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Rating: 2.57%

In Their Own Words: Kishin Asura from Soul Eater


Rating: 2.57%

In Their Own Words: Chrono from Chrono Crusade.

His powers were a curse and he wanted to prove that he could control them and not be the 'demon' that he was rumored to be. In reality he was also shy and just misunderstood by everyone who wouldn't give him a chance.


Rating: 2.57%

In Their Own Words: Amanda Bynes


Rating: 2.57%

In Their Own Words: Sofie from Howl's Moving Castle


Rating: 2.57%

Custom Wearable entry

In Their Own Words: Beyonce the singer with the clothes form her videoclip: Crazy in Love.


Rating: 2.57%

In Their Own Words: Yuki Cross from Vampire Knight.


Rating: 2.56%


Rating: 2.55%

In Their Own Words: My inspiration is Doctor Frank-N-Furter from The Rocky Horror Picture Show.


Rating: 2.53%

In Their Own Words: This is Shawn he is a prince though he wasn't raised as one. He has a tough past and has seen many kinds of cruelty; therefore, his aim as prince is to prevent such things from happening. His kingdom is a large island called Shadow Lake, named so because all of the shadows of society live there supposedly. He rules only non-humans such as elves and shades. He is only 17 and has only recently inherited his land and is recruiting new members. He must always wear black because he is tradition among his people that they wear black until they are married, then he can wear blue (because his eyes are blue) along with the black. He always carries a bag and is always armed with at least one knife among other weapons. He loves to read and remembers everything he has ever read and was born able to read in any language even those he has never seen. The first thing he built on his new land was a massive library which he fill with books that only speak truth, no fiction allowed. His people believe in only truths and most are not even capable of telling lies. His blue eyes are a marker of his reading ability which is extremely rare and is even rarer for his particular race to have. You can tell his race because he has black hair which only the shades have.


Rating: 2.53%

Custom Wearable entry

In Their Own Words: Rao/Ninetails from Okami.