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Rating: 0.58%

Team: Manwar

In Their Own Words: "'Stoneheart. Is that who you mean?' Lord Randyll had spoken of her, back at Maidenpool. 'Lady Stoneheart.'

'Some call her that. Some call her other things. The Silent Sister. Mother Merciless. The Hangwoman.'" ...

"Lady Stoneheart lowered her hood and unwound the grey wool scarf from her face. Her hair was dry and brittle, white as bone. Her brow was mottled green and grey, spotted with the brown blooms of decay. The flesh of her face clung in ragged strips from her eyes down to her jaw. Some of the rips were crusted with dried blood, but others gaped open to reveal the skull beneath."--George R.R. Martin, A Feast for Crows.

If you are wondering why the fish, then you need to read the books!


Rating: 0.58%

Team: Manwar

In Their Own Words: 50's Girl in poodle skirt


Rating: 0.58%

Team: Manwar

In Their Own Words: This is Hylonome, a female centaur in Greek mythology. Together with her beloved husband Cyllarus she fought in a battle. When he was killed by an arrow, she used this arrow to kill herself, because she could not love without him.


Rating: 0.57%

Team: Nico


Rating: 0.57%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: Presenting the Lovely Jill Valentine.

Along with her grace and courage, she is well equipped for any Zombie situation xD.

Anyway, I chose Jill because Resident Evil 3 would be my most favourite Game out of the RE series. [Warning: it's hard to find a cheap gun and a waist jacket or something white for the waist that looks remotely like a Jacket, at least I tried xD]


Rating: 0.56%

Team: Manwar


Rating: 0.54%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: i got this idea from when i was a very little girl i always dreamed of being a princess


Rating: 0.54%

Team: Nico


Rating: 0.53%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: An attempt at Fiona Glenann from Burn Notice.


Rating: 0.53%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: Just a regular Goth-Nerd Fan Girl At EPICon to enjoy her love of video games and anime.