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Rating: 10.44%

Team: Manwar

In Their Own Words: mrs.Lovett
from the movie version of Sweeny Todd


Rating: 10.43%

Team: Manwar

In Their Own Words: This is Poison Ivy from the popular Batman series.


Rating: 10.4%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: Draco Malfoy


Rating: 10.33%

Team: Manwar

In Their Own Words: I did my cosplay off of the Red Queen or the Queen of Hearts from Tim Burtons Alice In Wonderland.


Rating: 10.32%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: The inspiration came from being a fan of Jeffrey Thomas's twisted princesses and that his back story for Alice has always been my favorite.


Rating: 10.31%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: San from Studio Ghibli's "Princess Mononoke"


Rating: 10.31%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: My inspiration was from Hope Estheim from Final Fantasy XIII. He was my favorite character in the entire game and he was the one with the best character development, having been put in the middle of the fray with no experience since he was just a normal kid living a normal life until the Purge.


Rating: 10.3%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: I decided to cosplay as Blade from Blade because he is epic and I am hoping to run into Edward.


Rating: 10.3%

Team: Nico

In Their Own Words: Storm from the first X-Men movie.



Rating: 10.24%

Team: Manwar

In Their Own Words: Codex as played by Felicia Day from the web series 'The Guild'. HA inspiration specifically from the music video 'Do You Want to Date my Avatar?'