
Karemi has a minion!

Ezra the Lili

Legacy Name: Karemi

The Cream Tigrean
Owner: BlackGemini

Age: 14 years, 7 months, 4 days

Born: October 28th, 2009

Adopted: 14 years, 7 months, 4 days ago (Legacy)

Adopted: October 28th, 2009 (Legacy)

Pet Spotlight Winner
December 29th, 2010


  • Level: 2
  • Strength: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Speed: 10
  • Health: 10
  • HP: 10/10
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Books Read: 0
  • Food Eaten: 0
  • Job: Unemployed

Ezra, a world full of wondrous sights and various races. Ezra’s lands consist of everything from barren deserts, to snow-topped mountains, and even sprawling oceans and forests; Some of these lands are inhabited by the many different species of Ezra and some are left untouched by sentient beings.

During the fifth century of Ezra’s existence, the discovery of a runic material called “Rema” brought about an unprecedented era of advancement. This material was highly sought after for its ability to be crafted into durable items, it’s ability to amplify magic, and as a general form of currency. Magic became formally practiced by the gifted, technologies and new inventions were created, and the art of battle was refined thanks to advancements in armor and weaponry.

Unfortunately, due to its high demand across Ezra, Rema became increasingly sparse and greed began to consume some of the races. Wars broke out, feuds were formed, and as a result the races started to drift apart from one another. Orcs, Goblins, and the Minotaur took the side of evil, while Humans, Elves, and Dwarves forged alliances and empires in the name of good. Most of the humanoid races (excluding the minotaur) declared neutrality and became isolated from the other races, only interacting with the others on rare occasions.





Likes:Lush forests, plant-life, butterflies, small animals, strong spirited individuals, affection.

Dislikes:Wars, conflicts, arguments, injustice, bugs, cold water/weather, evil.

Personality:Karemi is terribly shy and introverted. She prefers keeping to herself, having a hard time feeling comfortable in large groups. She is very quiet and tends not to speak very much. However, even through her insecure shell, she is a kind-hearted and loving being. She admires those with a strong spirit and wishes sometimes she could be stronger. She hates conflicts and wars, and seeing the world in battle over something so small, has saddened her soul.

Powers/Abilities:Karemi is a shaman, a healer of sorts. She specializes in herbalism, taking the powers of nature and plants to create a variety of potions and healing remedies. Her abilities also extend to being able to manually heal individuals. Her healing powers count as white magic, giving her a small variety of abilities in order to defend herself if needed. She is very inexperienced at physical combat, and usually evades fights if at all possible.

Background:Karemi was born and raised in a small village, named Ni'ma, surrounded by a deep forest. Ni'ma was a perfect place to grow up. There was never any kind of disagreement amongst villagers, and they all worked and lived in harmony. Her father was the master shaman of the village, and taught Karemi everything from basic herbal remedies to white magic. Her mother was a master tailor, and supplied the villagers with clothing, bedding, curtains and everything else in between. She was an only child, but she shared her childhood with an older boy that also lived in Ni'ma named Zekenon. They were best friends, and shared all their experiences as they grew up. Around the age of 14 is when the Rema War broke out and the village was one of the many smaller areas affected by the battle. Karemi escaped the village with her mother and Zekenon, while her father stayed behind to defend their home.

Sadly, Karemi's father did not survive the fight and left behind her and her mother to fend for themselves. Zekenon's family was also lost in the battle, driving him to such fury and anger that he left behind Karemi and left to join the war. He sought revenge and nothing Karemi said to convince him otherwise would sedate his rage. She never saw her friend again, her heart saddened at losing so many people due to the war. Karemi and her mother found their new home far from any known villages, keeping to themselves as a way to grieve for their lost people. Karemi's mother enhanced her healing abilities and taught her whatever else she had learned from her late husband.

Karemi, still living with her mother, usually frequents the local towns, cities and villages to sell her medicine to support herself and her aging mother. Though the Woren have a very long life expectancy, the sadness that the two hold in their hearts is sometimes unbearable. Still, Karemi hopes that the world will improve and that they will be able to return to that peaceful life they once had.

Appearance:Karemi is quite tiny, and stands a mere 5'4". She was always teased for being a very short Woren. She has very short and soft fur, with strange markings resembling those of a Calico cat. She has waist long beige-blond hair, with a sideways bang cut. Her eyes are an amazing green hue, almost the same tint of the trees and plants she's usually surrounded by.

Her attire consists of a thigh long linen blouse, with cotton shorts she managed to afford at one of the local trade shops. She has a pair of worn-out leather boots, with the front missing to make room for her "paw" feet. She wraps her hands and legs (to her knee) in beige-colored bandages, to support the use of her magic and shamanistic abilities. She usually wears beads around her neck and tail, along with some jewelry that her father gifted to her as a child on her tail.

Art of Karemi
Sad & Sitting by User not found: staria
Color Reference Sheet by User not found: staria
Bashful by gaia_nighthand
Chubby Chibi by User not found: naginatax
What a Lovely Tail by Puuka
Bubbly Smile by Stuffy
Cute and Awkward by Slytherin
Playful Wave by tan
Oh So Shy by User not found: hallica
Tiny and Happy by User not found: mayamaniac222
Beautiful Butterflies by wakuwaku
Oh, Look At That! by M3D1C4T3
Terribly Nervous by Anonymous
Serious Beauty by fresh

Profile by Deja
Profile Art by User not found: staria
Overlay by Sayona
Story of Ezra by User not found: naginatax

Pet Treasure

In the Forests

Book of Nature

Shaman Gnarled Staff

New Growth

Field Potion

Enchanted Bottle of Forest

Clear Glass Square Bottle

Empty Vial

Empty Corked Glass Bottle

Bottled Vacuum

Empty Beer Bottle

Juniper Oil

Hyacinth Oil

Nutmeg Oil

Honeysuckle Oil

Pixie Dust

Wooden Mortar and Pestle

Marble Mortar and Pestle

Fresh Mistletoe

Common Rue

Mandrake Root





Pet Friends