I won't normally do this, but I just wanted to beg everyone, to go to here and vote for Point Pleasant, as a returning series.

I'd also like to recommend it as a show, its really nice, and the writers are just getting into it, and know what they are doing (finaly, the first few eposiodes weren't all that great). Also, for those of you who were fans of buffy, if the show comes back (only going to happen if they get more viewers), James Marsters will be appearing in season 2 :) thank you :3
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Posted by Keith

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The show may or may not be worth saaving in my opinion. I think that they should bring Tru Calling back, at least playu the unaired episodes, then decide which one is better. (Tru Calling was one of my favorite tv shows, until they pulled it to show P.P.) But fans of P.P. dont get your hopes up, from what I read the reviews weren't very good and the rating were slipping, that network is usually pretty quick to cut shows that dont agree with Nelson families....(sorry, I just have to go ranting sometines, Tru Calling was a great show)

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Voted! I've only seen two episodes, but it seems like Point Pleasant is definitely a good show worth keeping! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0> If the network's going to cancel anything, it should be their reality shows, NOT P.P!!!! Grrr!!! By the way, if anyone has access to multiple computers, please vote for Veronica Mars and Joan of Arcadia too!!! Those are some of my faves. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif border=0>

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I voted, though I have no clue what it is. Anything to help, though.

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I wish there were an option to save a show and cordially ask all networks to kill every reality TV show they are currently airing.

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I love that show! <3 I watches it every thursday! -scurries off to vote-


Hubby will want me to vote for him as well. Can you vote twice from the same computer?


Hubby will want me to vote for him as well. Can you vote twice from the same computer?

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I voted. I love that show too<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0> Always watch that and Medium although Point is better<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>

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Um I voted... o_0

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Okay, I voted. Mostly because I didn't ever watch any of them xD (Cable TV ISN'T as good as you think)


I love that show...And the fact I've been to the real Point Pleasant millions of times is another reason. xD

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But but but... ;_; Bah, this is what comes of being a hermit and not keeping up with things, I had no idea it was even doing badly. I hope they had enough notice of being cancelled to round up the ongoing plot and stuff. :/


OK I voted


I have been watching it. Is there an online petition or something. I love that show so does Hubby.

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Ok because all i read was it was talk and nixon would like james on the show, but it was official yet.


Lycan, theres no way enterprise is coming back, half of the cast has already auditioned for new things xD


Uh....well, I would, but I already voted for a different show earlier <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0>.

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Well, I went there to vote for that program you mentioned but OMG Enterprise was on the list too! O.O **clings**


I read it on TVTome, one of hte producers of hte show was a producer of Buffy.
<br>She said that she already has James on for next season, with Eliza Duskuh possible.


My sister watches Point Pleasant, so I'll let her know to vote. ^^
<br>I have to vote for Veronica Mars myself since I LOOOOVE that show (and Aly Hannigan was in an episode and might be in more in the future for you Buffy fans as well). <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif border=0>

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I am sorry. I only can vote for what I've seen ._.

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James will be in it? where you read that? <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0> i never enjoied that show but if hes going to be in it i;ll check it out <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0> hes going to be in a show the 19 i think too, should be interesting. Is it a WB show? the wb have a thing about getting rid of good shows, i think they are screwing themselves over.


sure.. for you I'd watch it.

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Nuu...Vote for American Dreams...or both...lol. I heard American dreams may be canceled next season <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0>


Never seen it, not that i watch Tv much anyways x3 I voted for it, sound slike a great show <3


No problem; I've been known to watch that one too. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>

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Gladly Keith. I <3 that show! -Adam-

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