Item Change: Elixirs

Lilac Ontra Elixir
Dusk Tigrean Elixir
Golden Torrey Elixir

I'm sure you noticed, but today we changed the general pricing of all of the elixirs in The Magic Box. We did a couple of things:

1. Increased the prices on all elixirs about 7-10x the price they were, depending on rarity.

2. Removed all elixirs from vending machines.

Our goal is to make elixirs profitable for restockers, and something that new (and old!) users have to save for to get. Right now at a price of 1,000sP and just sitting in the magic box (or easily vendable, or purchase from a user for 50sP) there was no need to worry about getting an elixir.
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Posted by Keith

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