
Subeta & Ads

Hi everyone! If you have a normal account, I'm sure you've noticed that in the rotation with our site ads, you now see Google ads. I want to take a minute to tell you why, and also just discuss ads in general with you.

I'll be honest, I hate ads. I think that they're ugly. However, I think that a lot of people get the sense of 'selling out' when they see ads on a site that they love, which is something I don't agree with. If your favorite blog has ads, that means that they're just trying to make money on the content that they're making, that you enjoy, which I don't think is wrong at all. Now you're thinking that we already make money from the Cash Shop, what do we need more money for?!

The first thought a lot of people have when they see ads beyond selling out is that they are there just to create a lot of extra money for the people running the site. I know that when ads pop up people get this idea that we're getting rich on the Subeta Team, and I may be putting a down payment on a plane with my face on it. While that would be awesome, that is not the case. We're in a bad economy right now, which means that sadly our users don't always have the option to buy cash shop items like they have before, and maybe not as much, or even at all. Ads give us another stream of revenue so that we can continue hiring new staff, releasing new content (art costs money!), and keeping the site running smoothly on the server side. All of these things cost a lot of money and having another stream of revenue is extremely beneficial to us in our quest to give you guys the best website EVER.

Right now we have the ad in the rotation at the top of the page. I admit that this may not be the only ad that you see on the page as a normal user in the future. We are testing with other placements, and there is a possibility that they will show up in other places. If you don't want to see ads we highly suggest purchasing a Gold Account, but also googling "Adblock" and the name of your browser will remove them.

Thank you everyone, and we hope you've been enjoying our plot so far!
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Posted by Keith

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