Subeautique Revamp: Rainyday Solar Flare

Rainyday Solar Flare Earrings
Rainyday Solar Flare Wrap
Rainyday Solar Flare Necklace

Rainyday Solar Flare Hair Piece
Rainyday Solar Flare Kimono
Rainyday Solar Flare Headpiece
Rainyday Solar Flare Ankle Wrap

Rainyday has updated their retired Solar Flare Subeautique line!
User Avatar: 744

Posted by SubetaTeam




Since they've ruined this set i'll just sell it but of course now the pieces arnt worth half as much as they used to be. I hate revamps.


Honestly, the Kimono used to be one of my favorite items, and I have to agree with the majority here, that it no longer looks like one. It no longer works for use on one of my favorite HAs to make so I guess this is a challenge to make a new one just as good/fun.


Aw I really don't like these new versions, especially the ankle flare wraps. I don't like the emphasis is now on the wraps and suns instead of the flares. I feel like you guys are always out to update and improve the artwork, but at the same time just because the artwork is old doesn't mean it's outdated. The original pieces were fine and better than these IMO.


Huh... I think the jewel colors should stay more orange-red like in the old version than changing to yellow since the overall colors got revamped towards yellow hue... having the jewels stay orange-ish red would have made the jewels popped more than the current yellow colors on the jewels, but the flares around the body is definitely better in the new one.

I also liked the folds in the clothes better in the old version. New versions, the drapes and folds on kimono were not as defined as the old version which in my opinion actually made the kimono looks a little too tacky AND too short. Old version you can think of it as your HA was holding the bottom of kimono folded above the knee, new version honestly no real kimono was that short on the bottom which made me wonder if it was short due to insufficient fabric when making it -_-;;


The new jewelry looks a lot clunkier than the old ones, and I don't like how the colors are more yellow-ish than orange. I honestly don't think that the old jewelry needed a revamp; the colors and the dainty-ness of it made it look like proper gold jewelry. This new jewelry looks a bit more like costume jewelry. Too

Also, the kimono looks nice, but I feel like it loses some of it's elegance? Like, the new kimono looks like it's cheaper than the older one.

I'm sure that the artist put a lot of effort into this set, and the effort is very much appreciated, but in this case, I think that there is room for improvement


This is like an entirely different set, and not in a good way. =/


I'm not happy with the revamp of this set. I'm sorry to the artist who took their time to redraw this set & their apparent effort to liven it up.

I'm alright with most of the revamps because for the most part they are very true to the orginal lines or they have been slightly altered to have them line up with the HA. I'm dissapointed with the Kimono because it completely other then the bust line has been altered. I really loved the fabric lines in the old version and how it was sheer but looked heavy like a kimono really is suppost to. The new version is like a 60's flare sleeve long shirt & I'm very dissapointed that it has been very much changed.

This set only needed some minor tweeking of the art such as making the lines around the suns alittle more clear and the hair colours to be blended alitte more with some highlights. All of the jewelery has been changed, made bigger and the colours are so different from the old version. I'm not liking the change of the colour pallet.

The lack of respect from the previous artist and changing it to make it the new artists preference is really quite lacking in honouring someone elses work. The line art is heavier and the old look of delicate pieces is lost. I understand it's hard to be the one to freshen up old art work but this particular case alot was changed from the orginal.

I really hope that Subeta considers redoing this set again to be closer to the orginal set that was made.

To the Artist, sorry your work wasen't well recieved & It's a little hard to not take personally when you had the best intention but recieve a very negative outcry from a fanbase. We don't have to like something that has changed but we can be clear and kind in how we say our dissaproving comments.

Also I wasen't finished writing when my computer posted my previous comment. Sorry for the repost.


I'm not happy with the revamp of this set. I'm sorry to the artist who took their time to redraw this set & their apparent effort to liven it up.

I'm alright with most of the revamps because for the most part they are very true to the orginal lines or they have been slightly altered to have them line up with the HA. I'm dissapointed with the Kimono because it completely other then the bust line has been altered. I really loved the fabric lines in the old version and how it was sheer but looked heavy like a kimono really is suppost to. The new version is like a 60's flare sleeve long shirt & I'm very dissapointed that it has been very


Yay to those with constructive criticism! Thank you to those calling for manners! lol ^_^

So my two cents (cuz Lord knows we need it baha):

As stand alone items, I love the kimono, and the wig, and the lines on the swirls coming from the accessories! My only qualms are the size/brightness of the suns on the accessories and the chunkiness of the chopsticks in the hair.

When compared to the old set, again, the way the new suns stand out over other items is a bit aggravating. I'm not sure if it's the size, color, or both but they are just a bit bulky. The earrings too have lost that dainty feel and seem more like showy costume jewelry than semi-precious metals/jewels as they seemed before. Comparing old and new also brings to my attention that the diamonds hanging from the ankle-wraps are not quite diamond shaped and the way they hung before seemed much more natural. And yup, I'm gonna agree that the way the kimono seemed to be being held up by the HA was charming and I'm sad to see that go. I still love the kimono though, in it's own right, it's different and that's a bummer in one way, but it's still gorgeous so yay.


This was one of my favourite sets. Sadly no longer :(

Honestly, when I compare them side-to-side, the 'new' revamped version looks like old artwork.

I hope this will be reverted, especially after reading many of the other comments here.


I like the way the new hair has lift and that the color is brighter but the hair sticks are choppy and the lines on them as well as the ankle adornments are black and distracting instead of the muted brown they were before.

The last thing is the gems, before they were subtle and not overpowering, the new ones are bright and look like solar flares, which I get is the point, but they are distracting and detract from the overall look.

Overall I can say that while the other revamped sets are a little disappointing in some aspects, this one as a whole is the first one that I have truly been disappointed with. That said i will probably be selling my pieces that I own.


I like the way the new hair has lift and that the color is brighter but the hair sticks are choppy and the lines on them as well as the ankle adornments are black and distracting instead of the muted brown they were before.

The last thing is the gems, before they were subtle and not overpowering, the new ones are bright and look like solar flares, which I get is the point, but they are distracting and detract from the overall look.

Overall I can say that while the other revamped sets are a little disappointing in some aspects, this one as a whole is the first one that I have truly been disappointed with. That said i will probably be selling my pieces that I own.


I have been rather silent about the revamps because I understand that the artists try their best to do their job. I am however disappointed in the set as a whole. The kimono used to be one of my favorite accent pieces and I can say that it is no longer.

Please understand, I am an artist and I know how criticism can hurt, so please be kind on the artist, they were only doing their job.

All told, I liked how the old kimono was looser, it worked will with layering and the colors were vibrant but not overbearing. The little solar flares on the jewelry when pieced with the rest of the set didn't overpower it or take away from the nuances of the kimono. The new ones are too bright and make it hard to see anything underneath them.

The hairstyle on the old one was a bit outdated but


Normally when a revamp that isn't up to standard, I hope that said artist views the News Post comments to see where most people feel the revamp went wrong.

Here though? I legitimately wonder how some of you function in society. I really hope that the artist doesn't see half of the shitty and over dramatic comments people have left here.

There are plenty of great critiques about the change to the shape of the kimono, the changes to the jewelry (seriously that line art is causing issues), changes to the wig, but those are lost amongst the ridiculous tantrums of people screaming "OMG SHE RUINED IT! HOW DARE THE STAFF CHANGE MY STUFF"


I loved the old one! Now you've almost managed that I dislike the whole set. I'm disappointed by this revamp.


I would like to remind everyone that no matter how you feel about how something looks on Subeta, an artist took time and hardwork to create everything you see on this website.
Try to keep that in mind when saying you're saying how you feel about something... <_<


Wow, I normally like the revamps but this is horrible!
This is- no, WAS one of my favorite sets, because I loved how everything looked. Guess I can take the pieces off of my WL, I'll likely never be using any of this set again... :


Well, this WAS my favorite set. Thanks for ruining something that was beautiful to begin with.


Nice. You ruined one of my favorite tique sets. Bravo, you guys are just on a roll!


The hair is ruined. Sigh.


Hate the Kimono Revamp. It's just so stiff looking. I was sad to log in today and see my avatar with an ugly looking Kimono. :/


While I do agree the shape of the suns is a little gaudy, I do love the revamp of the kimono and wig. Now I have to get that kimono!


This "revamp" makes me sad


Well luckily for all of you who want to sell the items now, prices skyrocket any time they do a revamp regardless of how much people seem to dislike the results....


I really don't think a lot of the SubQ revamps are very good revamps. :/


I don't like the jewels shape, but amazing job on the kimono ^^


Well, looks like I am going to sell the whole set.
The old kimono was extremely beautiful. But now? Nope.

The artwork is nice, but not fitting for the wardrobe.
Especially kimono and wig are both in the wrong direction.
I don't really care about the other things but... please, remove the revamp of the kimono :(


why do the colours look so gross now?? ?
the shading is lovely but the colours are just gaudy bleh


I'm very disappointed about the kimono revamp. The old version was absolutely lovely and had just the right amount of drapey. This new one looks too form fitting and tight, and doesn't even flow in the same way. I also liked how in the old version it looked like the HA was holding the kimono skirt up, now it just looks like it was made to be ultra short. The art is lovely, but the style of the set has changed, and I don't like that.


Why do i bother collecting every subq item!? they look so blahhh now


The shading is very lovely, especially in the swirly part, I like the kimono revamp, but I really don't love the contrasted/shiny toy-like nature of the suns on, and the bauble-y things on the anklets? The old earrings were and accessories were much more elegant and workable. Most of this set is accessories, and they look too chibi like stickers/toys :( I actually prefer the old swirlies also u_u; I feel like the geometry was a bit better, to layer into items D:


Well, maybe not all of the set, as I said in my previous comment, but the jewelry pieces ARE going, because they look, as may others have said, cheap.

The kimono and hair I do kinda like now that I take a second look at them, but other than that, this set, one of the ones I nearly had all of the pieces two, is dropping off my favorites now. I just hope the Nebula set (which I'm wearing now), doesn't suffer that same fate...


I love all the items on their own, as individual pieces. The flares off the jewels look so much better and more painted and beautiful. I feel the old were too... Thin? They didn't have much presence. I do think the puffiness of the hair looks slightly out of place, but it's not too bad. The only piece I seriously prefer the old one for is the necklace.


Please fix them back! This looks TERRIBLE! I will likely sell off this beloved set of mine because it looks totally TERRIBLE!


Hm, so far I've really liked the revamps, but I'm not so in love with this one. :( I like the way the wrapping sun flares look on the jewelry, but the glowing suns kinda ruin it for me. Really wish they were the flat colour from before! :(


I'm so frustrated by this revamp - i loved the hair the way it was because it fit to the head better, it had better colors in it and you could layer things around it and right now it looks like a ugly mess that reminds me of barbie hair. The jewerly looks cheap and made of plastic where before it was delicate and actually looked like gold.


Argh, this is like my third comment on here.
I think the jewelry might grow on me. Maybe. I just wish the yellow glow was UNDER the black lines instead of over them. It looks strange the way the lines are clearly black and have a yellow glow splattered on top of them. I can deal with glowy bits, but I think it might be a bit overdone here? Tone down the yellow glow and place it UNDER the line art, and I can deal. I will adjust.
And I actually really do like the kimono. I will miss the beautiful drape across the hips of the old one, but the revamp also has its charm about it.
I just can't like that wig though. I'm sorry. I am biased and tend to hate any wig with unnecessary amounts of volume. If it wasn't so damn poofy I could probably deal. I definitely liked the smoother old one better. It's also easier to layer with when the hair actually fits properly on the head....

TL;DR: While I will never stop despising the wig revamp, the rest of the set will eventually grow on me. Maybe.


I'm going to be the unpopular opinion and say I prefer the new suns more (I think the yellow glow could be made more orangy though). The old ones were really hard to see against the rest of the clothing and it made it looked cluttered. However, I do agree that the old kimono was I think better overall (the way it draped and how you could see the hands made it really charming!), and that the colors on the hair are a little *too* bright. I think if the colors on the hair were made to fit the kimono more, it would be a lot more pleasant! I personally wasn't fond of the old hair, I think it looked pretty outdated and too plasticky. I do think the new one has a little too much volume though. I think if it were somewhere in-between "flat" and "poofy" it'd look nicer. :) Overall I definitely appreciate the effort put into revamping the set. It's pretty, it could just use a little work.


Bummer. Liked the old hair and kimono much better than these. The other things are nice - I like the improvement - but I'm super bummed about the hair and kimono. The kimono especially. :C


It doesn't hang together very well. The changed colours / thick lineart makes for a really odd set. :c The hair is really weird - it has far too thick / dark lineart and is really clumpy. It definitely doesn't look like hair. The sleeves now look like fins.
This set now makes me really sad. :(


Techno, pets take a lot more time to draw than wearables, and bloodred pets are released near Morostide, Sweetheart pet around Survival and such.


Except for the hair and kimono I actually prefer the new set. The brightness and more prominent glow effects are better suited to a line with "Solar Flare" in the name.

That said, I'm a little baffled by the amount of time and effort being channeled into updating RETIRED items. I hope there's a chance that some of that could be directed towards the actual pets of this petsite in the near future! There are a lot of undrawn storm and sweetheart species especially, and many older pets of all colors that could do with updating (look at the Bloodred Clawsion, oh lord).


It really is true what they say about pleasing everybody. :)
I don't really care about the look, they're not that different--better or worse. I would just like to be able to purchase them at the 'tique.


I personally love the new one a lot better than old. Except perhaps the bright yellow and the thick black lines of the anklet o:


I am still jaundiced because of the heartless revamp.
We who originally bought the items did it because we liked how the items looked like!!
And now you're ruining it for us. Not a cool thing to do Subeta, not at all.
Not to be mean with the artist but it is just a different concept from the original.
You should get it back, there are more sets who did need a revamp.


I lovee the new wig, actually, but my favorite part of the solar line is the jewelry, and I definitely loved the darker coloring of the pre-revamp. I'm also not too sure about how the lines on the jewelry are less neat.


The only piece of this revamp I like is the kimono. The revamped pieces just look so different.


Wow...while I have my dislikes about this revamp.....there's a lot of ungrateful whining going. People are being pretty nasty, and that irks me. It is possible to say what you think without being rude. Do you guys know what a critique is? This is a real artist's work...okay? Remember that when you are making your comments.

Okay on to the actual subject, I like the kimono, though with the old one, I liked the bulk of it, and drape across the hips, the way it fell was perfect. The actual fabric rendering in the new one is really good, very silky looking. I do admittedly like the old sleeve fall a little better, but the new is cute too. I don't use held items a lot so the fall over the hands doesn't make a huge difference for me. The colours are more delicate, like hand painted silk. I have actually painted silk, so I can say this. The lines more clean even with the glowy stuff, but I liked the contrast of the gold against the violet and orange, that's just a matter of upping the contrast. The hair to me at gorgeous. I'll actually use it now, because it doesn't have the anime little girly look that made it , at least for me...tacky with formal outfits.
Here's my but.... but....the jewelery....the flamey ray bits are pretty, very fiery and ethereal.....I LIKED the orange jewels though...and don't care for the bright yellow colour they are now. I have to agree.. the flat yellow makes it look, well, cheap..and it's a little...big and clunky for me, sort of more like barbie jewelery. The art is nice, but I really did like the old jewels better.


I'm actually really disappointed I bought the kimono for 7mil now... I don't like the revamp at all compared to the old one


Hmmmm... I liked the old flares better - so much clearer, no squiggles halfway outwards... the color is nice, though.


You ruined the wig as it was gorgeous before and now it's ugly.


i like the new hair but the rest... eh. i gave away my kimono to a lucky someone during the wishing shrub event so it's no loss to me. wish the jewelry wasn't so yellow now, though. :(


i think maybe they shouldve just changed the colours on the old drawings, not completely draw new ones but idk if it wasnt a revamp i think i would like it.


The kimono doesn't have as much character to it like the old one did. I loved the bunched-up look of it. The suns are waaaay too yellow. They don't even look like they are from the same set anymore. Very disappointing :C


I usually support revamps, but I'm not a big fan of this revamp. The hair needed a revamp, but I think the rest wasn't too outdated.
The bright yellow just doesn't blend in too well in my opinion and I think the kimono looks kinda awkward now, especially the sleeves.


I really dislike this, I'm sorry :c I have a couple of those and now I won't be able to use them... The jewelry completely changed tone? It wasn't this yellow, but more of an orange hue and had finer lineart. This looks older than the previous version, and less refined. The glowy strings also look terrible now. I don't know, I'm just upset about this.


This is terrible.


Is it the same artist who revamped the set that did draw it in the first place? The style doesn't much look like any Rainyday sets before so I wonder.


I miss the glossy effect of the old version (on the hair and the gems). Most of it I miss the old necklace, which I loved. ._.
I guess the new hairstyle is nice, just the highlights look a bit dull on my screen.


Although the new hair is fabulous, I kinda miss the old solar gems. :(


I absolutely love it! 8D


I always thought this was a really ugly set anyways, so I think the revamp is a huge improvement. Can't see why people dislike the revamp so much. The art is beautiful.


Ah man, I can't say I like much about this revamp at all. :c
The hair is too....big. And I don't like the changes to the kimono or the jewelry.

The necklace (as well as the rest of the jewelry) was one of my favorites because it was more on the subtle side.
The revamp makes everything too yellow, and almost clunky? It lost the flow that it had from the old version. And the thinner lines for the ankle jewelry looked a lot better :c

I also liked that the hands were visible on the old set. The new kimono looks too much like one layer. And the bottom of the old one looked a lot better too. The new one looks more like a pair of short shorts/ it clings too much to the body. x_x;

In all, I've seen better revamps.


Not really fond of the yellow gems/suns[?] on the accessories now, and the brightness of the colors used in the wig, but it's okay, I guess.


Well...The art on both are really pretty, and I can tell the revamp had lots of effort put into it...But the old one was much better in regards to fashion flow, if that makes sense? There wasn't even that much need to revamp this set, in my opinion! Oh, well. Still pretty!


I actually like the new hair n__n;; though I wish the colors more closely matched the old.
The kimono I like as well, but I'm sad that the hands are no longer showing. That's what made the old version unique imo.


I don't get it I think it looks pretty good
stop changing the colors you guys
like for real
stop doing that


Here's an idea...when you revamp a retired item, why not re-release it for a week or two?


PLEASE NOTE: if this posted a previous, I apologize. My comp froze and posted for me before I was finished. This is the completed set of thoughts!

Personally, I think revamps should stick as close to possible to the original, just allowing to be slightly tweaked. Not change entire color schemes and pieces looking completely different than the originals. The Kimono here is a prime example of what should not be allowed, it has been completely changed from the original style. The accessories in this solar flare set are another thing that has been completely changed on this set, they didn't keep the fine detail.
Honestly, it looks like someone tried to do a bad copy/trace of the original.

There needs to be a standard across the board on art (and there used to be) where everything needs to be uniform, right now I'm not seeing that. Art is just all over the place, some of it looks great and others, like this looks like a step into the past with the thick lines and blurred colors.
I couldn't've put it more clearly. I was just going to say that the revamps should mimic the originals exactly, just with the newer lineart and what-not. I know that a lot of people loved the way the originals looked and I'm sure that this was probably a very well-loved set, maybe even in the Top 10 of best SubQ sets on site.

There's so much wrong but so much right between the two sets (yes I'm saying there's good with the new set! XD):


Old Set

The Kimono: The kimono flows beautifully. It doesn't look like it's been sprayed on. The sleeves are just perfect, they flow, but yet they retain a little stiffness that's found in a lot of kimonos. It has definition and style and doesn't look like it's suffocating you.

The jewelry's flares: The distance away from the body is lovely. It doesn't look like it's squeezing you, but, instead, allowing, what looks like, a burst of energy emit forth from the depths of your soul.

The anklets: I like the lightness to the chains. It made them look more like gold which is what the jewelry should look like.

The wig: It's a lovely style and not too poofy. It's nice to have a style such as that

The colours: I loved, loved, loved the colours for both the wig and the kimono! Those should've stayed the same!

The earrings: They were lovely - light, delicate, gorgeous. They fit the theme of this set perfectly. You could also see the rubies in the earrings in a lovely way, too. They were clear and perfect. These were some of my go-to earrings.

New Set

The suns on the jewelry: I do quite like the brightness of the suns on the new jewelry. I like being able to actually see them now instead of them being so hidden.

The colours of the flares: I love the colours of the flares off the new jewelry. Very lovely. The thickness (not distance away from the body) of the flares is nicer, too.

The hair sticks: They look a lot more credible and believable than the old ones did.

The forehead jewel: Bright, well-defined, looks like an actual jewel


Old Set:

The suns on the jewelry: I don't like how they blend in so much with the rest of the outfit. They're just too hidden.

The colours of the flares: I find the colours of the flares off the new jewelry too dull. They just don't seem to work with the "flare" part of the name of the set. The thickness (not distance away from the body) of the flares is also too thin. I always pictured it a little thicker and, of course, brighter/fierier

The hair sticks: They look like needles O_o They actually look kinda lethal LOL! XD

The forehead jewel: Too dull in colour. Looks nothing more than an oval drawn on your forehead

New Set:

The Kimono: The kimono looks sprayed on. There's no movement or flow to it at all. The sleeves hang limply like they're a couple of rags tacked onto the shoulders. You can't see your hands anymore. There's ZERO definition. There's nothing that says "wow" to this kimono now, like the old version did. This was my very first kimono I bought on site way back. It now looks like a limp, wet rag.

The jewelry's flares: The distance away from the body is awful. It looks like it's squeezing you, almost reminding me of a boa constrictor, like the magic sun's powers are trying to kill you instead of being a beautiful source of energy and light.

The anklets: I do not like the colour to the chains. Instead of delicate chains, they look like ugly threads on the ankles. Not elegant at all.

The wig: Too poofy. Way too much volume. There are so many highly volumized wigs on this site, it was so refreshing to have the old version.

The colours: The kimono and wig colours are not working. They should've been a lot more, or almost identical, to the old colours. These new colours are way too bright.

The earrings: They were lovely - light, delicate, gorgeous. WERE being the key word here. These ones are large, heavy, clunky, way too shiny and you can barely see the rubies in the earrings.

So, these are how I see things. I have never said something's been "ruined" before on this site for me, but, this is the first thing that has been ruined for me. Things should've stayed the way they were, updating the lineart a bit but not making such drastic changes making the set look 100% different to how it looked like before. Thanks for destroying one of my all-time fave sets on Subeta. The hair, for me, is workable, but everything else is just terrible :/ :( I've never been so saddened over a revamp in all my time here.


Nooooooo that kimono was so pretty before D: oh the horrors


I like the kimono revamp, but NOOO the jewels were so much prettier when they were orange-y and subtle.


Someone mentioned if they wondered if all the Rainyday sets were getting revamps, so may I add something? Please...PLEASE do not revamp the Rainyday Nebula set. Pretty please ;w;!


Things have been devamped in the past because people were too unhappy, haven't they?






It took me long enough to gather the complete set because I LOVEED every and each item because of their pretty shine and you decide to revamp it so uglily.
That hair ain't even well combed. Whaat.
Like, I usually don't complane but this is horrid, horrible, ugh.
What happened to the wrap, the headpiece, the ankle wraps? The necklace is ugly, the hair ain't well done. The only good revamp was the kimono but nothing more and I believe that most of who has posted feel as ruined as me.
Oh my nooo... u_________________u


I love this!


I much prefer the old style on this one. Sadly I am definitely with the majority of people who don't seem to like this one. I am REALLY disappointed that it was necessary to shorten the kimono as well. Why do you have to make it so short that it barely covers anything? Very disappointed, it went from beautiful and elegant to kinda trashy. This used to be my favorite set. Now not so much.


I adore the kimono revamp! The hair looks nice, but is a little poofy for my liking. And thought the new accessories look pretty, I miss the more understated coral tones that have been replaced with bright yellow.


This was possibly my favorite SubQ line. Now…IDK.

I could probably get used to the flares and the new hair, but I preferred the old kimono, and the suns on the jewelry are just… Why so yellow? D: They looked so much better with the orange shades.


I love this set even more now.


I love this set even more now.


I have to say I really honestly prefer the old one. I can't see myself using the set as it is now. I like the new hair and kimono, but the new jewellery I will never be able to use.


overall this revamp is good esp the wig, but the jewellry is way too shiny now and i really miss the ruffles and gathering in the fabric from the old one :c removed from the sleeves and bustle.


Oh look, another Subq set that'll have to trash out due ugly revamps. Gettinf used to it by now :)


omg I need that kimono.


If you ask me, I say this set did not need a revamp. I loved this set, it was one of my ultimate favorites, I remember being so happy to finally own the entire thing. The Kimono was my favorite piece, I love kimonos a great deal. The old Kimono draped off the body and was adorable, the new one seems too snugged and flat.

Also, the yellow sun in the new set just doesn't seem to fit with the set :/. The old pieces were a whole lot better, I honestly don't think this set needed a revamp, but I guess if the artist thought so, then what can we do? Anyway, we don't really have a choice expect to get use to the new version of this set. I will surely miss the old kimono, though, that's for sure :c. I kind of wished we could have had a vote like with the pets, but I guess we don't always get to vote on things XD.

Kudos to those who do like this revamp, and to us, the ones who aren't so pleased, well folks, we'll just have to live with it c:


This used to be one of my favorite sets but now I'm thinking otherwise :/


You killed that set by revamping it! I cant believe you would do that it was perfect the way it was! If i could get to my stuff in my wardrobe i'd immediately sell the pieces i have because they look freaking horrible now!


Oh no, the entire line is ruined. Definitely do not like the yellow used inside the 'jewels' and the hairstyle is too poofy. The only thing I kinda like is the kimono. I'm sad, it's the second line revamped that makes me not want them anymore. :(


Not at all happy with this revamp. The only thing that needed to be revamped was the hair, to make it look less plastic-y. Everything else was great. Now the lines are super thick, what's up with that? Lately I've see lots of new items with thick lines, we moved away from that a long while ago because it makes things look dated and old.
Personally, I think revamps should stick as close to possible to the original, just allowing to be slightly tweaked. Not change entire color schemes and pieces looking completely different than the originals. The Kimono here is a prime example of what should not be allowed, it has been completely changed from the original style. The accessories in this solar flare set are another thing that has been completely changed on this set, they didn't keep the fine detail.
Honestly, it looks like someone tried to do a bad copy/trace of the original.

There needs to be a standard across the board on art (and there used to be) where everything needs to be uniform, right now I'm not seeing that. Art is just all over the place, some of it looks great and others, like this looks like a step into the past with the thick lines and blurred colors.


I agree the old one overall was pretty much better, but the new version is alright. Except I REALLY do not like the new version of the wig. It's way too different from the old one.


sorry, but I LOVE the new Revamp! ESPECIALLY the Hair! :D
I like the way the new kimono fits against the body better, but I kind of like the old sleeves better.


Now that I see both outfits next to each other, I definitely like the new one better. Especially the wig. The old wig was way too sleek and shiny, I love the softness of the new one. The jewelry is a tad yellow, but still workable. Now I'm curious as to whether any of the other Rainyday sets will get a revamp.


This is a horrible horrible revamp! The only thing I like is the wig. Everything else is ruined. And this was my favorite set. :(
Kimono sleeved are terrible now, they like like fish fins. I'm super sad about this. :(


I love the new hair and kimono, but the accessories were always understated before and that made it one of the top lines of all time.


I not a fan of the changes here. You can't layer held items at all with the sleeves on this new Kimono. The yellow accents on the jewelry are really heavy handed and look more like a school bus than a solar flare. Sorry, not the best revamp in my opinion.


Actually, the kimono doesn't even LOOK like a kimono now that I look closer. Now it looks like a fashion top because its so flat, almost kaftan like with the design just printed on it. Gah. The original kimono actually looked like it was two sides of fabric, folded over each other to cover the body. Now it's a flat fashion "kimono" looking thing.


I like it! The new coloring really makes the items seem more sunny! I guess my opinion isn't the popular one though! :(


I think I have half of these in my wardrobe but since it's still broken guess I can't use them. Please fix the old wardrobe (& get rid of the new one). Nice to see sets getting some updates.


nnn I really don't like the yellow sun, I'll only use those items if I can cover the sun itself in the future :/


Oh... Oh dear... The bright yellow on the accessories is extremely bizarre since the brightness of the overall outfit was removed. I LIKED how loose the kimono was, with the furisode sleeves pushed up to see the hands and hem looking like it was lifted. It was playful. It looked more realistic like heavy silk layers and now it's like... Drapy boring chiffon or something :< The hair is okay, the ponytail bit in the back and scalp looks a tad off since its such a naturally sleek style.


Of all the things to revamp this was least in need of a revamp and the revamp isn't that great. I like the flares on the accessories but the glows are rather yellow. And that kimono looks kinda dark now.


You know what? I actually kinda like the hair revamp. The original wig was so shiny and plastic-looking to me. However, I agree the little hair against the cheek is weird though. I do miss the darker oranges in the jewelry. :(


I know you guys put in time and effort with these revamps and i normally like them but this set falls flat for me, I really loved some of the pieces, but the necklace is just to bright for me to use, it looks more gaudy and not so delicate, the leg wraps are very in your face too


I need so many pieces...


When seeing both, the old and new set, side by side, the older variety is a lot more detailed and more beautiful.
I wish I would have been around already to snatch up the old version.
The new is pretty, too, yet the old one is gorgeous. <3


I think the hair looks better with more height added to it, but I wish the accents for the other pieces had been kept in the orange realm. The necklace and earrings use to be favorite jewelry pieces of mine but that is one bright ass yellow now. I think this is the visit revamp I'm pretty bummed about all the revamps :/


I actually really liked the little flare accessories but now? not so much.
the darker lines were much better and the new brightness/yellow to them looks awful with the rest of the outfit.

Overall this is the worst revamp imo


wow, i really like this revamp. this line was one of my fav, and the artist managed to make it more vibrant, and not to take it off my fav list.
thanks. :D now i have to buy the last missing piece i forgot what i still needed to have a complete set


I LOVE the new KIMONO :heart: :open_mouth:


Oh my......this is the one set that just didn't need a revamp. I really liked the old version and I prefer that one.
The new version just isn't it, makes me don't even want to use this anymore :(

Can the artist please look at it again and try to match the new version some more to the older version (especially the wig)?


I still love the kimono, just wish it didn't completely cover the hands.


I like the way the new flares on the pieces look. Other than that, compared to the older version, I dislike the rest of the revamp. :/


Oh my...
This is much worse than the original line. I LOVED that kimono... now it's ruined....
The hair I like, but the rest is just hideous...
The ankle wraps are so ugly now... and the jewelry is rather fuzzy and just different altogether.
Please, please take this one back to the working board... :C


*Le sad face* Why did the kimono have to change so much though?


Old --- New

The old preview was already posted, but I like side-by-side comparisons :)


I just don't get it. Sorry. The wig I can almost deal with if the lines on the one side where a little smoother and not jagged. But the kimono? The lines are awful. The old art had smoother lines. Plus the color is smudged over the lines on the sleeves. I just don't get how this is "new revamped art".


I guess I'm weird because I really like the revamp outfit <3

I have to agree though that I prefer the old hair much better. The new one looks a bit poofy? :x


Im starting to feel like all the Subq sets are getting downgraded as opposed to upgraded. Another revamp im not happy with. Its so dull in color now, the hair is too big and the kimono is just flat now.


This was my favorite set for a long time when I joined subeta, and I have to admit I strongly dislike this revamp. The hair is too bulky and unwieldy, the kimono looks totally different from what I fell in love with- much less vibrant, and the jewels look cheap and blurry.

I usually say eh and move on, but this time I really hope the artist works on these some more. If this is the best that can be done, I hope the set is reverted to what it was. :(


I actually really liked the old anklets better...and the old headpiece. I do like the hair and kimono revamp, but the little suns look so much more cartoony now, and the flares a little less elegant. I mean I guess the added glow is nice but...


i'm not sure what to think about the kimono. everything especially the jewelry seems flat? revamp is no longer vibrant like the old art. :/


Ohh, I like the new hair. I didnt like the glossy style. And the kimono looks alot better! The wrap didnt have to change though.


Now that I've had a chance to really look at it for a bit.........

Yea, I REALLY don't like the new hair. It's just too big. Too much volume. I hate big hair because its impossible to work layers with. The old wig was definitely better. Smoother. Prettier. Easier to work with. (I feel this way about the revamped Tropical wig too. STOP MAKING WIGS TOO BIG TO LAYER WITH, PLEASE.)

I think I can learn to get used to the new accessories. The fiery bits are pretty damn awesome looking. I just wish the sun-shaped bases were more ORANGE like the old ones. Maybe adjust the colors for us a bit? Make the overlays match their item images; more orange, less yellow. They'd look better then.

And okay, yes, I actually do like the new kimono. Nice detail and I like how it hugs the body, especially in the skirt. I kinda like the old sleeves better, I love how the fingers used to peek out, but I can deal.

Just... the wig. No. Toomuchfluff.


ehh i dont exactly hate this revamp but i dont exactly think the lines on the art here fit the colouring. it looks? a little too thick like the lineart was done without pen pressure or smth. but the colouring on the wig and kimono is just lovely ill give you that
and that kimono just looks like its made of something like silk or another thin material thats relatively unfitting for it, :/


Wig aside, I really like everything here! I like the brighter yellow!




Ew. >:s


What did you do to the kimono?!?!?!? Its terrible! !! My fave item in the world!


Darn, I was buying Rainyday sets yesterday, should've bought this one too. Hopefully the prices aren't too bad for them. Though judging by these comments, I may be the only one who actually likes these. xD


The may be the first revamp where I'm finding it hard to say anything constructive. The whole orange look is gone and the suns are too yellow, the earrings (my fave piece) seem to have lost their geometric shape, which is a pity, since I really liked that about them In pieces like this were the detail is small, I can honestly say that each piece with a sun probably DIDN'T need to be revamped.


I liked how the old kimono was held by the HA. And yeah the yellow is sort of bla. But props to the artist, they put effort into it. Having us vote on designs is a waste of time. Artists could be working on 3 things instead of wasting time on a design that just gets trashed. Quit complaining people life goes on. Sheesh.


nnnnnnooooooooo :(


Awe, the old look was one of my favorites. :< Not a fan of this new look. Though, some of the new detail is nice. ....And I'm really lamenting that I didn't get the last two pieces of the set I was missing before this revamp. OTL Even if I don't care for it as much, the art is still well done. Thank you for your time all the same.


unpopular opinion idk i actually like this revamp. though, save for how yellow the little suns are. i preferred the dark orange/gold sheen of those before


I have to agree about the jewelry looking cheap. The coloring just seems flat. It is too one colored, where as before, it had a little more flare. I do like the kimono and wig better than. But the jewelry is what I had liked most about it before. :(


Wow... the old set was way better. This one is the worst let down. Ruined.


Sometimes, the old version of an item is just that, old, and horrible.

Like Klassikal said, for 90% of revamps, there is no reason to want the old art.


here's a thought... how about we get the "option" to transform revamped items? wouldn't it end the drama? keep the old version or choose the new one, your choice! no?


Keeping outdated art on site is a silly idea. Stuff has to be revamped and kept current. It'd be silly to leave outdated art just because some people prefer it, I imagine it'd be a weight on the servers as well.

That being said, I wish that some of the stuf that isn't in drastic need of a revamp would be but towards the back.


polling is a terrific idea! it gets my vote!

also, i believe adding a transform feature is doable. all it needs is to decide which option is the default item. you know just like many object on the site i.e. elegant comb | elegant brush...


Love it. <3


I miss the old headpiece. The yellow-ish colors on the new one make it look plastic-like...the kimono looks great though.


Silvanesti, items are never polled because it's too minor. Nothing would get done


I do agree with the poll idea, and not just for SubQ redraws, but character redraws, too. It would be nice to get two or three artists to make their versions of each set/character and letting us vote, but it's probably not the most do-able of choices.


I like the item art for everything and I like the wrap and the kimono but I strongly dislike the changes in everything else. The hair looks way too big and super flat. The suns in the item images have a orange center but in the wearable it is yellow, and way too yellow.


While I like the idea of them being transformable, it just really isn't feasible I don't think. The revamp pieces are only available via random draw in Gift of Fashions Past, and Drills if they give him the chance of giving them out again. And when you have wardrobe and Subeautique collectors, they would need two of each. And with pieces like the Eddie Bell LoliPOP wig and the Rainyday Desert Rose henna tattos already being pretty rare and hard to find, prices would just get worse.

Though I'd gladly pay an arm and a leg to get the old jewelry back. :(


Why can't you do a poll about the SubQ line revamps in the poll center like you did with the darkonite revamp? You would get a sense of if people like the new line better than the old. I know the artists are spending their time creating these revamps, but it's not like we want them on everything.


I preferred the old one..... :c This one is too yellow and not enough orange. Also, the hair has too much unnecessary volume. I liked the smoother, old hair better.

I guess the kimono looks pretty good. Nice detail. But for the rest of it, I prefer the old version. :c


I like the kimono but the colors seem to be dull now.


I figured out what I personally don't like about the new looks extremely thick and heavy/bulky, almost like it is made of yarn instead of hair. The original was much more sleek and I feel looked more like actual hair. The new version seems very clumpy.


I think what I really don't like about the new kimono is that the lower part is so sticky right now.. I used to layer it with some kind of gown and now that won't work anymore ç_ç
Also, I liked the fact that you could see the hands ç_ç
I'll be quiet now and go sobbing in a corner..


I like how the new flares look on a dark background. Only the flower/sun thingies to which they're attached seem to be a bit bright. Maybe I can layer something on top of those :P


here's a thought... how about we get the "option" to transform revamped items? wouldn't it end the drama? keep the old version or choose the new one, your choice! no?


Sigh. Never thought they'd touch this one because honestly, I didn't think it needed a revamp. I get that artists are trying to keep things fresh, but sometimes that isn't necessary.


Aw I liked the previous ankle look~ :c


Seems like there are some many other things to be working on other than these revamps....I agree, the Solar Flare didn't need to be touched.


I think it's rather nice.. all of the items look good :)


The color choice in the wig is really nice but it over all doesn't look right, in particular the piece the is on the jaw (like a mutton chop?)

The flares look much softer, nut the star parts look like platic decals, pretty bummed.


Preview of the old one from Subetalodge:


The old ones were better : /


I'll be honest, I thought that this would be one of the sets that would not get a revamp. e.e

Everything but the hair looks okay. The new hair just- I' really appreciate the effort you guys are putting in to make old items look new and shiny, but it does not even look the same! ;n;


Hmmmm. I like the kimono. The sleeves especially. The hair is weird now. I can't describe what exactly it is about the hair, but I much prefer the old version. The new version of the belt is definitely more like actual fire, but I preferred the clean and precise look of the loops that extended around the HA on the original version. Those were my first thoughts on this revamp, but I need to go back and really take a long look at each piece before I decide which pieces I no longer want to keep.


lets revamp some more stuff and ignore the stuff that needs attention
Just to befair to the staff, you do realize artists cannot fix programs, right? They cannot switch everyone into what the site needs most, everyone has their job.


argh ! :(
my HA looks stupid now!
with the flairs... thsoe flowery thingies are WAY TOO BIG now!! :(


I have to agree with everyone on the kimono, it looks so small and sad now. The old version had a certain amount of bulk, like you could tell it was made from proper fabric. I also liked that you could see the hands still.


I think it's a little sad with all these revamps of clothing. We bought the items because we thought they looked pretty - and now they look completely different.

Some of the revamps are good, but most of them aren't making the clothes any better in my opinion. I tend to like the old ones better :)


This is the one set that didn't need revamped IMHO. The kimono is ruined for me now. You start my weekend with Delish Tea (yaya!) and punch me in the eyeballs with this.


The wig is actually the only item from the set I have (I wanted the rest) but now I don't feel like I want any of it (except maybe the kimono because it's not terrible, but still liked the old one better. I'm sad because I hadn't yet created an outfit with the beautiful before hair and now I really don't like the hair at all. Can you revert this revamp? No one likes it.


the hair is freaking ugly now ! 0_o
I seriously liked the old better =/
ONLY with the kimono improvement was gained, all the other items look horrible :(


I like the flares themselves, and the kimono looks great but I'm not sure I'm digging the overall revamp :(


I'm not saying the kimono isn't good,but it looks different and I LOVED the oldversion, this is just fine for my tastes ç__ç
The hair thou.. I'm sorry but they look terrible D=


The wig is pretty imo, but I think the rest of the set looks worse now than it did before the revamp. :/ Feels unnecessary.


The kimono looks a bit dull now D:


I really love the hair and the wrap


I'm also less about the revamp on the jewelry it looked more golden/luxe before.

The kimono is beautiful but very different from what it was, which is kinda sad.
Like I like that it's slimmer now, but I feel like its vibrancy is gone? They don't really feel like the same item being revamped, but two similar items that should have stayed separate. Or maybe I'm cray cray.


...why? The solar flare set was my favorite. And now all the art looks flat.


OMG makes me not even want the items anymore.

i know this might not belong here but...
lets revamp some more stuff and ignore the stuff that needs attention :(


yeah ruined the hair..........


I liked the old one better. :( The hair is completely ruined for me now. The kimono is actually okay, I like this one fine.


That's not... well, that good to say it nice.... I really really liked the old set and the wig was so much more beautiful in my opinion :( .


Oh. :c


Oh no... My fav kimono D=


Wow. Um, wow. I think this is the first revamp I've hated. The whole set looks really, for lack of a better word, cheap. Especially the jewelry. It makes me think 25 cent toy machine prizes. :(


I really liked the old hair, the new one is not really my style :/


Another ruined revamp for me :(

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