
HaemoGoblin has a minion!

Gore Getter the Crowbah

Legacy Name: HaemoGoblin

The Bloodred Feli
Owner: EmFinn

Age: 14 years, 4 months, 1 week

Born: January 24th, 2010

Adopted: 14 years, 4 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: January 24th, 2010


  • Level: 121
  • Strength: 303
  • Defense: 91
  • Speed: 301
  • Health: 64
  • HP: 64/64
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Officially (well, according to her agent) HaemoGoblin has, for now, taken a sabbatical from the art world and lives (in her words) "under the patronage of a visionary".

HaemoGoblin has never previously been overly shy about her work, or her hobbies. Given the opportunity and an audience she'd cheerfully recite a lengthy list of quotes that linked artistic merit with the suffering and sacrifice involved in the work's creation and explain, eloquently by her standards, that by extracting the suffering and sacrifice from others, the artist might prolong her productive artistic life without "burning out" too early. She did generally insist on audience participation for these lectures, so details of the content tend to be a bit incomplete or somewhat biased.

Her works are technically monochrome but, as she'd explain at length while demonstrating, monochrome doesn't have to mean ranging from white to black, but rather can be formed from any single hued spread of tones. In the case of her showcase pieces, from white to deep crimson.

As she rambled on about in detail at the opening speech of her Show and Tell Art Exhibition at the Lakeview Resort last year, the beginning of the art is in the choosing, procuring and preparing of the materials, and the variety and range of hues that can be extracted are amazing, given the right "suppliers" and a little basic biological or medical training.

Sadly, the exhibition was not, from any point of view, a success. Extremely limited sales and even worse attendance at most of the "studio" events after the opening night's demonstration piece made covering even the basic costs of the conference centre unlikely.

As Haemo was overseeing the early packing up of her exhibition (having been informed that she could leave the resort facilities, or be forcibly ejected) she was approached by a pair of Felii, one Nightmare and one Galactic. The Nightmare Feli introduced herself as Terligan and, while expressing sympathy for the poor reception of Haemo's work, explained that she had need of someone with Haemo's secondary skills and would be interested in hiring her at a very generous rate for work that would allow her copious time and unrivaled opportunity to continue her artistic experimentation.

Having sunk most of her savings into the failed exhibition, and needing quite badly to be elsewhere before any agents of the Chancellery or even the Shinwa Temple should arrive to start asking questions, HaemoGoblin needed very little persuading. Transfusion kit in one paw, and box of assorted malticorn-hair brushes in another she stepped out of the public eye and into the legends whispered around campfires and gaming tables alike.

Pet Treasure

Watercolor Set

Sugar Plum Cocktail

Blank Canvas

Artist Mop Brush

Walnut Stained Easel

Yellowish Etched 2011 Shot Glass

Caring Nail Bat

Flaming B-52

Pink Vesnali Bunny Doll

Flying Ship

Digital Camera


Strawberry Daiquiri


Rosy Red Face Paint

My Life as a Blood Drinker

Bunny Voodoo Doll

Shot of Whiskey

Gothic Notebook

Bloody Gravy

Bloody Marian

Bloody Mary

Fancy Bloodred Comb

Bloodred Voodoo Doll

Bloodred Vandal Spray Paint

Bloodred Jam

Bloodred Furikake

Blood Soup


Pet Friends

Harbin Jer
A good friend, who can double as a perfect canvas.