What do you guys think about a new treasure map. Like you can still do the old one, but theres a new one to do too (kind of like on neo with 839457 different ones)

What would be a good theme for it?

Maybe it should be a Holiday Season one (for the last bit of the month) and have it so that you get advent items (since I don't really think enough of them got out)

Or what? :O
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Posted by Keith

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Ahh, Keith; I'm on overdrive in my life right now because of certain events, but I'm relaxing by drawing bajillions of AC items. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_shocked.gif border=0> I'll scan them and line them ASAP.. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


The problem with that was it was right around finals week at college. =/ And college is a bit more on the important side.... now that it is christmas break for most. I'm sure items should come in on time. =D


The problem here being that when I ask for items from the artists, I don't get them until weeks later.
<br>WHich is a problem currently from the advent calendar.


Yes, I don't really like the idea of getting the Advent prizes either; I think that people would be disappointed by that. But a special holiday map sounds fun. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0> Also the seasonal maps as well, with the hoiday one as a special one just for the end of this month. Map pieces via Random Events also? Because the particular event would need to be set to occur much more frequently than the regular map pieces event if so. And the other old Christmas RE's could be added back in as well; people loved those! They were more frequent and a nice little holiday surprise that made you smile. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


Personally Im not sure I like the month idea for the maps, these are like treasure maps, I would do something for each area of the site. Maybe make special area's only accessable by completing certain maps.
<br>But for christmas, How about we do a Artic peak map, and the prize is to be able to access Santas Lair. once you have the map completed you can visit santa once a day to collect Cane points or coal points -it would be random which you given. Inturn you can turn these same points in there for different prizes. BUT the santa link is only available if you complete the map. Maybe this could open the way for a seasonal pet only available there? <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>

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I really like sooki's idea! Having a map for each season... and maybe even more charactors for them too! The item doesnt need to be daily in the season, maybe weekly ^^; and they can be nice items too... <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_shocked.gif border=0> or something of that sort!


I like the holiday themed one, but perhaps we can make special items for completing the map? I don't know if the prizes should just be the old advent items. Maybe we could include some New Year's items as well.
<br>I like Sooki's idea, with the seasonal maps <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>

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How bout a limited edition sorta one... for the winter season. Not only for X-mas, but also Januari, Februari and March till the 21st, then spring starts, then we get a spring map..
<br>Like something with every season.
<br>Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn?
<br>Sooki and her bad ideas.. dont listen to me XD haha

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