The Subetian High Council has been created!

This gives a chance for normal users to get involved in the upcoming legal system of Subeta.

There is more information on the page. Please take the time to read it, and nominate members. It will benefit the users greatly in the future.
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Posted by Keith


Moral can't spell in general applekins. ACTUALLY, we have been learning more about hitler and the dictatorship (tyranny) than anything else xD

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This is a really nice idea <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>
<br>I really hope it works out and doesn't end up as a popularity contest...
<br>A thought though: some people don't want to do it, some people don't care, soem people do want to do it.
<br>Perhaps a better way to have started would have been for people to put themselves forward (if they have the requirements), and then a few days later people would be allowed to choose people from the list.
<br>(I realise a list might not work out, but perhaps if someone enters the name of someone who didn't put themselves forward it would say "error: this person has not said they want to be on the council" or soemthing).
<br>Anyway, just a thought, I like the idea, I hope good people get on the council and it works out well.

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I'm here to play games, not get a stuffy and serious. Good luck to all I guess. XD


For once, I'm actually glad I don't fit the requirements for something on here <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


lol, Appleroo! Wow, that is really exciting. (I get so excited during elections. I can't even vote yet. lol.)
<br>Hm, I'm not a fan of parties though.
<br>I don't think the rep thing is too harsh. I only rep people who deserve it as well. And I don't give out s/n so people don't bother me there. lol.
<br>Hmmm, I'm not sure who I'll nominate... I have an idea... I think I'm going to check around the forums more to see who shares the most ideas with me.
<br>*squeals* Eeek! I'm so excited! =0D

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"-hands out campain posters- I have been studying politics at school for 5 weeks ^______^ " -- Moral
<br>And yet you still can't spell 'campaign'? ;D Sorry, just kidding, Moral crazy can dear. <3

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*agrees with Moral* Thats why I didn't say whom I nominated. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


I've nominated, but I won't say whom ;x
<br>You guys should REALLY stop telling who've you've nominated, remember the ancient athenian democracy?


I NOMINATED just_call_me_tracy! OMG! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_shocked.gif border=0>

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Vote for me! Joking... unless you want to of course. I already voted for some one. *hugs the person she voted* I luff her. ;D
<br>Good luck everyone! <3

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Vote for me! Joking... unless you want to of course. I already voted for some one. *hugs the person she voted* I luff her. ;D


I only rep people who deserve it, and I haven't had any issues with that sort of thing (people asking me to +rep them) but i'll cross that bridge when i come to it ^^
<br>25 rep isn't all that hard to get, just be active and helpful around the forums ^^


I have to agree with loudgrrl on that one. I've already had several people ask me to give them rep on AIM so that they'd qualify for the position =/

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I think the rep requirement is a little rough (and trust me, I don't mean in my case, I haven't been here hardly any time at all, I could never do a good job with this <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>). The rep system was only just fixed, and prior to that most people who are actually good, solid members of the site were skiddish about giving out rep at all. So basically that requirement makes it to where the nominee had a friend or random person give them loads of rep in one shot, or they convinced 25 new players to give them rep. I realize the situation is not that cut and dry, but it is something to think about.


"Authentic of the American legal system Who said thats what I was basing it off of? "
<br>Haha, well Subeta should make it's own unique political system then ^-^ Like none other on this earth xD


I would probably qualify but I doubt you kids want some old lady doing it. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0> I do think it could be a good life experiance learning tool.


Awww... *desperately wants to try but knows she has no chance at all* I fir requirements ^^ yay! I love political stuff! It's good practice for this future lawyer


"Lol true, true. It would make things more authentic though ^-^ Parties really shouldnt affect anything, more of a thing of refrence "
<br>Authentic of the American legal system <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0> Who said thats what I was basing it off of? <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


I just nominated ^^ I hope we get to nominate again soon.
<br>Voteformoral! -hands out campain posters- I have been studying politics at school for 5 weeks ^______^


I don't fit the requirments. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0> lol
<br>But this is a great idea Keith. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif border=0>


Keith I'm still slightly confused as to what the council would do, and not knowing that makes it very hard for me to decide who to nominate considering how can I be expected to select the person I feel is right for a position among the council when I'm not sure as to what this position would require of them.

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<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0> I fit all the requirements except my rep isnt high enough. Darn and I really think I could have helped alot. Oh well.


I think this is a really cool idea. I nominated someone. How many people can you nominate?


Lol true, true. It would make things more authentic though ^-^ Parties really shouldnt affect anything, more of a thing of refrence <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>

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Error: You cant nominate yourself!
<br>o.o Guess that answers THAT question... xD Mind you, I was just checking.


Beagle, we dont want seperation. Everyones main focus is Subeta.
<br>There aren't many things that seperate partys wouldn't agree on.
<br>Maybe during the first session, partys can beformed, btu I dont see it being necessary or really turning out all that great.


Maybe in a few days, I will allow peopel to nominate again, beagle.
<br>And no, you cannot nominate yourself.
<br>One of the first jobs of the Council will be to look through the T&C, make revisions, etc.
<br>Also, there is talk of the entire freezing system being changed, and put in front of the Council.


Lol so do I mega, politics is wonderful ^-^ The council should be able to pick parties.. Ex. Democrat, republican, independant. That would be nifty.


I fit the requirements as well, and love politics! XD Vote for me!!! =0)
<br>This could be a really stupid question, but I'm not sure: Can you nominate yourself?


Keith can we nominate more than one person? Lol, wow this is very well thought out. There will even be terms ^-^ This council should draft a constitutuion for subeta xD


I'd just like to make one last reminder, that these people will be representing you (the users). The staff has not yet decided how long they will be in office.
<br>So I'd choose <i>very</i> carefully.

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It's good that you include a clause about this not being a popularity contest. It's important that this doesn't become one.
<br>As it were, I don't fit the requirements, but that's ok. I'm not good in leadership anyway. I'll just sit back and see how this all pans out.


I also fit requirements ^-^ All this polital stuff is making me excited <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>

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Ooh, Subeta Council. Extremely cool. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>


Aww, I fit the requirements, but I think I'm too quiet on the forums to stand a shot. ^^ Oh well, good luck to everyone! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>


Omg!! That is so cool Keith xD Your ideas are always so Awesome <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


Awesome! Anjd I fit the requirements too! -sits down and waits-

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