
Sticky Tick has a minion!

Little Sticky the Bee Blub

Sticky Tick
Legacy Name: Sticky_Tick

The Nostalgic Xotl
Owner: complicated_kindness

Age: 5 years, 1 month, 3 weeks

Born: April 7th, 2019

Adopted: 5 years, 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Adopted: April 7th, 2019


  • Level: 115
  • Strength: 291
  • Defense: 291
  • Speed: 290
  • Health: 291
  • HP: 291/291
  • Intelligence: 433
  • Books Read: 433
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Head Harvester



So how did I end up with Sticky Tick? Funny story…

He was stuck to the side of my house. Being a responsible and knowledgable Subetan, I donned my thickest gloves and very carefully put him on a nice, comfortable tree. That was that, I thought, but the next day he was back. So I found a better tree for him. Or at least, I thought it was a better tree, but I guess not because he came back again… and again…. and again…

Until the day I went to pick him up and he jumped onto my face.

Needless to say, I was alarmed. After washing my face several times, I realized there was just going to be no getting rid of him. From the way he had made himself comfortable on my pillow, I had to assume he agreed.

So it was off to Paw Natural (plus a quick stop at Medicontra to see about a bulk-pack of xotl-poison antidote) with my new friend perched happily on my shoulder. I got him everything a xotl could need: a huge enclosure, fancy humidifier, plenty of sticks and leaves to climb on. I put him in, where does he go?

You guessed it; my face.

It seemed no matter what I did, he wanted to be right there with me, kind of like a certain, difficult-to-remove bug. And if I’m being honest, I think the name only encouraged him. But if I was going to keep the most clingy xotl in all of Subeta, I would need some kind of plan.

My solution? Xotl onesie. Slippery on the inside, soft on the outside, he stays nice and moist and I don’t have to see Selina everyday. Now if I could only find a way to keep his tongue in. He sticks that thing on everything .

I do love it when he sings, though. You should hear him sometime. I bet if you asked him real nicely, he’d sing something special, just for you.

Sticky Tick

Sticky, sticky, sticky Tick! Sticky, sticky, sticky Tick!

Oh, you speak xotl? That’s pretty cool because I also speak xotl. It's nice to have things in common.

Do you want to know what my favourite thing is? It's peas! Also, my toothbrush. And I don't know if you've ever been to the minion zoo but it is full of minions and that is also my favourite thing because I get to take home whichever one my tongue sticks to. It's pretty great.

Norik called me Sticky Tick because once I find something I like I never, ever, ever let go, including them! Also I am a little sticky, but that's just cause I'm a xotl and not because I need bath.

Baths are the worst. I do not like them, I do not like them at all.

Right now I only have a few treasures, but I've been saving things I like in my gallery. At first it was just smiley vegetables, but there's so many other smiley things I want to keep. And squishy things. And soft things. And scrunchy things to pounce on. I'm very good at pouncing. It's all in the wiggle.

Norik says I’m hard to shop with because I want to keep everything, but I don’t know what they’re talking about. I don’t want everything, just the good things, which… okay, I guess there is a lot of good things out there. That’s why I got a job! Now I can buy all the peas I want. I started out as a taste tester at Half Baked (those tongue marks are my stamp of approval), but I just got promoted. Who knows, maybe one day they’ll let me try to bake something. What do you think of pea-fly pie? I think it sounds delicious.

Little Lamb

Met Sticky Tick back when I was just a harvester. Jumped right into my hood and wouldn’t leave. Poor Norik was so embarrassed, took twenty minutes and all their treats to coax him out. Worked out well in the end. Now that I’m an aeanoid we get along much better. Never have a mite or aphid problem when he’s around. Makes a good sparring partner, too. Just remember:

Watch out for the wiggle, avoid the tongue, and always protect your face.


Well hello there. Say, you wouldn't know how to get xotl slime out of devonti fur, would you? Asking for a friend.

Just kidding. I’m a pro at it by now. But I’ll let you in on a little secret. He is — and you didn’t hear this from me — a good boy. Shocking, I know.

Is there a fly bothering you? He’ll take care of that. Feeling peckish? He’s got day olds from the bakery. Can’t sleep? He’ll sing you a lullaby, sweet as can be. Oh sure, he’s a menace, but who here isn't?


My advice? Don’t use p-e-a-s to bribe him. He keeps a stash of them in his onesie and trust me, you don’t have enough. Try c-h-e-e-s-e instead, or any kind of b-u-g. Never touch his t-o-o-t-h-b-r-u-s-h. I don’t know why he’s so protective of it, he doesn’t have any teeth.

Why the spelling? He has excellent hearing. Just say the word 'walkies' and he’ll come out of nowhere and land right on your f—


Profile Template by Lea.

Background Image by Norik, aka complicated_kindness

Love of Peas courtesy of Sticky Tick

Pet Treasure

Single Pea

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Dead Fly

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Parmesan Cheese Treat

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Single Pea

Blue Toothbrush

Pet Friends