
Serieux has a minion!

Rem the Punni

Legacy Name: Serieux

The Glacier Chai
Owner: emiliers

Age: 8 years, 8 months, 2 days

Born: October 23rd, 2015

Adopted: 8 years, 8 months, 2 days ago

Adopted: October 23rd, 2015


  • Level: 18
  • Strength: 40
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 40
  • Books Read: 40
  • Food Eaten: 5
  • Job: Drycleaning Fetcher

Name: Serieux / Rieux
Species: Human Mage


Best friend of Tsuri and always trying to keep her from falling prey to excessively bad planning. Usually doesn't succeed and often gets dragged into the mess for his trouble. Comes from an old-school, strict mage family, but an incident involving his older brother spurred Rieux to strike out on his own. Also has one younger sister who he still sees occasionally.

Pet Treasure

Shinwas Orb

Taurus Pendant

Pet Friends