
Reynaud has a minion!

Minion the Winter Sphinx

Legacy Name: Reynaud

The Custom Nightmare Yaherra
Owner: Santiago

Age: 8 years, 8 months, 2 weeks

Born: August 3rd, 2015

Adopted: 8 years, 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: August 3rd, 2015

Pet Spotlight Winner
June 25th, 2021


  • Level: 123
  • Strength: 278
  • Defense: 309
  • Speed: 340
  • Health: 323
  • HP: 323/323
  • Intelligence: 32
  • Books Read: 32
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

“I am broken. Broken by my past, broken by what I was forced to do,
broken by the things I can’t remember.
My memories are like the wings of an undead dragon - full of holes, ripped into pieces.”

- Reynaud De Sauveterre, Death Knight of the Ebon Blade

The Great Cold, Day 21, 619 K.C.
Howling Fjord

"You are an ass, you know! A big one!” Kitai growled at Reynaud who was standing in front of her, looking at her with his piercing blue eyes. He had his arms crossed over his chest, standing aloof in his black armor, seemingly untouched by her words. A slight smirk played around his lips.
Kitai hated him for that and worst of all, he knew exactly what effect he was having on her and that made her more furious.

Reynaud enjoyed Kitai’s anger and the self-satisfied look on his face made it obvious. “I only told the truth and if you can’t handle it you should not have asked me.” His voice had once again assumed an arrogant undertone.

“I didn’t ask for your opinion! “ Kitai could have slapped him right now. He had the talent to make her want to kill him, even though she knew she would never stand a chance against the Death Knight. She was talking to the tavern keeper about some recent events near the small town, telling him what she thought about the matter. It was just her luck, that Reynaud overheard the conversation. He liked to tear her opinion into shreds making her look stupid in front of others.

She hated him but had no choice since her Master had told her how essential her cooperation with the Ebon Blade would be. She simply didn't expect that they would send her such an arrogant idiot who made everything that much harder.

“Then you should be thankful I was so generous and gave it so freely.” Reynaud looked at the redhead in front of him and smiled, knowing that would anger her even more. He enjoyed upsetting the otherwise quiet woman. He always did love to make people hate him. It was easy and kept them at distance. He did not want the past to repeat.

Kitai wanted to slap that arrogant smile off his face almost as badly as she wanted to tell him he should keep his smug comments to himself. Instead she took a deep breath and tried to calm down. “De Sauveterre I did not want your opinion. No one asked for it. Keep it to yourself and shut up.” She explained calmly, using his last name as she always did when she was really angry. Reynaud's smile broke into a satisfied grin.

Kitai stared at him, her lips pressed together. She wanted to scream but doing so would not be wise, not in front of the inn keeper. It would make her look like a hysterical fury, something Reynaud intended for sure. She attempted to cut Reynaud with a scathing reply but he got in first.

“I am sorry but Kitai sometimes loses her temper. We should discuss the matter when she has calmed down a bit,” Reynaud explained to the keeper who slowly nodded. Kitai felt as if a fist had struck her face, and was unable to utter a word.

“I will bring you something to eat, please take a seat.” The keeper pointed at a table in a far corner of the room. He felt uncomfortable in the presence of the Death Knight and wanted him somewhere far away. Sadly, he could not simply throw him out of his inn as the intimidating Reynaud had given him no reason to do so.
Reynaud nodded, walked to the table the keeper indicated, and sat down on the wooden corner seat. All his movements reflected the arrogance of the Death Knight, even sitting down. Kitai watched him and if she’d had the ability to stare him to death, he would have burned into a pile of ashes immediately. The young woman followed him and sat down on one of the chairs opposite him.

“Do you enjoy it?” she asked without hesitation.

“What are you talking about?” Reynaud looked at her as if he had done nothing wrong.

“Don’t pretend you do not know. You are very well aware what I am talking about, De Sauveterre.” Kitai was angry, really angry. Reynaud could see it but she was hurt as well. She tried to hide it, but Reynaud knew that look on her face. It was not the first time he'd seen it.
He had shamed her in front of the keeper. This circumstance seemed to hurt her more than what he had said.

“You take things I say way too seriously.” He said dryly. “With your bitchy behavior you look like an immature child. No one will respect you.”

Kitai looked at Reynaud in disbelief. She was so struck by his words that she did not know what to say.

* * *


The Great Cold, Day 35, 619 K.C.
Howling Fjord

Reynaud stopped his big horse on top of a snowy hill and observed the small village of no more than twenty houses nestled into the valley beneath him. Near the center of the little settlement stood an inn with a creek which passed on the western side. Someone else might call the sleepy, snow-covered village beautiful. He hated it.

People who lived in such places were often prejudiced against his kind, so clearly that was where Kitai had gone. He had not seen her for days – not since he had behaved like the biggest asshole on all Azeroth. He hadn't even had to violate the orders Mograine had given him. He should have been happy. No one tells him what to do. No one tries to befriend him. So why did he feel so bad about the situation?

He growled, angry with himself for beeing worried about her shortly after she disappeared. She was all alone only, save by her wolf which he had gifted her in a fit of sentimentality some month ago. Kitai was no child and she knew how to master the land she grew up in. He did not doubt her abilities, but he had thas bad feeling something was totally wrong. This feeling had driven him here, at a place he usually would have avoided.

Reynaud focused back on the village which lay still before him, unnaturally quiet. Normally at least a few people would have had to do their daily work despite the cold but Reynaud saw no one, something he should have recognized earlier. He softly kicked his horse into motion and started to trot down the hill which churned up the snow covering the ground.
The snow swallowed most of the big beast's sounds and only its soft snorting and the gentle creaking of leathers could be heard. The Death Knight did not care. His black form could have been seen from afar long before someone could have heard him. But there was no reaction. No one closed the shutters, no one who watched him mistrustfully, no insults were hurled, no mothers dragged their children back into the house. The village was like dead.

Near the outskirts Reynaud restrained his horse and slowly dismounted. He could see why nothing in the village stirred anymore. Someone had killed the inhabitants, but killing was not the right word for what the Death Knight saw. Most if them had been slaughtered. Some others had been tormented and nailed alive to their own front doors where they had slowly died. He patted the neck of his horse and walked to one of the doors where an older man had found his death. He must have suffered long before he finally was allowed to die. With his armored hand Reynaud carefully closed the dead eyes that stared at him.

His stomach clenched and Reynaud was glad his condition made it impossible to vomit. The sight did not even leave the death knight cold, which many would be surprised about. Many believed he and his people were cold, heartless monsters.

A lot of the Ebon Blade are broken individuals who try to find a place after all the suffering they had to endure and all the things they had to do - A hard task because his kind was not well liked and only tolerated, not accepted. Reynaud understood the prejudices to some extent but he could not accept the fact that most people would not even give his kind a chance.”

Reynaud took a deep breath, more out of habit not because he had too. He slowly surrounded the house, looking for a window to take a look inside. He simply could have opened the door but the dead body nailed to it had stopped him.

At the back of the house he found, what he had been looking for and carefully peered into a small dark room, the kitchen by the look of it. Nothing seemed unusual in there, and he suggested that they must have gotten the poor old fellow in the living room. Reynaud smashed in the thick uneven glass with his armored fist and squeezed through the small window, which was harder than expected. It took a moment to finally make it through but in the end he stood in the dimly lit room.

Reynaud waited until his eyes had adjusted to the dim light before slowly making his way to the narrow passage that led to the large living room. Chaos dominated the room. He could clearly see that someone had raged in here.
The simple furniture had been overturned or destroyed; blood stained one of the walls. Looking closer, he could see the curved shape of an old woman, obviously dead. One of her hands had been cut off and a big blood stain bloomed like a red flower on her chest.

The Death Knight approached the corpse carefully and closed her eyes. “I will make them pay,” he promised with a hushed voice,“ and made his way to the small staircase which nestled against the east wall. Reynaud was glad his armor was not as bulky as what most of his brethren wore and therefore had no trouble getting upstairs. The lowercase staircase was tight and even the pauldrons of his armor scraped slightly along the wall. The wood creaked under his heavy footsteps and almost swallowed the short, soft whimpering. Reynaud stopped at once. Silence.

He did not move. Only his eyes searched the corridor that lay before him. At the end, a door hung awkwardly on its hinges, as if someone had kicked it in. It must have been closed afterwards. It was strange. No one who ravaged a village and slaughtered its inhabitants would care and close a door.

The death knight continued cautiously to avoid any noise, yet the leather of his armor creaked softly and parts of his chain mail collided with a slight metallic scratching. He unsheathed one of his swords, which he carried on his back and used his free hand to push the door open. The door squeaked in protest, but swung open until it stuck on a fallen drawer.
A bed was pushed against one of the walls. Opposite had been a wardrobe, now overturned on the floor. Some clothes were scattered in the room. Someone had caused destruction just for the sake of it. Reynaud could hear the whimper again and now he could tell where it came from. He walked over to the bed and kneeled downto peek under it.

Huddled under the bed was a small figure visibly trembling, staring at Reynaud with large fear-filled eyes. Reynaud was staggered by what he saw. A little boy, maybe four or five winters old. The Death knight hadn’t expected that and did not know what to do. He hated children. These little monsters annoyed him and always asked stupid questions. Nonetheless, he felt sorry for the child whose family must have been slaughtered like the other inhabitants of the village. The boy had been very lucky that nobody found him here. A simple look under the bed would have been enough to find him.

The little boy whimpered again softly and pressed himself against the wall. It already annoyed Reynaud, but he could not just leave him alone. He took a deep breath and removed his helmet to void scaring the child any further. Hopefully the sight of a normal human face would help to get him out under the bed.

“It’s all right.” The Death Knight spoke in a calm voice. “You can come out. They are gone. I am not one of them and I can bring you home.”

“There is no more home.” The boy sobbed so softly that Reynaud could barely hear it. “They broke everything, even mommy and daddy.” He shivered again, as if he remembered what happened. Tears had started to run down his face.

“You can’t stay here alone.” Reynaud watched the boy cowering under the bed. He carefully held out an armored hand. “I can bring you somewhere safe, somewhere warm.”

“I… I am not allowed to go with strangers.” The little boy wiped his tear-wet eyes with his sleeve. It felt strange that after all what must have happened the boy still insisted on something so banal he had learned.

Reynaud suppressed a sigh. He had no time for such silly games, but he also could not leave the boy behind. He would stand no chance and either starve or freeze to death.

“When I tell you my name and you give me yours, then we are no longer strangers.” Reynaud still hold out his hand. “I am Reynaud ” The Death Knight forced a narrow smile.

The boy hesitated for a moment before placing his hand carefully in the man's much larger one. “I am Arik.” The boy stated with his tiny voice tear-chocked voice.

Reynaud carefully pulled Arik out from under the bed. Arik was extremely thin and the dirty clothes he was wearing seemed way too big for his tiny figure. He would need something to keep him warm otherwise he would not survive the ride to the Ebon Blade Outpost. Reynaud stood up and pulled the small boy to his feet who had started to sob again.

“We need - “ Reynaud started to explain, when the boy clung tightly to the much larger man. Arik shook all over and his soft sobbing passed into a heart-melting weeping.

* * *

Next chapter can be found on
's profile

Description of Reynaud:

Human Death Knight of the Ebon Blade. He portrays himself as an arrogant, smug, cynical bastard – a mask he hides his true feelings behind.

Surname: De Sauveterre
Name: Reynaud
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark brown
Height: 182 cm
Weight: 78 kg
Age: When he became a Death Knight he was 26 years old.
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Human


Reynaud’s brother and his parents are still alive but they believe Reynaud to be dead.

Remarkable Features:

He is a Death Knight and able to raise undead.


Piercing blue eyes, stubble, messy hair, brawny built, tanned skin.

Kind of clothing:

He is mostly seen in his dark armor. When not in his armor he prefers black and dark blue shirts and dark leather pants.

Body modifications, Scars, etc.:

Reynaud's body bears a bunch of scars from former fights – most noticeable of which is near the right side of his spine from a sword that pierced his lungs, causing his death.

Renaud’s left back is tattooed with a phoenix rising from the ashes (black and greyscale tattoo).

What does he eat ?

As a Death Knight he does not need to eat to survive. However, he can still taste food and enjoys the experience of eating foods like game meat and anything containing chocolate.


On the outside Reynaud comes off as smug, cynical and prideful. He has a tendency to anger others for fun and especially enjoys when they lose their tempers. However, these qualities are a mask. While he is no longer under control of the Lich King, he is vaguely aware of having done many cruel things at his bidding. Of the rare things he can recall, killing his best friend and assisting in the deaths of his best friend's family were the most damaging. He now makes it a point not to allow anyone to come close enough to be hurt again.

* * *


Profile done by Ares and special thx to Ferrox for the help on the CSS code.

Story by Ares and special thx to Loralai & Gossamer for beta reading.

Reynaud is © Santiago

Overlay done by Godhead

Portrait is © Santiago

World of Warcraft world setting and Ebon Blade crest is © by Blizzard.

Pet Treasure

Ornate Obsidian Armor

Armor of Thieves

Coal Heavy Winter Cloak

Gauntlet of the Shadow Knight

Blades Off the Hip


Snow Queen Sword

Katana of Ice

Fierce Ice Blade

Icicle Knife

Hazelnut Roguish Locks

Winter Sphinx Trinket


Grave Reminder

Goohund Skull

Rat Skull

Skull Candle Holder

Opal-Horned Skull

Gourd Witch Bat Flower Skull

Relic of the Snake

Relic of the Otter

Relic of the Hare

Relic of the Cat

Necromancer Ensorcelled Bone Pile

Antlephore Pelvis


Stolen Pieces of Bone

Tiger Bones

Gnawed Thigh Bone

Freshly Harvested Fruit Bones

Overgrown Mammal Bones

Shed Erdoo Tooth


Cursed and Spotted Hand

Necromancer Disturbed Crypt Dirt

Necromancer Rotting Incantation

Delish Silence Candle

Bone Orchard Marker

Shallow Grave

Blood Trail

Mutated Heart

Diluted Boobitis Dose

Diluted Virus Dose

Banshee Sleepless Night

Mystical Icicle

Long Fallen Icicle


Frozen Twig

Pile of Snow

Living Permafrost

A Melty Ice Cube

An Ice Cube

Cursed Ice Shard

Golden Dawn Crystal

Enchanted Ice Fragment

Iceflow Glacier Fragment

Preserved Primitive Subetan

Ice Floe

Shattered Pond Ice



White Owl Statue

Frosted Down Feather

Snow Dusted Snoohok Feather

Snow Dusted Bloodred Apple

Krampus Pygmy Evergreen

Snowy Lumineve Tree

Sprucey Wallcling

Snowy Village Blacksmithy

Frozen Hut of the Groundskeeper

Snowy Village Skating Pond

Shattered Mirror Shards

Bear Ice Rock Totem

Narwhal Ice Rock Totem

Fox Ice Rock Totem

Reindeer Ice Rock Totem

Owl Ice Rock Totem

Winter Sparkles Sticker

Snowflake Sticker

Bottled Ice

Artificial Prism Chalice

Book of Melt

Auroras of Winter

Snowflakes: A Compendium of Patterns

Uses of Maharglass

A History of Necromancy

Diary of a Skeleton

Magical Tales of Adventure

Bound in Thread

Black Book of the Undead

Boobitis Codex

Calcified Book of Osteomancy

Ghost Ship Ledger

Necromantic Grimoire

Map Display Board

Death Knight Legeica Figurine

Graveyard Legeica Plushie

Dark Rider Posable Plushie


Graveyard Irion Plushie

Smug Terrorbeast Beanbag





Zombie Action Figure

Endurance Leeches

Speed Leech

Strength Leech

Tiny Carrion


Dead Flesh Fisher

Crypt Hound

Roasted Crown of Lamb

Roast Pork Loin

Roast Beef

Roast Pheasant

Fireside Roast Turkey

Roast Rabbit

Roast Suckling Pig

No Scurvy Mead

Chocolate Coated Peanut Butter Egg

Chocolate Cream Egg

Chocolate Cream Chocolate Egg

Dark Chocolate Truffles

Caramel Chocolate Egg

Toffee-Filled Chocolate

Partially Eaten Chocolate Strawberry

Milk Chocolate Almond Bark

Homemade Dark Chocolate Egg

Homemade Chocolate Cake

Homemade Chocolate Chunk Brownie

Choc Chip Brownies

Dark Chocolate Almond Bark

Crumbly Mocha Treat

Dark Chocolate Alegarten Brownie

Chocolate Chip Coffee Cake

Vegan Chocolate Chip Macadamia Nut Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookie

Chocolate Dipped Shortbread Cookies

Pet Friends

Like a millstone around my neck.

I hate children...

One of my Brethren.