
Victoria Ventura has a minion!

Freedom the Veegle

Victoria Ventura
Legacy Name: Victoria Ventura

The Custom Common Popoko
Owner: Melissa

Age: 14 years, 1 month, 3 weeks

Born: April 11th, 2010

Adopted: 14 years, 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: April 11th, 2010


  • Level: 166
  • Strength: 408
  • Defense: 409
  • Speed: 407
  • Health: 407
  • HP: 407/407
  • Intelligence: 406
  • Books Read: 397
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Hotel Chain Owner

I'm Vic Ventura, an engineer by trade. If you're looking for an engineer, I'm currently available for hire. My boss unfortunately no longer needs my services.

My passion is flying high above Atebus, looking down at the beauty of Subeta. It's the only place I can really clear my head and feel free, with nothing to worry about other than the hum of the engine and feel of the controls on my fingers. I envy the birds who fly alongside me.

It took me five years, but one of the happiest days in my life was when I finished my own biplane and took her on her first flight. She'll never be truly finished, though. There are always ways to make her better when I have the time to myself. There's a little spot overlooking the city where I like to sketch my ideas without interruptions.

You can find me with my longtime friends Adriette Lockwell, Jules Yun and Garret Fox when I'm not working or with my plane.

Adriette is my best friend. We've been close since we were kids. I think we get along so well because we're polar opposites. I just wish that she would close her legs for a minute and open her eyes to the man who's right in front of her face. Poor Jules.

Garret is kind of like an older brother to me. He's always there for me, at least when he's not busy with his numerous lady friends. I think Adriette is secretly having a competition with him. I'm not sure who's winning. I really wish he'd give back my straightener. It's not like I don't care at all about my appearance!

Jules likes to talk while I listen and give advice when he needs it. He's been through a lot. I think he takes comfort in our chats. I know what it's like to not be understood, being a female engineer who doesn't have feminine hobbies like Adriette does. I've been trying to get him to directly tell Adriette how he feels for her so they can talk about it, but he has a hard time expressing his emotions.

There's also Isaac Yun. Oh, Isaac. I suppose I'm going to follow suit with Jules on this one.

Overlay by raichu
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Pet Treasure

Ventura Globe

Wooden Biplane

Gaslight Wrench

Tinkerers Knapsack

Mechanics Of Wondrous Contraptions

Tan Pilot Hat

Gaslight Simple Goggles

Heavy Cog Bookend

Ventura Trinket Box

Victoria Doll

Victoria Bobblehead

Adriette Doll

Adriette Bobblehead

Garret Doll

Garret Bobblehead

Jules Doll

Isaac Doll

Vernon Doll

Marcel Doll

Prosciutto and Cheese Wrapped Fig


Pet Friends

Oh, Isaac -sigh-

Jules Yun
Poor Jules. I really identify with him.

Garret Fox
My "big brother" that I can really count on

Adriette Lockwell
My best friend since we were little girls