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Rating: 26.06%


Rating: 26.04%

In Their Own Words: The Cheshire Cat from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland


Rating: 26.03%

In Their Own Words: Dana Scully from The X-Files.


Rating: 25.99%

In Their Own Words: Miguel from the Road to El Dorado.
My favorite non-disney animated movie, and my favorite character from said movie.
I don't see much love for these characters or movie at cons, so, I thought I'd give it some love on EPICon.
Clothes were as close as I could get them, it was pretty tricky getting some of those items to look as close as I could.


Rating: 25.97%

In Their Own Words: Dean Winchester from Supernatural.


Rating: 25.96%

In Their Own Words: Jesus from the New Testament


Rating: 25.92%

In Their Own Words: Princess Zelda from the Legend of Zelda games. (Ocarina of Time, ect.)


Rating: 25.89%

In Their Own Words: Miss Piggy from the Muppets.
"This, you see, is my ultimate ambition – to live a simple life with the frog I love."
On being described as plus-sized, "If by 'plus' you mean extra, fabulous, gorgeous, gimme-some-of-that figure, then yes. If you mean FAT, then no!"
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may become necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye."


Rating: 25.89%

In Their Own Words: "Why is the rum always gone?"
Captain Jack Sparrow is one of the Brethren Court, the Pirate Lords of the Seven Seas. He is the on and off Captain of his beloved ship, The Black Pearl, and is known for his one liners, his cunning plans,his self saving tendencies, his love for his hat, and dislike for a particular monkey.


Rating: 25.84%

In Their Own Words: Freaky Fred from the Cartoon Network classic, Courage the Cowardly Dog. He's been a little...nauuuughty..