From now on if you find a bug on the site, please use the Bug Tracker to report it. It is accessible through the Help/FAQ menu.

In the next few days the Problems and Bugs forum will be being deleted. The Bug Tracker will be the new way we manage and deal with bugs.

When using it please bear in mind it is only for bugs. Questions belong in the help forum. Before you submit a bug, please ensure it has not already been submitted. This helps us be as efficient as possible in fixing the submitted bugs.
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Posted by Cydewinder

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i hate the trade bug uhhhh!i cant place an offer on trades n e more.


The Bug Tracker was created because the Probs and Bugs forum is full of "Yeah this bug happens to me too" posts. Or "That sucks, I hope this gets fixed soon". Its spam and pointless. So we made this.

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What about broken images?


Are misspelled words considered bugs? Or will the spelling and grammar errors posted in the Bugs forum sticky be fixed when the forum gets deleted?

User not found:

Ah, well I didn't know people would be able to see what's been reported. Good idea, then! That was annoying.


<br>People can see reported bugs.
<br>Just in this case, we wont have 283597235 people posting on topics, and saying 'YEAH I WANT IT FIXED' over and over and over.
<br>Which is spam.
<br>And useless.

User not found:

The only problem with this is that you'll end up with a million people sending in the same bug over and over until you fix it, whereas before they could see that someone's already posted it and think 'oh okay' (well apart from people who feel the need to repeat each other). But I guess that's up to you guys.

User not found:

Very nice.

User not found:

So high tech XD


>D -spams-

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