Luminaire Contest

We're looking for your best winter themed avatar, so make sure to bundle up! Make sure to use a snowy item or backdrop to complete the scene!We are currently processing the votes, and the winners will be posted shortly!Note: Okay for some reasons the snowballs weren't removed and hate me. Please try to imagine the avatars without the snowballs when you vote. Or imagine they're super luminairy snowballs!

Find user:

#151: Squit:

Rating: 77.01%

#152: Delhi:

Rating: 77.01%

#153: MikiDaCrow:

Rating: 77.01%

#154: Nightwing:

Rating: 76.97%

#155: Euporie_371:

Rating: 76.97%

#156: Hogwarts:

Rating: 76.96%

#157: Lantern:

Rating: 76.96%

#158: Lobo:

Rating: 76.92%

#159: Sammii:

Rating: 76.88%

#160: InstantKarma:

Rating: 76.88%