
Diaries has a minion!

Secrets the Precious

Legacy Name: Diaries

The Custom Common Neela
Owner: Milky

Age: 5 years, 2 months, 2 weeks

Born: March 14th, 2019

Adopted: 5 years, 2 months, 2 weeks ago

Adopted: March 14th, 2019


  • Level: 1
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

If your name isn't Dia, you should NOT be reading this personal PRIVATE diary. Turn back now or I'll unleash my wrath on you. Final warning.


Dear diary,

It's me, Dia again.
Well, I don't know why I said again, as you are a brand new diary.. So I guess I'll catch you up to speed

I'm a young girl in my 20's, I live in a rural town where not much happens on the surface at least

My best friend is ??????, No I'm not throwing shade, that's literally her name. Her parents thought it sounded prim and proper I guess, but she's a snob. I'm not much different

I have a group of friends, they're honestly the only thing that keeps my life interesting..

School is a bore, the boys are a snore, the rich ones are gay. I mean honestly, whats a girl to do? Myself and my friends are the only cool, good looking ones in the town to be honest. I mean, none of us would even be together if it weren't for me.

I know I'm mainly talking about lame life stuff, but to be honest, this little rural town has a darker underbelly.

Oh, I'm late for class! I've got to go!

Thanks diary, xox Dia.


God you're such a brat. Is you're mommies and daddies money not enough for you? Jeeze, get over yourself!
I've never met someone so entitled and bratty in my life, have you ever had to survive on your own? You're such a greedy little thot. No wonder we get along so well.


You're so pretty, it seems as if all they boys are chasing you! But are they doing that at their own will? or is this another one of your tricks?
You might be one of my best friends, but the way you can manipulate others around you scares me. I'm ashamed to say, that sometimes I try and hide my feelings from you; because it all seems like a game.


I thought you were a sweet hipster girl at first. Into the artsy scene, a bit different than the others, but you're just the same, arent you?
Is it all just an act? I know what you really want.
You want to open people eyes, and look behind whats real and not. You want them to see what you see.
Not gonna happen, sis.


Dear Diary,

I feel nervous, even just writing this... but I've gotta tell someone, even if it is just you, a book.

Myself and my friends we're... different? And no I don't mean "we aren't like the other girls" or something dumb like that, I'm not fourteen and moody, gosh.
It all happened when I was 16. I didn't have the friends I have now. We were brought together by some anonymous creep who likes to write notes like we're in the fourth grade.

You see, people just open up to me, about their secrets. I'm basically a diary myself. All I have to do is whisper in their ear, and they'll whisper back with all their secrets and truths they didn't want anyone to know of. It's sort of like my secret power. Me and my friends call them our abilities

It seems we all were able to unlock and unleash our abilities after we matured enough to be able to harness them. Each of us have our own little power that we are able to use at our own will. These powers are what made us the popular girls we are today.

I'll have to tell you all about the other girls powers next time. It's late, I'm tired

Goodnight Diary xox Dia.

Dear Diary,

It probably feels like I've been leading you on... teasing you a bit. I have to admit, it's hard letting out the secrets I've had to keep for so long. And they aren't just my secrets anymore.

Myself and my friends, before we even knew each other, had all received the same note separately. We were instructed to meet at in an old abandoned field, where we would learn more about our powers.
I had no clue others existed. We all showed up, but the anonymous writer never did. But we found each other. We realized we all had a special bond, one that was rooted to our abilities

Prissy has the power to make anyone give up their possessions, just by asking nicely and looking them in the eye.

Coveted is gifted with a sort of love power, and can make people desire herself, or another, by writing love notes

Bohemian can make you want something, or change your personal tastes.

Kelsea is not only forgetful, but she can make other people forget events, and even erase people from a persons mind.

And I already told you about myself. I can make you tell me your deepest of secrets.

The catch is we can't use them on each other. Meaning we have to be linked somehow.

Anyway, it's weird opening up like this. I'm meeting up with the girls today, I'll update you if anything happens.

Thanks Diary xox Dia.

Pet Treasure

Extra Girly Diary

Glittery Notebook

Love Notebook

Angelic Notebook

Flower Notebook

Remarkably Unremarkable Notebook

Sibling Diary

Journal of the Pink Fleece

Pet Friends