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Rating: 0.84%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: Light Yagami from Death Note.
He is a beautiful monster, and believes he can do anything


Rating: 0.84%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: Esmaralda from Hunchback of Notre Dame
This is the Gypsy who the hunchback longed for. She likes to dance in the streets.

Mine is inspired by the Disney version.


Rating: 0.84%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: I cosplaying Kotobuki Tsumugi from anime K-On <3 I love this character so much~ Much fuuun in cosplay! *o*


Rating: 0.84%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: I am Cosplaying as Light Yagami. He is from a manga/anime called Deathnote.

I didn't really have an inspiration xD I was just wondering who I should Cosplay as and Light Yagami came up :p

I know I am most likely NOT going to win but I thought I should do this just for shits and giggles...


Rating: 0.83%

Team: Manwar

In Their Own Words: GANTZ kurono~:heart:


Rating: 0.83%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: Mystique


Rating: 0.83%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: You think everyone is who they say they are?

Who is Salt?


Rating: 0.82%

Team: Nico


Rating: 0.82%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland


Rating: 0.82%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: britney spears:)