
Oshun has a minion!

Lwa the Vengeance

Legacy Name: Oshun

The Darkmatter Paralix
Owner: ShetaKaey

Age: 14 years, 9 months, 4 weeks

Born: August 3rd, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 9 months, 4 weeks ago (Legacy)

Adopted: August 3rd, 2009 (Legacy)


  • Level: 27
  • Strength: 68
  • Defense: 68
  • Speed: 82
  • Health: 61
  • HP: 61/61
  • Intelligence: 118
  • Books Read: 118
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

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. . . a family of proud lineage, known for their skill in raising the dead and forcing them to reveal their secrets. About 300 years ago, they produced a progeny of fair color, half Dark Matter, half Bloodred. This pinkish son they named Oshun, after the Vodoun goddess, and they teased him without shame and with plenty of spite. He came to despise them, his malicious family, and as he grew to adulthood and his colors deepened, he rebelled.

"I'll be damned if I'll waste my time talking to the dead," he thought. He snuck out at night and dug up the freshly buried dead to dismember them, rendering them useless to his family members. When at last he was caught, he was kicked out of his home and his parents disowned him. He became the shameful secret they'd raised him to be, and they pretended he'd never existed. He was never mentioned at family reunions; after a few decades, they forgot all about him.

Setting up shop in his own run-down house, he began to use the skills his parents had taught him for excavating graves without damaging corpses. Stealing bodies and taking them back to his basement for experiments, he became obsessed with creating life – not just temporarily restoring a semblance of life, but actually creating it. He started with limbs and other body parts, testing various formulas and herbs for their effects at preserving flesh. Then he tried reanimation of individual parts. Pleased with his progress, he soon advanced to reassembly and successfully reanimated a few choice monsters (Frankencluck, Frankenpie, etc.).

But he was unhappy. His family was renowned, and he was excluded. This infuriated him. He dreamt of revenge, of showing them the error of their ways. He continued his experiments, but now with the living. He abducted transients, luring them to his basement lab with promises of food and shelter, where he experimented with various formulas intended to render them into zombies under his control. When these transients inevitably died under his treatment, he simply used them for his reanimation work. Why waste perfectly good corpses, after all?

When at last he was ready to punish his happy (if evil) family, he gathered his potions and set off for home. Morostide had come round again and the family was gathered for their annual reunion. Dozens of cousins, uncles, nieces and nephews, grandparents, and siblings were in attendance. While the lot of them were taking their traditional graveyards tour, he snuck into the house and spiked the Skull Punch with his potion. Then he hid in the woods nearby to watch. When the family returned from their outing and dug into the usual Morostide feast, he watched as the punch was served and everyone had their fill. Then he emerged into their midst with an evil sneer.

"Your days of basking in the glow of admiration as the Shadowglen elite are over," he told them. "You will live the rest of your days as zombies, doing whatever menial tasks I assign you. You should never have abused me. Now I will have my revenge. Once I might have wanted to be a part of this family, but now I seek to end it, to twist it to my own purposes. Damned I may be, but damned I always was, and . . ."

Profile, overlay, story, and layout by ShetaKaey.

Pet Treasure

Grave Robber Toolkit

Grave Robbing Kit

Gravedigger Shovel

Bed of Forever Sleep

Chained Coffin


Cursed Voodoo Coffin

Vampire Coffin

Cheap Tombstone

Cross Tombstone

Darkmatter Tombstone of Smacking

Half of a Tombstone

Obelisk Tombstone

Professional Tombstone

Shallow Grave

Spooky Tombstone



Crypt Dust

Dead Person

Gnawed Thigh Bone

Tiger Bones

Unearthed Bones

Dark Shaman Buck Skull

Twitching Skeleton Prop

Beetle Juice



Black Goats Hoof

Blood Soup

Bloodshot Jellied Eyeball

Boar Tusk

Brain Matter

Canopic Jar of Heart

Chicken Foot


Cow Horns

Cow Tongue

Cupids Impaled Heart

Dark Shaman Raccoon Tails

Dark Shaman Bone Staff

Dark Shaman Bone Chestplate

Dark Shaman Bone Necklace

Dark Shaman Jaw Bone Club

Dark Shaman Tooth Armband

Demon Wing

Drowned Squirrel

Grotesquely Long Tongue

Heart Warming Soup

Jar Of Zombie Drool

Monkey Paw

Mutated Heart

Oozy Intestines

Raven Claw

Raw Chicken

Severed Goat Head

Severed Zombie Arm

Viper Fang

Spurned Zombie Love

Zombie Chew Toy

Bloody Zombie Foot

Moldy Zombie Foot

Radioactive Zombie Foot

Raspberry Finger Licker

Old Copper Smiling Bridle

The Juicer

Black Skull Votive Candle

Distilled Rum

Dark Death Potion

Demonic Vanity Mirror

Gris Gris Bag

Paralix Crystal Ball

Shadow Dust

Zombie Can Opener

Zombie Club

Blackmoons Cursed Axe

Blackmoons Cursed Moonrock

Cursed Gingerbread Cookie

Peanut-Flutter Cursed Chocolate


Dark Espergile

Decapitated Puppy

Demonic Peeper of Doom

Dillema Corrupted Soul

Ebilness Squirrel




Skull Matter




Zombie Demon

Zombie Kitten






Arid Voodoo Doll

Bleached Red Rreign Voodoo Doll

Bloodred Voodoo Doll

Bunny Voodoo Doll

Cursed Voodoo Doll

Blue Voodoo Doll

Darkmatter Voodoo Doll

Dyed Red Rreign Voodoo Doll

Feli Voodoo Plushie

Ghostly Voodoo Plushie

Graveyard Voodoo Doll

Green Voodoo Doll

Pink Voodoo Doll

Pumpkin Voodoo Doll Plushie

Sun Voodoo Doll

Tigrean Voodoo Plushie

Bottled Voodoo Doll

Twilight Voodoo Doll

Undyed Red Rreign Voodoo Doll

Voodoo Doll

Voodoo Bovyne Plushie

Voodoo Montre Plushie

Hearts Zombie Doll

Love Zombie Doll

Rash Zombie Doll

Skullion Plushie

Squishy Zombie Kitten Plushie

Virus Zombie Doll

Graveyard Kanis Plushie

Zombie Kitten Plushie

101 Uses for Zombie Drool

101 Ways to Bribe the Old Wizard

Book of Blight

Book of Demons I

Book of Demons II

Book of Demons III

Book of Demons IV

Book of Demonic Names

Cooking with Chef Zombie

Cooking with Zombie Drool

Cursed Book

The Death Book

Distinguished Zombie Gentleman

Fast Food for Zombies

The Necronomicon

Nightmare Journal

Sewing for Zombies

Stained and Torn Family Album

A Tale of Trickery

Zombies 101

Zombie Bite Patterns

Zombie Growth Tracking

Zombie Training

Gray Zombie Book

Green Zombie Book

Orange Zombie Book

Purple Zombie Book

Bile Colored Cologne

Acid Zombie Zaliva

Blood Zombie Zaliva

Drool Zombie Zaliva

Earwax Zombie Zaliva

Flesh Zombie Zaliva

Pus Zombie Zaliva

Rotten Egg Zombie Zaliva

Snot Zombie Zaliva

Pet Friends

Badass just like me!

Good luck getting past him!