cross into cities highly populated with the living for the sake of those too afraid to venture out for items they're looking for.

Regardless he no longer considers himself fully living nor unliving and accepts it as his punishment for impulsively attempting to cure himself without thinking it through.

Pet Treasure

Mostly-empty Vial

Beloved Photo Album

Skitters Favorite Needle

Silver Bullet

Old Family History Book

Mothers Locket

Smashed Pumpkin Morostide Postcard

Box of Childhood Memories

Bindi Bite Zombie Plushie

Zombies 101

Living Dead

Subetan to Infected Dictionary

Undead Slang

Anyu Brass Knuckles

Pet Friends


Miles Carfield
