
Kylar has a minion!

Shade the Cando

Legacy Name: Kylar

The Custom Nightmare Paralix
Owner: Santiago

Age: 10 years, 3 months, 3 weeks

Born: March 1st, 2014

Adopted: 8 years, 9 months, 1 week ago

Adopted: September 18th, 2015


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 14
  • Speed: 11
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed


Kylar is the dragon god of the Night, gamble, luck, prank, thieves.. a trickster (in a fantasy/medieval setting).
He has the form of a big, slim black dragon covered in shadow ( a mix out of a western and a eastern dragon). I am still not sure if I want to give him wings or not, but if he gets Wings they will be black, feathered wings.

In human form Kylar looks like the average guy, short dark-blond hair, brown eyes, not extremely handsome but also not ugly. The normal adventure, in leather armor and with a short sword on his side but also equipped with a lot of hidden daggers and knifes.

Kylar is quite good natured and he tries to help the poor and helpless people. He also likes to trick people only cause he thinks it is funny and often forgets that he actually can hurt someone with that kind of behavior. He loves to steal, especially when it seems impossible to accomplish the task. The harder it is to steal something the more he wants to steal it. It is like a game, a challenge for him.

He is a god out the pantheon I made up for my world Justus, Kilian and Lea are part of. Kylar has a twin brother, the god of daylight, beauty, art and compassion.Kylars holy animal is the fox and his followers often wear symbols or tattoos of foxes.

More to come soon

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Some pictures of Kylar:
(Example what he will look like)

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Description of Kylar:

Name: Kylar
Nationality: God
Gender: Male
Eye Color: hazle
Hair Color: dark-blond
Age: Gods have no age, but in human form he looks like he is in his late 20th.
Sexuality: Straight
Race: God (true form Dragon) who can shift into human form.


Remarkable Features:


Kind of clothing:

Body modifications? (Piercings, implants, tattoos etc.):



Nervous habits:

Fears or phobias

What does he eat ?

* * *


Thx a lot Virus !

Profile done by Santiago and special thx to Ferrox for the help on the CSS code.

Kylar is © Santiago

Overlay done by Akita

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