There is a new Poll
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Posted by Keith

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Gosh, I really don't know which one to choose! Thye are both so cute...I think I will vote for the new one, but it needs to be redrawn in that style but standing like the DarkMatter one. That would make it better. But, don't get me wrong, it's really cute! Oh, and I love the one in Quetzal's piccy! It's so cute!

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I Love the new kumos! The old one was way to boring. It was almost all one color, and that buged me. This one is soooooooooo better!

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Redraws are meant to be redraws...nearly all of the reborn pets are doesn't mean all the regular pets need to be made skinner as well!
<br>The DM kumos looked good and if this one looked like that i think a lot of people would be happy...but this revamp is worse than those redraws.


The kumos is in desperate need of a revamp, specifically by Zae to match the style of the reborn and DM kumoses. The newer kumoses were starting to deviate drastically in style from EV1's original kumos. Black lines on her original just won't cut it anymore, I think.
<br>It's time for the Kumos to grow up, y'all!


Whoamg... really long post...
<br>*gigglesnort* Lycan's take on Kumos is rather cool, as is Quetzal's sketchy version... but I'll comment on Zae's revamp and the current poll....
<br>I personally like the new Kumos, how did someone say it, "the angsty-teen wolf as opposed to the puppy-wolf"? Well, I prefer angsty teen-wolf xD I'm not really one for the cute and cuddly... soooo... yeah.
<br>The nose I think is a bit on the large side, and could use being shrunk a bit. As it stand/sits now, it looks like the poor fellow ran into a wall nose-first, and is now suffering from it. Otherwise, I rather like the new one, and I think it helps the DM and RB Kumos fit in better. After all, those two colors are rather leggy, while the older version Kumos seems rather short and stubby... at least in the legs. Though it would also be nice if you could maybe put the markings back on its knees. If the revamp goes through as it is, soon the new users, and the majority of Subeta, will forget the poor Kumos had leg markings.
<br><b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-size: 10;">One question, though: why are we redrawing pets that already look great, when other pets like the pherret and terracoon look like crud? -__-; </i></blockquote>
<br>And diverging slightly from the Kumos, I really agree with Elementallis here. Should not we bring the art of some of the less popular pets up to date first? Make them a little more popular maybe? I know there's got to be some redraws of Pherrets and Terracoon's out there. Rah did, in my humble opinion, an excellent redraw of the Terracoon not too long ago that was just stunning and fit right in with this "newer" Subeta style.
<br>[/really long rant]

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Sorry ^^;
<br><img src="" border="0">

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D'ya know who did good Kumoses? LYCAN!
<br>We should bribe her back onto staff to do it...she did a great job with the telenine ^^
<br><IMG SRC="">

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this was a hard poll; I like this new one slightly more. The head, the eyes, the tail, the ears. I also adore the flock of hair on his head; so lovely. There are a couple of things that put me off; the body seems to be too long and the front legs look sliiiightly wrong in my eyes. However, on the whole I like this one better thus so I voted for it.
<br>I don't like the way this poll's going though; inmature, and just plain mean e.e people should relax. Yes, even if the one you don't like wins it's not the end of the world. It's granted that it NEVER rains to everyone's pleasure, if you know what I mean <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_dead.gif border=0> whatever the result.... people should accept it, and even if you don't like it, try not to hurt the artist's feelings?
<br>*sigh* ~.~

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I voted for the old Kumos. I just like it more than the new one. Now, don't get me wrong, the new kumos is very good, but I just don't think that's what a kumos should look like. :/ Maybe if it looked more like a Darkmatter Kumos I would like it more. So, I'm not a big fan of this version, like I said.


The way this kumos is sitting reminds me of the way my dog sits. =3 If the new one wins, I think I'm going to create a Kumos named after my dog. XD
<br>The old Kumos, I loved, I admit. But this is cleaner, more shaded and less... well, jelly-like.
<br>I vote new for certain, and you did a very good job, Invader_Zae!

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I really like the new one, the hair on his head is a great improvement!However,I voted for the old one because I think the new one changes to much from the old one.
<br>I don't really think that the common kumos has to fit the BR or DM kumos at all, if you like that design more,you could simply change your pet BR or DM <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0> the design of the BR telenine is also alot different from the common one,and that why I choose it.
<br>hmm,as for improvements for the new one, I think the front paws should be redrawn, but I do think the pose is spiffy and the eyes and nose don't look wrong at all! The lines are really clean and smooth, there's alot of work put into it,so we should be more polite when we comment on it<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy_sweatdrop.gif border=0>

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Honestly, I like both designs. I slightly prefer the new version (as it is a lovely picture) but the old one looks nice too. Whichever one wins, I'll be happy. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


The sheer lack of tact here is sickening. >(
<br>I prefer the older version, but the new version is lovely too. It's simply not my idea of a Kumos (the Reborn Kumos is my favourite, actually. If it looked a little more like that, I'd be thrilled. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0> ) and that's nothing against Zae. This is beautiful. <3

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Sooo... let's have a new pet called the Kumos v2.0?
<br>The new Kumos is a great lookin' pet.. That's for sure. But shouldn't redraws be about fixing up what was wrong with the old pet?


*squeezes her Zae* <33
<br>Weeks of work went into this, as well as a lot of imput from a lot of staff members. D: No need to shoot it down in such a nasty, immature manner.
<br>As Zae said.. if you don't like it, you don't like it. Feel free to post *why* you don't like it... but calling it "ugly" and then not elaborating is kind of.. useless and pointless. D:

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hmmm... I can't say the new one really does it for me. The tufts of hair on the head and the blackoutline is a definate improvement, but the leggs look a bit odd and I don't know... the pet just has this overall sad look over itself. I really think it needs a bit more sketching done...

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I agree with most that the art on the new one is better but atomcally it doesn't look right to me, and for some reason doesn't seem as loyal or something...
<br>I like the effect the authentic one gives


Comments like this;
<br><b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-size: 10;">It looks... odd... like there wasn't a lot of work put into it.</i></blockquote>
<br><b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-size: 10;">I like the old one better. It's less threatening and actually anatomically correct.</i></blockquote>
<br><b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-size: 10;">STOP VOTING FOR THE UGLY ONE</i></blockquote>
<br>really are not nessicary. Are you -trying- to hurt my feelings?
<br>It's fine if you don't like it. You're entitled to your own opinions. But there's a fine line between critiquing and being mean.


I do. not. Like. This. New. One. One. Bit. At. All.
<br>I'm definately nto making Morazon a kumos if this is the revamp.
<br>I''m with Dickie, perhaps if you do a revamp but stick with the old one's clamness? <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0> I was furious when i discovered that Azzy was a new feral snarling thing x.x
<br>Zae did really well, i admit it. It's just that yet again like Dickie, i came for the kumos. IT was just so- similar to a pet design i had. As soon as i saw the BR version of it i fell in love with it...
<br>Meh x.x I still say the old one <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>

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No, the old one is like 9234758193579138245x's better. STOP VOTING FOR THE UGLY ONE D:<

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LEGO STAR WARS! XD I played that with my dad's friend's little boy, it was so strange xD
<br>Um, back on topic, hard choice o__o I love this new Kumos, it's really cute, but I don't know, the old one is cute too...


It's just a poll guys. o_O No concrete decision has been made, as of yet.
<br>As far as headlining pets go though.. I never joined for the Kumos personally.. and it's never been a favourite of mine. I joined for Mystic's Demis and Sheetas. And for Eevee's Koras. Wolf-like and Canine-like pets are always popular on petsites, by default. People love dogs and wolves and so on, so of course the kumos was going to be more popular than.. well.. like.. a toad pet. xD It's not necessarily popular because it's whoamg the most beautiful pet ever to walk the greater petsite realm.
<br>I can understand that a looot of people love the Kumos species.. and as a result, are defensive of the old design.. but it's important to remember that this proposed redraw <i>also</i> has artistic merit.
<br>In my own, very humble opinion, the revamp is in my eyes, more favourable than the old Kumos, because it's got elegance, as well as the innocent sort of aloof feel, that the old Kumos has/had.
<br>I love the nose shape and size. I love the fluffy/spikey mane. I LOVE the tail and the ears. and even though the legs may look somewhat awkward in some regards.. I like them like that. o_O
<br>I'd love for you all to be able to see the revamp in all the other colours, as well.. as the Common doesn't really do the revamp the same justic that a few of the other colours do.
<br>Zae has done an astounding job.. and has tried really hard to give the Kumos a breath of fresh air, whilst still emulating elements of the old. She was also *asked* especially to work on a revamp, because she is an extraordinary artist. Just go look at her devart account for proof of that.
<br>Anyway. As I said earlier in this post; no concrete decision has been made of yet; and it's the poll, and then Keith's word is final. Scathing comments aren't going to change anything; votes and Keith are.
<br>So.. just.. cool it.. peeps. xD

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Actually, I <i>could</i> probably do could a lot of non-staff artists. The artists subeta has currently aren't necessarily the best digital artists to visit this site...
<br>We are entitled to be negative if we want to...artists produce pets to please the users...users don't have to produce comments to please the artists.

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You guys need to appreciate the effort and time taken to do this. Subeta is lucky to have all these great artists contributing to this site.
<br>If you're going to complain about the picture, hold your comments. I mean, c'mon people. Really.
<br>You think you can do better? Then go for it. In the mean time, perhaps focus on the positives, instead of negatives, yeah?


The only problem I have with this Kumos is its nose...and its not plump enough.
<br>The nose is too round and not doggish enough, like the old one, and the other one was more fluffy and plump, this one's skinny and its tail has no extra fluff to it.
<br>I like this one, yes, it has more detail.
<br>However the nose truly bothers me and the eyes seem a bit awkward...but its mainly its thinness and the nose that bothers me.

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The kumos is the headlining pet of this symbolises it and it's the pet a lot of new users will first judge the site by. It needs to be better than this new version...subeta has some spectacular art but people will see this deformed kumos and and expect all art to be like it.
<br>I came to this site after seeing evee's art for it...but if I'd seen this kumos instead I never would've joined.
<br>The poll here is really close...I don't think it's a big enough majority to warrant changing the old version...because so many people will be upset.
<br>Can't sombody please just change the lineart to black on the old one?

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finally a new kumos! Zae, it's beautiful. The old was good but I love this new one <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif border=0> Way to go

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I like the big nose. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0> It looks very cute.. Good job, Rakurai!

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The old one has a not-so-fabulous face, so I likez the new one much better. And it's in a better style, and the face fluffs don't look as ugly. :3

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The nose is as big as the eyes. xD

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I voted for Old <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>
<br>Old totally pwns the new version<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


I voted old.
<br>it has a certain charm the other one doesn't seem to have


PEOPLE NEED TO SEE THE REVAMP IN THE OTHER COLOURS. The Revamp'd so win if the other colours were posted. *boinks Keith*


omgsocute. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_whatthe.gif border=0>
<br>I want the new Kumos to win. X3


The legs really bug me. But this new kumos seems to slot in with the new look BR and RB kumoses. And it has a fair bit more personality than the old draw. But the old draw was actually quite nice anatomy wise, I think. Or is it Kumi? <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_confused.gif border=0> Plurals confuse me.


Oh sorry for the double post, but I wanted to ask is anybody actually doing a Terracoon and Pherret revamp? We've been waiting quite some time now! When I was still on staff, nearly everybody had a go at revamping the Pherret (Loxins' was even accepted! What ever happened to that?!) , but whats happened now? Everybody given up on it? <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0> I don't think I'm very good at drawing Pherrets, otherwise I'd have a go..v.v"


I can't decide which one I like more v.v I do like the slimness of the redraw and the face is really pretty ( the nose is a little on the big side though) But I don't like the body very much, it's left paw looks a bit stiff and more like a right paw. And way it's sitting looks more like the way a rabbit would sit than a dog ( and you can't see the marking on it's knee anymore <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0> ). And I'm not sure if I like the un-cellshadyness (ok that word can't exist! >.&lt<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif border=0>
<br>But still this redraw has buckets more character and charme than the old one! And thats why I like it!
<br>I'd say fix the body ( make the pose more like the old one?) and the nose and it will be perfect! ^__^

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I really like old Kumos more. So i voted for it. Dont revamp Kumos!


Oh, and for some weird reason, even though it registers with me that the back leg is weird looking I like it. XD


"Who cares if it looks like a different pet? That's why it's a REDRAW - to make it look DIFFERENT XD "
<br>Exactly Sunnie, again I adore the new one, it has more of a calm intelligence to it while the old one just looks kinda... Spaced out intelligence. XD And it also makes the new Reborn and BR fit in a bit more, they just look odd against all the other Blobby Kumoses...


Nyaa I'm a huge Kumos fan, and I voted for this new one. I don't like the angle of the back legs, but the old seemed just a blob of pixels, and this one... IT HAS LIFE! xDD Congrats Zae, you brought back life into the dead <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_confused_shocked.gif border=0>

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If this helps with recolouring and making the colours such as Reborn and Bloodred fit in, then I am voting for the new one. :3

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Omg, Zae, waited for this sooooooooooo long <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0> *licks it*.
<br>I hope it will make it <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0> Can't wait ^^

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The style is really changing on the site ^^ I did however choose the old. Both are really nice, but I love the feets and the front leg of the old one! O_o

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Just love it ^^ (erm... except his funny left legangle ... won't decide now... this needs realy a change)
<br>*strokes spiky hair and pokes big nose* ^o^
<br>His stile is like the reborn Kumos now...
<br>I LOVE (lovelovelovelovelove...) the Reborn Kumos. ^o^
<br>*pats Funke*


the shading is gorgeuos on the redraw. The colors are awesome. the eyes make me melt. I love the redraw, but there are a few things that are a bit off and could be changed a bit. the legs seem to be at an odd angle to me. The back neck hairs seem a bit spikey.... but if you change those the pet will be simply gorgeuos.... You did a nice job despite those few things. n.n

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I think the new one's eyes are too big and too close together >< its nose is really big too. The legs bug me as well.

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I left one of my fav pet sites because they started to redraw everything that looked great already <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0>
<br>Voted for the old one

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It's really, really cute...but it's not a Kumos. <3


In truth this looks WAY too much like the new montre redraw, as well as the fact it doesn't look like a kumos anyway, they're suppposed to be much more small canine sort of things...
<br>I truly don't see why we need these redraws, and this is becoming a reaccuring thing... hopefully I won't get in trouble for this comment, but I don't really find this redraw very good....


Oh my gosh, I love it! If this goes through, I think I may just have to get a Kumos.

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D: The size of its nose and the fact it has no mouth/chin bothers the underground out of me. His front left (our right) paw shouldn't be bent that way either.
<br>I like the old one better. It's less threatening and actually anatomically correct. XD;


That looks pretty sweet. I love it's face :3


Who cares if it looks like a different pet? That's why it's a REDRAW - to make it look DIFFERENT XD
<br>Anyway, this one rocks, old one doesn't, yay yay yay I vote for new one. :3
<br>". . . please change back the Blob Kitty."
<br>Never! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>

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That redraw is really nice looking, but it doesn't look like a Kumos - more like a blue montre. :/ I'm definitely going with the old one.
<br>One question, though: why are we redrawing pets that already look great, when other pets like the pherret and terracoon look like crud? -__-;


I can't decide. : The new one has cleaner art and cute fluff, but... as many have said, it looks like a different pet. Plus the front legs look too long and poker-straight to me, and the angle of the near hind leg is wonky...
<br>Quetzal's version is cute though. :s Some kind of cross between that and the new one might look cool...
<br>(also, Tropic, sweet avatar! *<3 HIM*)

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Eh, I voted the old one. The new one isn't exactly the best... no offense, but it's not a Kumos at all.

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I like the old one a lot better.
<br>But I think it'd be much better [the old one] is it had the black outlines andblahblah I dunno what artists call it. Lols.

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I like both, but one thing about this one is it's to thin!


I voted for the old one. No offense to the artist, but I just really prefer the look of the original. This one just doesn't say Kumos to me.
<br>Queztal, I really think your Kumos drawing is amazing.

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The new one looks like a cross between the old Kumos with the Telenine and Montre. I agree with Dickie though.. it does indeed look like a new pet. IMO, it needs to keep its old look.

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I don't get how people like this. The other Kumos was cuddly and lovable. I liked the jelly look. This new one is scarey and twisted and looks like a weasel.
<br>Sorry if the artist takes offense.

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I voted for the old one. It's quite a change from the Kumos we've come to know and love.. this new one is well-done, and I admire the art, but it's a little bit too different for my tastes.

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I like it a lot(voted for new), but I also liked how cute and puppy-ish the old one was... suppose a smaller nose may do it. I dont know, though. It is awefully cute, though! <3

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I like the redraw better than the old one, but (sorry whoever drew it) I like Quetzal's better! XD

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Geh. I don't like it- I'll never like it. It's stopped looking like a 'puppy'-wolf, and now's in some crazy post-adult shedding or something...
<br>Couldn't you...just....Make the lines on the OLD Kumos -black- to rid it of the 'jelly' look?


I went with the old as it was the very first Subeta pet ever and I don't know if the current owners would want it changed. The face is cute but it needs a few more muscles and to be wider for my taste not that the new version is not cute or the artist is not talented as Subeta's art is so superior to most pet sites it is not even funny.


Well, I really like how this looks, but for me it doesn't seem very Kumos-ish. The old one was kind of soft and cute and this is more teenage wolf versus wolf puppy. I voted for old even though the art and design for the new is nice. I suppose it matches some of the recolors better, though.


I think its body is too elongated. Looks like a weasel. *shrugs*

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It looks... odd... like there wasn't a lot of work put into it. Not to offend people, but that's the message it gavew to me. I think the Kumos needs an update (at least some black lineart!), but I don't like this new design.

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The new one is great xD


It's a snake, snake a snake oh it's a snake...

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*pokes the kumos with spoons*
<br>kumos kumos kumos kumos kumos kumos kumos mushroom mushroom!

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I liked the coloring on the old one, other than that, the new one is alright.

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I like your kumos christine! Yoooooou do it!
<br>Well, after you ressurect yourself from the DEAD after I kill you for the *shudders* feet *gag*


Just to humor Dickie:
<br><img src="" border="0">


Dickie, aren't you a staff member? Don't you guys get together and talk about these things?
<br>. . . please change back the Blob Kitty.

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Facially it looks like a badger XD
<br>The left front and back legs look deformed.
<br>I think it would've been better to have kept it more similar to the old one. This isn't a's a different pet with kumos markings :/
<br>Couldn't some more or a different artist have a go at this too?


MUST HAVE GOLD ACCOUNT 0_0 I need like, three Kumoses now


This one was really hard. But in the end i decided that everything new is better, well not always, but this time it is! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


Oooooh, I like this 10x better than the older one ^^. No more jelly doggy


<3333 Such a nice redraw...
<br>The back leg is just the slightest bit wonky, though.

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<3 Love the new one. It fits much more with the style and the old one is all blobbish and jelly like and icky. o___o No offence to Ev1, though. ^^; I like Zae's better.


DARN IT. Posted a blank by accident...
<br>Anyway, IT'S SO PURDY. -Snugs it- I thought the Kumos looked perfect the way it was, this proves me wrong. I WANNANOTHER KUMOS.

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I've been a Kumos fan right from the moment it was introduced and I never thought it could be improved upon. Yet here I am absolutely loving the redraw *hugs the artist*


I <3 the new one!

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D'aww,it's so cute^^*steals it*<333


<333 The new one is fabulous.


Whee! Another chance to get more sP huh?

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