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Subeku is made of up a 9x9 game board, with nine 3x3 blocks contained within it. Each row, column, and block contains nine individual squares.
Every row must contain the numbers 1 - 9. Like rows, every column must also contain the numbers 1 - 9. The order of the numbers for columns/rows will be different for each column/row, so no two columns or rows will be identical.
Blocks, the smaller 3x3 regions of the game board, must also contain the numbers 1 - 9. There will be no duplicate numbers in any block, and each block will be unique from the others.
The goal of Subeku is to complete the puzzle so that each row, column, and block contain the numbers 1 - 9 only once.
If the game is not picking up your keyboard actions, try clicking in the grey area below (not on the game itself)!