Armory Sorting Project - FAQ

Poniard of the Literati
Rainbow Vortex
Research File Cabinet
Thank you all for already sorting over 11,000 items for the battle system! I wanted to post some more information for y'all, such as answers from the comments or staff discussions, in a new post for visibility. Please feel free to ask or comment on this post as well, and join in on the project here if you're just starting.

What is this for?
The battle system is over a decade old, based heavily on Neopets system, and has a lot of room for improvement. This sorting is step 1/100 to just kind of show us where we are with the items that we've got now. Expect a lot more requests for feedback as we figure out changes to make to the battle system!

I wasn't sure where to put something, or I made a mistake on sorting. Am I going to get in trouble?
It's not about right or wrong. We're opening this up to everyone so that we can use the average of answers. Please don't stress yourselves or worry! Does the description or size of it make you think it should be two-handed even if it's one-handed in the overlay? Either one works, then! Does it not have an aura in the image but the description mentions magic? You can mark it as magical or not, whatever vibes.

This doesn't fit into an existing category, are new ones going to be added?
Not in this round, since we already opened it up, but we can do more rounds of sorting with new options and prizes for y'all in the future. If you have doubts or aren't sure, marking it as 'other' is entirely okay!

Why are color-changing potions and plushies in the tagging pool?
Subeta briefly had a PvP battle aspect where potions could be thrown at pets (and change their color). This is no longer available, but that's why they're showing up. Other things may have been tagged as battle items by accident. Potions, plushies, books, or other strange items can be sorted into the complete 'other' category and we can fix it from there.

What's in this for me?
You get a shiny new avatar border at 250 items sorted, 1000 sP for each item sorted, and our thanks for your help!

I found a spelling error or other problem that needs to be fixed in the item's name or description, or I think something about it needs to be changed.
Please use this form to report it!
User Avatar: 605589

Posted by Galaxia


Oh my i keep on losing now


I put all gem, charms, crystal in the Trinkets and most of the stabbing weapons in the Sword.
I would love to have these categories at last, too: scythe, whip, hammer, magic/spell attack, waist armor
Is it possible to use a bow with hand?


I appreciate y'all getting the community to help on this - i know we're all happy to help, but I, in particular, love doing this kind of thing. Sort and file, make everything nice and neat, it makes my brain do the happy chemical.


Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this, thank you for making it available :)


Healing items I have come across a few that are not weapons or worn or thrown. Healing items should have their own category.


My main "iffy" things so far are for daggers and dagger-like objects, which I used to call "Sword" but have started saying "Other Weapon"; and the magical aura, which I sometimes tag based on the description and sometimes on the art. But there are a lot of obviously non-magic items with an "aura" in the art.

I'm guessing 1-handed for most things unless the description or utility makes it obvious that 2 hands are needed. And I think I've made some mistakes by lumping all potions as "potions" even if they're not battle-based.


Nevermind, found how to keep track. For those wondering, check your Achievements tab currently in progress will show you your number X/250 you need


I've done a lot but no idea how much, there's no progress tracker?


How can I check my progress?


I really have a lot of trouble deciding if it is one-handed, or two-handed. Is "two-handed" means a certain weapon comes in 2 pieced and has to be hold with 2 hands, or it mean one heavy weapon that has to be held with both hands?
Plus, I am just vibing, then the system hits me with Attack tag, which I absolutely has no idea how to sort.


I realized I made some mistakes already :( I'm sorry lol
I'm just sleepy


i really like these achievements which we can actively help staff projects + get rewards + not too much of a grind ^^


Glad I read this post as I had no idea Nicole Richie was a weapon.


Okay, good news about making mistakes. I was coding helmets as "other" until I saw the word "helm" under armor. *facepalm*

I did try to do my best.


I am finding quite a few items I need to buy. *laughs* I guess there really are a plethora of battle items!


Thanks, I didn't realize there was an achievement for it too.


@JENNEEVA @Nidoqueen
This is just a first pass, likely, so we should have something a little more polished for you next time!

If you check under your achievements, it should tell you up to 250! Past that we don't have a counter for this round of sorting, but it is definitely something we'll be keeping in mind.


i just found the best item ever while sorting
, i'm in love haha


I put daggers and knives under sword since they're basically very short swords sort of. Wish there had been a category for those. But it was kinda fun any way. Thanks for the new border.


Sorting through items is so incredibly soothing haha.


Also I'm questioning why Mace had a category but in the 250 items I've sorted, I think I've only encountered 3? Less then 5 for sure. Though there were so many daggers, knives, and scythes that overwhelmed the majority of weapons I got.


For those trying to gain the 250 sorted weapons achievement, simply refresh on a page such as the news, and you will be notified if you've reached your goal. The Border automatically unlocks.


The categories do not make much sense. Type of object (sword, ring) and How to use it (thrown, wielded) are two different sets that can overlap quite a lot. Handedness is it's own set (can I hold something in one hand while using it? Can I possibly use the other hand for something else at the same time?). Something worn can be a weapon too, and the "magical" flag is just as random.


@JENNEEVA - personally I put very large shields such as Tower Shields as two-handed, because I could see it being used as its own weapon based on the mass alone. Like bludgeoning someone with a shield as large as you are. Most I put under one-handed.

There are items with, "magic/magical," or, "enchant/ed," which had no aura but I marked as a magical item based on the name. I didn't do ones with different-colored outlines personally if they did not have names as I've mentioned, only if they had an obvious aura (i.e. Lucent).

As for one vs two-handed I went based on the size of the weapon as much as possible. Or based on my knowledge of the weapons they're based on (such as katanas are generally two-handed weapons). I put a handful of staves in the two-handed section based on if you ran out of magic and had to use the weapon as a melee items, however some staves/rods looked short and I put as one-handed.

I kind of see why there are so many, "Other," options. If it's a one-handed weapon that has no real category listed it's a one-handed, "other." If it's an armor piece it's an armored, "Other," and so on.

Also I agree there should be more categories. Felt kind of wrong putting some flails under, "Mace," and others under, "Staff," based on the size and what it looked like.


Couple things I've noticed that are triggering my OCD/sorting needs, lol

-How exactly are we supposed to tell if something is one-handed/2 handed, is it just an educated guess?
-The "magical" section, useless as is. What is the "does it have an aura?!"Does that mean "does it have a random colored outline of some sort? For now, I am just putting it in this section if the description or name has "magical" in it. A LOT of things in the battle pool could be considered magical, but the "aura" segment is throwing me off majorly.
-Why is there 8 options titled "other" I think this could be just its own bracket, having 8 seems overwhelming and repetitive
-I think shields just needs its own sorting bracket also. Don't stick them under One-handed/2 handed because how are we supposed to know which it is exactly?

Hopefully in the relative future we can have better organizing options because they're not very good at the moment, in my opinion.


Is there any way to see how many weapons I've sorted so far? I lost track.


I need more categories lol I need dagger/knife, crossbow, minion, scythe, cannon, bracer, whip, shuriken, hook, quill, gem/charm, claw/fist/katar, arrow, scroll, spear/polearm, back/cloak, snowball, hammer, flail....maybe something for arms, tails, wings, and horns.

It's hard to tell what would be a one handed and two handed sword most of the time too. I don't know if I'd count things going on your face as things that belong in the helm category either, but I also don't know what I would call it beyond face. Crowns I probably wouldn't put into helms since they're so exposed compared to helms, but I've seen them in helm categories before. Pie Mace looks more like a flail

...sorry I really like organizing things like this


Okay so I'm literally built for repetitive sorting tasks so this is fun!

The amount of other and other/other so far makes me feel like I'm about to fail a test BUT I do understand limiting options then adding more later that'll be more specific to the other others. My only actual critique of this process is a request from a mobile user: can that "is it magic?" question either be moved to the top under the item image or another item image be inserted underneath the choices before submission? For me the image is off the screen by the time I get there (and yes I've already forgotten if it had an aura because I wasn't thinking about it yet lol) so I gotta scroll up and down to check the image for signs of magic.

Not a big big deal because organization is fun, but I could speedrun this badboy if I had to scroll less |D


The sorting is definitely a lot of fun, I wish I could do it again. xD


As far as staffs go, I went one-handed on all of them due to primarily being magic-based weaponry. xD But yes, if you were going to physically whack someone with a staff, you'd need to two-hand some of them due to their weight.


I honestly find the sorting thing... fun for me :> I dunno I'm probably one of the only people who find it oddly therapeutic but I like imagining these items based on image, description and overlay and just thinking about what kind of object it'd be if I had it in my hands-

I'm also glad that you've cleared up that we don't need to worry if we may be wrong, cus there's a few times I forgot to click the "Magical" box haha-

Happy sorting, people! ; D


It would be cool to see how many items we each have done / how many to go (in total, not just for the achievement).
But I kind of get why coding that might be a pain.


I'm not gonna lie, I don't battle too often so I wasn't sure what to categorize some items as...

And as for daggers and sais I put them under, "Weapons - Other," because it didn't feel right classifying them as swords. Hope that doesn't mess up too much. I really did just want to help out.

I also agree about other tiers for classifying weapons. There are so many and I'm willing to help out more on that regardless of any additional achievements. But I'm not sure how much help I actually am on this. I've had the same battle set for years now even tho my pet is now T9.


In future rounds I hope knives get separated out from swords.


It's all right, I posted the item report form because want people to use it! If it's problems with site items, I've made serious inroads on the backlog. However, page issues and CWs require a bit more work and organization of effort (consulting with other staff and releasers respectively), so we may still be working on those.


can yall just merge the two sites.
Having to sign into just to do certain things on this site is a drag.
I could ask this in the forums. But that would require me having to sign into a chromium based browser


@Galaxia this is kind of tangential, and I hope you don't mind the ping, but I wanted to ask about the Spelling and Grammar Report form. I reported a couple things through there I think over a year ago, and I don't remember what one of them was anymore, but I occasionally check on the other thing and it's never been fixed. Is there a backlog of these reports at all? Should I submit a report again? Thanks!


I think I might be overthinking some of these. Like, staffs - when walking with them, yes, they are one handed, but if you're gonna use them as a weapon you're probably usually going to use two hands. Unless you're bonking Simba on the head to teach him that the pain in the past still hurts.


@mmmh81 The "worn" category isn't supposed to be for items with an HA overlay, I think--it's for armor, rings, necklaces, etc: items that you wear rather than hold/wield.


two handed weapons were difficult to sort because while the item could be in one hand, I consider things with HEAVY WEIGHT to be a two handed thing?


@Nikomas i tend to go with one handed>weapons>other for small ones, two handed>weapons>other for huge ones. i couldn't justify putting them in with the maces personally


It very faintly shows up but you need to be looking for it but my mouse changes to a hand to show me sort of now.


Do y’all count hammers under weapon>mace or weapon>other? I’m six one way, half dozen the other. 😵‍💫


what has me intrigued is 'two handed'. my mind casts that to dark souls, where you need more strength on a character to wield 2 handed things effectively. one wonders if this will change up stat allocations on pets!


I appreciate the answers. I have the border already, but my OCD enjoys this activity so I shall keep going!


My organizational side loves the sorting, but I keep making the mistake of sorting axes as "other" because I keep forgetting about the axe category by the time an axe shows up so PLEASE FORGIVE ME IT'S NOT ON PURPOSE :sob:


This is rad! Thanks for keeping us posted, and it seems like a good time to be getting into battling. :)


Thanks for the update! I’m enjoying sorting, learning more about some of the items and getting a laugh over some of the descriptions!


@dara, Go to your achievements. You should see how many you've done via there!


The box is pretty faint...
Does it not show up for you at all? Did you try clicking around in that spot?


It's after the sparkle emote next to the word 'Magical?'
Alas, for me no - only in my imagination.


There should be a magic weapon category, for tomes and orbs and even some familiars items. :)


I’m only sad that I can’t see how many I’ve done thus far. Not because I want the border (I do) but because I like to be able to keep count for scale purposes.


So is everything put into Other: Other supposed to be things that shouldn't be weapons? I've been putting things like battling minions such as the Battle Crow and Fury in that category.


Am i missing the held category? I am marking them other under worn because I don't think it would go in the gloves category


Yes, you don't need to battle! Just have an opinion on what category something fits into when you see it.


Too easy for some maybe, for those of us with ADHD it's a grind! Though I'm discovering some REALLY cool items I never knew existed, so that's fun! :D


Not to shoot anyone in the foot here but 250 was kinda too easy...Maybe we could get a second tier for either double or more items sorted?



Sorting the weapons has nothing to do with actually battling thankfully! You just need to be able to know what a sword is pretty much. It’s just looking at the item and deciding which category fits best for the weapon/armour.


One border I'll be missing out on bc I have no idea anything to do with battling lol


Is there some way to see how many items we've sorted?


oh man i forgot about the battle colour potions, incredible


How would you sort quills?


Glad to be helping!! :)


Ah! yes! One of the things I'll be bringing up is changing the buttons to make it more visible. As @Sigma says (thank you!) It's after the sparkle emote next to the word 'Magical?'


Thank you, Sigma, you were right I can't see the check box in my browser.


"[...]potions could be thrown at pets (and change their color)."

that's wild LMAO


@SpiritedLass it might be hard to see in your browser. There's a checkbox next to the sparkle emote that you can check off.


Magical? ✨
Is this item magical? Does it have an aura?

Better Question: Where do I answer this?


I would say list Orbs, Staffs, and Wands as magic as they are traditionally used as magic ranged weapons. Everything else tends to be physical, unless there is clearly some magic imbued properties, such as a sword with magical in the name. There's really no right answer, since all the weapons do elemental damage of some sort.


Categories I suggest for a future follow-up:

Polearms (spears, tridents, halberds, pikes, lances, etc.)
Daggers (kukri, knives, sai, dagger, sporks)
Scythes/Sickles (these are a special category as they are not a traditional weapon)
Flails (ball and chain weapons, nunchucks, whips, kusarigamas)
Blunt (clubs, hammers, bats, maces* etc.)
Melee (biting, clawing, gloves used for fisticuffs or close combat, kicking, general catch-all)
Tomes (typically magic-based scrolls or books used for summoning or spells)

*maces are already a category but it is incorrect to list a club as a mace! A mace has the trademark spikes on the end to inflict cuts in addition to blunt force trauma.


@Evil Thank you for the list


Think of that as an OR question, not an AND. If the image or the overlay have a colored-in effect or a shiny one, or if you feel the description indicates magical, you can say 'yes' to it. Or if you think there's just poetic license, or pretty art involved, you don't have to put that it's magical. Just kinda vibe with the idea and go with what you like best.


It would be very helpful if you put a link to this on the News sidebar. Please and thank you. :)


Magical? ✨
Is this item magical? Does it have an aura?

How do you answer this?


Good to examine what is currently in place and what works/doesn't work!


List of Weapons not Equipable


Cool we get a new battle system sweet!! Thanks Subeta Staff!! By the way I hope everyone is having a wonderful Valentine's Day!!!!


The weapon guide can really help with the categories! I have the Mecha and it is a bomb, in case someone did not know. I did learn some interesting facts though. :)


I'm not really a battler, but I am pretty excited about these updates! I may have to try my hand at it more soon. Thanks for letting us be involved! :)


Shoving those under 'other', since we don't have an option for them just yet, is going to work. We can make reviewing the 'other' category a project in itself.


It's driving me batty that there isn't an option for daggers. LOL!


Thanks for the clarification! Sorting has been fun, and it's always nice to get a chance to contribute.


I don't know about everyone else, but I'm having a super fun time doing this! It feels good to help out with little things like this.


Thanks again. I look forward to seeing battling veer away from Neopets and into Subeta's own brand!

Two big things I'd love to see, which are likely way down the road:
Somehow make it simpler/easier to understand so that new to battling players can dive in without getting overwhelmed.
Concerning the crazy expensive weapons that people like for their clothing overlay--would it be possible to split said items into weapon and clothing (two items) so the clothing item could be more freely rereleased while the weapon retains its rarity balance? (and anyone who owns said item gets both the weapon and clothing items)


Thank you for reminding me that I hadn't included the link! Go here to start.


You can start on it here! I've also edited in and labeled the link more clearly based on the questions.


I have a question. Where and how can I take part in this? :)


Likely not right now, but this is the first of many battle-related projects.


How do I contribute? Is there a URL link?


This project is a great way to involve the community while achieving a shared goal: progress. Kudos. 👌


Thank you! 😊


This is great, it's nice to be able to help out.


Are there going to be 'tiers' to this? For achievements? Like the 250 being the first tier, then maybe 500 for a second tier, and so on? Because I'm at work and I'm bored, lol.


Thanks for the update!

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