Flash HA Contest

Experimental Tentacle Salve
Experimental Double Trouble Dowse
Experimental Oil Tonic

We're having a lightning quick contest to see who can make the best avatar with one of the items above! Your choices are Experimental Tentacle Salve, Experimental Double Trouble Dowse or the Experimental Oil Tonic. Sharing an outfit is incredibly easy in the new wardrobe, you just follow these directions and copy the sCode to share on the forums. You can find all of your shared outfits here.

You do not need to own these items to share an avatar! This is based purely on your skill as a human avatar creator, and not the items you own. Click on the "all items" tab and search for the wig you'd like to wear, put it on your avatar, and click the share button after you've created the perfect avatar based around those items.


* One outfit per user.

* You must use the sCode provided on the shared outfits page.

* Outfit must be shared on this thread.

* Competition will be closed around 8pm tomorrow, winners chosen shortly after.

* Voting will take place by staff members.

* 10 winners will be chosen, and showcased in a news post.

* Each winner will receive 250CSC.


No outfit found

(I'm obviously not going to win, I just added the wig to my current avatar!)
User Avatar: 1

Posted by Keith

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