
Legacy Name: Sean

The Cherry Montre
Owner: Aquarius

Age: 11 years, 9 months, 3 weeks

Born: June 23rd, 2012

Adopted: 10 years, 10 months, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: May 25th, 2013


  • Level: 79
  • Strength: 197
  • Defense: 197
  • Speed: 196
  • Health: 197
  • HP: 182/197
  • Intelligence: 164
  • Books Read: 164
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Store Manager

One’s body is inviolable
subject to one’s own will alone
Sean lazily pushed a row of products back on the shelf, picking some out of his cart to add to the floor stock before rolling the squeaky wheeled contraption to an empty aisle, where he could take a short break in silence. That was the thing about working in a large store like Wal-Mart: there was never a spare moment where there wasn't a customer eyeing what you were doing or what you were putting on the shelf, or another whining in their most tired, irritated voice about how they couldn't find what they were looking for it in this 'big store'. Sean had just sat down on the edge of the metal shelf when he could see a customer coming down the aisle, prompting him to pretend to be putting up more boxed products until they had finally shuffled away. Save for the few giggly girls that would pass down the row, looking at the various hair ties, brushes and god knows what else, Sean was alone and could allow his mind, and his eyes, to rest. It had been another sleepless night, his thoughts carrying him into the wee hours of the morning where he laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to drift off. But the relief would never come. All he could think about during the night was getting more - more of the delicious, intoxicating stuff that made every day bearable and sent the energy pulsing through his veins like liquid caffeine; a constant high. He could feel his phone vibrate in his pocket but he couldn't bring himself to open his heavy, tired eyes. Whoever it was would just have to wait a little bit longer.
continue... hide

This roleplay made me throw up a little, it was so bad. You think I'm going to put that up? I don't think so.
Coming soon.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ac sem in sem iaculis sagittis. Praesent maximus luctus nisl. Etiam placerat velit purus, eu efficitur nibh feugiat ut. Nunc sit amet diam diam. Donec tortor enim, convallis id elit sit amet, vehicula fringilla enim. Curabitur ac nunc a dui volutpat maximus vel sit amet nisi. Morbi gravida ex malesuada maximus iaculis. Aliquam erat magna, tristique et gravida ac, facilisis at turpis.

Integer leo metus, consectetur nec nisi in, vulputate maximus magna. Nam elit neque, ultrices scelerisque vestibulum ac, bibendum non dui. Sed finibus ornare tortor, in sollicitudin magna blandit ut. Nunc dapibus rutrum viverra. Suspendisse malesuada, massa ut hendrerit ornare, erat neque accumsan enim, eget dignissim dui augue nec turpis. In in magna neque. Nam a purus velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas aliquet, nunc vitae egestas tempus, eros risus tempus lorem, in porttitor metus lacus vel arcu.

Nullam rutrum, turpis eget iaculis viverra, elit ipsum convallis ligula, ac vestibulum nunc augue a ante. Pellentesque gravida ligula at arcu molestie congue. In consequat molestie finibus. Suspendisse rutrum sodales libero. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus sit amet magna ac ligula ullamcorper cursus. Praesent ornare massa nec dui sagittis, sit amet viverra turpis gravida. Praesent sagittis, diam ac vestibulum ultrices, mauris felis porttitor eros, id pulvinar lorem leo sit amet lorem. Nunc eu sollicitudin diam. Maecenas consequat sem sit amet ligula molestie euismod vel at mauris. Cras vitae volutpat tellus, sed ultrices dui. Proin commodo diam dui, quis vulputate tortor dapibus sed. Proin venenatis neque non ipsum luctus, sit amet efficitur ante blandit.

Maecenas lacus ante, pharetra mattis maximus sed, imperdiet nec orci. Suspendisse blandit augue non erat bibendum maximus. Fusce porta sapien at dui pulvinar malesuada. Praesent vitae consectetur massa, id pellentesque tortor. Sed non mattis lorem. Pellentesque eget pharetra nibh, vitae porttitor lorem. In a dapibus lorem, vel eleifend ipsum. Nullam aliquet pulvinar justo, ac rhoncus neque laoreet nec. Donec faucibus enim a justo accumsan, ac commodo nisi blandit. Nam sed efficitur est. Aliquam elementum accumsan justo vel tempor.

Duis ornare ipsum vel consequat tincidunt. Aenean id dictum augue. Vivamus auctor accumsan vulputate. Praesent at mauris non est molestie dictum eget a ante. Proin sit amet ultrices orci, eget varius erat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed ut semper urna. Praesent diam eros, dictum nec ornare ac, lobortis ut odio.

Religion brought them together.

Sean Holmes found himself in need of a change. Following years of living in his sister's shadow, he found himself attracted to the seedy underbelly of society, pulled in as an addict. His drugs of choice weren't those found on the streets but those bought in stores; paint cans, glue, nail polish, cough syrup - anything he could get his hands on. And he did get his hands on these drugs; easily. Kelsey , his older sister and closest friend, refused to watch her brother live a life of destruction and pain. Instead, she chooses to not watch: with a baby on the way, she can only move on without him..

While Sean sank further into his addiction, he watched the high cannibalize his passion for the things that used to give him life. Desire and addiction stole everything he ever touched from his job to his family...everything except Andrew..

Andrew was a loner himself, living by his own types of desires unapologetically and, unlike so many before him, he wasn't deterred by Sean's addiction. He recognized that the man needed saving and he offered him a saving grace: religion. Andrew introduces Sean not only to a world of rewarding one's self but to others who share his world view like Julianne, a hardworking paralegal and single mother of one. Sean isn’t new to the religious savior game - but with teeth bared, he somehow finds himself swept along..

Albeit unsure given his previous track record with religion, Sean gives it a chance and along with it, gives Andrew a chance as well. From the religion blooms the warm embrace of the most carnal of desires but also a deep, selfless love unlike anything either of the men had ever felt. The Satanic Temple had shown him compassion when all he had faced was judgement. Now, what once seemed like a pipe dream of sobriety for Sean could become a reality but is Andrew so willing to give up his self-centered worldview as someone else joins him in his spirituality?.

But that's not all Sean has to worry about..

Long forgotten (and long forgetting) Kelsey, now having settled into her own life, reaches out to her younger brother to see where exactly he ended up...only to realize that he's involved with a group of satanists. Horrified, Kelsey pushes her disaster of a marriage aside to save her little brother from a sure life of disparity. Despite the push for him to get out while he still can, Sean refuses and, instead, urges his sister to befriend Julianne with high hopes that she'll come to understand..

Little does Kelsey know how quickly she'll come around..

Ave Satanas expands on the misunderstood and misrepresented view of Satanism, specifically, The Satanic Temple and what it means to the individuals who practice it. This religion, like many before it, bring people together for good; but is too often clouded by overblown media stories and misconceptions of what it’s actually about. Here, we may explore the power of people willing to show compassion without judgement, and how these customs apply to the lives of four very different people who are all seeking the same thing: basic human desires without the judgement they, too often, carry with them.


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Pet Treasure

Bloodred Vandal Spray Paint

Cream Vandal Spray Paint

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Empty Blue and Teal Spray Cans

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Gold Vandal Spray Paint

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Vibrant Green Spray Paint

Vibrant Purple Spray Paint

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Enamel Thinner

Pet Friends