✨ Wardrobe 3.5 ✨

It's new wardrobe time! We've gone through several rounds of testing that have culminated in the 3.5 wardrobe. We've updated links across the site to use the new wardrobe as well. It should automatically convert your avatar, but if you have problems use this link and it will move your old outfits to the new system as well.

What Changed

A lot has changed between versions 3 and 3.5 of the wardrobe. In addition to a massive speed boost across the whole wardrobe, we've completely modernized the backend. We're using a new API system that we're going to begin using in other areas of the site that provide much greater speed, flexibility and security. It gives us the ability to add features around the site easily and quickly that make the avatars feel like part of Subeta, as well as update the wardrobe rapidly.

You can find more information on this thread about what changed during development. Hexes still need to be implemented, and the shared page needs to be updated as well.

:sparkles: Biggest Change :sparkles:

1. You now have have a total avatar limit. The limit is currently 30 for regular accounts with 45 for Gold Accounts. This means instead of 2-3 items per layer, you now have an overall limit!

2. The item searches now remember what you last searched when you come back to the page!
User Avatar: 1

Posted by Keith

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