There is a new poll about the Bovyne.
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Posted by Luxe

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holy crud. the new one is so much better.

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I was going to zap my bovyne,but now I'm going to wate and see if it gets revamped!If it does get revamped I'm keeping mine the way it is!

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This is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!Something bugs me,I dont know what,but I voted for the new,and if this revamp goes through,I might just adopt one!Whoever drew this is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

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wow! I totally ADORE this revamp, it looks really neat...such nice line-art, this really looks like an interesting pet now<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>
<br>congrats to whoever drew this one<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


It looks good. =3 I like it.


I absolutely adore the new one because, personally, I'm more of a realism person than a cartoonish person. It helps that the art, coloring, and shading were all wonderfully done.
<br>And I LOVE how this pet doesn't automatically jump out as "Oh em gee! COW! 8O" to me as the old one does/did. It jumps out as "Oh em gee! A Subetian Bovyne!"
<br>And the jingly bell = <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_heart.gif border=0>
<br>I can't WAIT to see the Cream version of this one if it's revamped.

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I like it alot, has WAY better detailing, and one, were not looking for realism, leave the horns on it's nose! I mean it has blue spots for cryin out loud! where's ur origionality? I think its GREAT!

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Divsy, that was unneeded... I like the revamp <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0> I do think it looks a little too realistic though. But it is still good.

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oi. i love how people keep whining about how FAT it is.
<br>you people are jsut NEVER happy, are you? Remember the FIRST kumos revamp? =-= everyone was whining that it was too SKINNY. well, news flash. not EVERYTHING has to be "ideally" -perfect-. geez people. =_= picking out stupid little things, like it's FAT is NOT a good excuse to not like it.


Wow, i love it! Exept the horns on its nose looks freakish O.o

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Aw, it's so pretty <3 I don't mind that it's fat, don't cows have like 4 stomaches?
<br><img src="" border="0">
<br>See, all cows are fat! ^^
<br>Anyways, it's very pretty and if this is used as the revamp then I just might adopt one ^^


oo~ it looks awesome! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>

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The leg it's lifting up is smaller than the others.
<br>I think it is kind of fat too


I like the new look; however, there are a couple of things that I do not like. First, the nose should stay pink.
<br>The things I don't like are the horns on top of it's nose, and it looks pregnant.


Tash, in reference to the nose, we tried blue, honestly, and it looked awful. If you want a blue nose, I promise Dusk still has it.


I would like it better if it were just a tiny bit slimmer and those horns weren't coming out of it's nose.


O_O sooo cute!!! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif border=0> I want one now!


'Ew' is not constructive criticism, Canvas. >(

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I love it!! I seriously LOVE the new design! The horns and the pattern on it's body are so cool. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0> I'd get one if I hadn't filled up my spaces, lol.


I'm torn between the two.On the one hand,the old one looks cute and cartoony,but on the other there's a gorgeous new redraw,but totally different!And they're both special in their own ways,so I really have no idea which to choose.And I don't agree with people saying it looks like a horse/goat ect. because a Bovyne is a Bovyne,and doesn't have to resemble a certain Animal.And come on,does it REALLY look like a horse to you?! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>

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Ew, It looks like a Mountain Goat Horse Thing. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0>

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I'm almost positive that this has been commented on.. but I'm fairly sure the problem with the front hoof (the one that is lifted) is that the bone in any quaraped has only /two/ joints in it, not three. (the joint connecting it to the animal itself, and the join that connects the thigh to the lower-leg) here you show it as having three joints <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_whatthe.gif border=0>
<br>You have it joining in at the body, at the knee, and before the knee, which makes it somewhat out-of-proportion-looking.
<br>But other than that I think it's fiarly nice. A bit flaunty, though, but nice ^^ seems the artist put a load of effort into creating the new bovyne look, and seemed to do a fairly good job ^^


Honestly, and nobody kill me here, I'm really not keen on the new one. However, I'm not just going to post one of those 'omg i dnt like it is ugly' posts, cause that kind of thing just isn't fair to the artists who take so much time and effort doing these pictures.
<br>First off, the art itself is amazing. The pose, colours and proportions are all spot on (I think the front hoof has been mentioned?). The lines are gorgous, etc. Teera's quite obviously an amazing artist <3.
<br>The thing which irks me is what I suppose I'd term the over-realism of it. The pot belly, flared nostrils, angular hipbones and pink nose are all very well done, but - and this is especially for the pink nose - they don't work for me. Looking at other pets on this site, the cuteness seems to have been put aside slightly in favour of realism? I'm not sure. Perhaps it's just that pink nose.. I'm sure it would be much more appealing in light blue D:
<br>Anyways. I don't own a bovyne, so I shouldn't really comment <33


I just want to clarify why the new bovyne is quite different. We were trying to make it not as easily recognizable to a real-world creature. So, we added more horns, and clydesdale feet (which is perhaps where the horse reference comes in). It is a significant change, but one we totally intended.
<br>We're also toying with changing the name to avoid and further confusions with it being just a cow. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif border=0>


Looks more like a horse than a cow.
<br>It looks good but not like a bovyne. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0>
<br>"No." <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0>

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It's gorgeous. It makes me want one T__T

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Its Lovely.Looks so real,the eyes are nice...

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Hmmmm.... Im not to sure which one to Vote for. They are both pretty good.


P.s In anticipation of the new bovyne I bought an elixir to turn one of my pets XD


Wow...just wow...And I agree with shoomgarden on the rename. I like Minos. Anyway, I am totally going to adopt one now, it's beautiful!


I've got a fever and the only prescription is MORE COWBELL.

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I like it a lot.... but it needs MORE COWBELL -ten points if anyone can catch the reference?-


Well, cow versus not-cow comments aside, I like this change very much. I would consider this a pet worth having. (Arg! Stop redrawing the pets! I dont have that many slots left. XD)

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I like everything but the eyes. The old Bovyne's eyes lacked straightness and dimension, but they had a character about them that could've been polished up into an Amber version that fits this Bovyne so well; but the eyes chosen don't add anything, and infact dissapear into the face..Maybe that's the point, but to me it makes the face look empty.
<br>I like the tail just fine, but something I'd fine neat and unique would be if it had an extravagantly long tail.

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I like it. It's so cute.
<br>*cow lover*

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I really like this bovyne. But I think the version we have right now is move lovable. I personally think more stylized art if better for petss, in most cases. I do like the coloring on it though, more tahn the one we have right now.


Oh I was just thinking the new one reminds me of greek mythology where zeus turns into a bull and takes europa to the island of crete where they have 3 kids.
<br>I like the new one, but I definitely don't think the name bovyne matches it. I was looking and Minos, Rhadamanthys, and Sarpedon were the name of those kids europa bore and I think the latter two would be great for a rename..........just a random suggestion.


He looks so wise & kind. I like this revamp, especially the horns.


Wow it is diffent. I don't really know what to say I guess I kinda like it its just seems really umm.... different.....

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ooooh. i love it. n.n if i didn't have 10 pets now, i'd so get a bovyn if they get revamped. <3

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Mmm. Cow.
<br>I like the chubbiness.


I think this is fantastic. o.o I have never liked a cow-like creature so much in my life. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_heart.gif border=0>


I love how it looks! I may have to change someone...

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Wow, I'm really starting to get confused! I can't have every pet on subeta, but with all the goregous revamps, I want them. :3

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Finally, the pet in dire need of a revamp gets one. Though it does look smarter than a real cow....Woah. Scary thought there. Smart cows?


don't flog me or flood my sMail-box or anything but I don't like how realistic all the pets have been getting lately... I mean I really like how they look, the Bovyne and the recently drawn kumos, but the torent was a bit strange and the new fester look we voted on just doesnt look like a carrion bird, more like an eagle.

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I had this really long comment typed up, about what I liked and didn't like. Then I tried to send it, and it didn't work, and when I clicked the back button my comment was gone. So I'm going to give a summary of what I said.
<br>My main point was that the new Bovyne looks too majestic and all knowing, where I always used to think of it as cute, innocent, and maybe somewhat dimwitted. Although I think I can live with or without a revamp, because I don’t have a Bovyne and am not planning to get one. I also want to say that I really like the art on the new Bovyne.


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">I have been a member of 5 petsites and almost all have a pet resembling what animal they are.</blockquote>
<br>Resembling is one thing. However, when people start pointing out the ways a Bovyne is different from a cow, in a bad way (or ways a Torrent is different from a goldfish, ect.), it's pretty bothersome. *shrug*
<br>With that said, I LOVE the new version. It is leaps and bounds better in my opinion, more detailed, and certainly more professional looking. I can't wait to see the other colors (like dawn!!!)

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now i have to get one! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>


Hmm...this one is, okay. I have nothing against the wonderful art. I just really enjoyed the other one is all. This new version seems a little too "busy". To much stuff going on! But then, I like my pets simple. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0> *pets the old one*


Oh I know the Bovyne was spelled differently than Bovine but I just wanted to see the definition and thought others might as well.
<br>I think
<br><b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Sluggish, dull, and stolid.</blockquote>
<br>does not fit either version.


<br>Clean, crisp shading and line-art, but with character. :B
<br>I like that the ROUND-sih, big-ish eyes were carried through from the old to the new. <3
<br>The Horns and Devil-ish tail are such a fantastic feature in the new version. <3
<br>It's like.. Lycan's unique spin on a Cow-ish pet, but nicely updated, with a little more personality.
<br><b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Posted by Dickie
<br<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_mad.gif border=0>h, and though the kitty bell is well drawn it looks weird and out of place. a cow bell would make more sense...or no bell at all.</blockquote>
<br>We discussed the cow/cat bell issue at length during the design process, and ended up deciding on the kitty bell for the common and less.. spectacular colours. I think it's a nice feature that'll be fun to toy with for colours like GY and BR and so on. GY could have like.. a skull on a satin ribbon type thing.. and BR could have the more traditional cowbell or sommat?


Personally, I love the new bovyne.
<br>Bovine is and or relating to the animals such cows, oxs, etc.. but note the spelling.
<br>Bovyne while it might have things relating to what a bovine is is not the same thing otherwise I think Keith would of spelled it the way it should of been spelled.
<br>That said, I love the fact that it looks a lot more realistic than the previous bovyne which looked a bit too cartoonish for my taste.
<br>Plus, the horse feet( clysedale, influence?) rock XD

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IT IS LOVE OMG <33333.

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Everyone, that was my opinion and what I thought. I am not stupid so don't tell me that the bovyne doesn't have to look exactly like a cow. I have been a member of 5 petsites and almost all have a pet resembling what animal they are. SO STOP! I expressed my opinion Flare... It was what <b>I</b> thought and saw. I know what a bovyne is. I don't think it looks like what it should be. I don't want to bluntly say I hate the new one. I said things that would make it look better...DUH?

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@User not found: __@ AGH. People. Listen. D: Bovyne=NOT cow. NOTNOTNOT. Yes. It has similarities. That doesn't mean it has to be totally cow. Subeta and other pet sites don't have their pets resemble just one pet. You mix it up.

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I voted against because I thought that the horns on the nose werent really, cow-ish. And it appeared like it had two additional horns on its head to make 4 instead of two. And I also would have worked a bit more on the hooves. But that is just me (:

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I love this re-design, although the raised leg looks a bit out of place, since it doesn't have any markings and the other three do.
<br>The bell is a nice addition too. I like how it's not quite a cowbell, like the Bovyne isn't exactly a cow.

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Mm...I see the similarities people are seeing to horse and goat, but I still see the classic cow look too. xD I dunno. The new one is pretty, and there's nothing wrong with it. The old one was always a favorite of mine too. Either way it goes I think I'll be content. <3


bo·vine ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bvn, -vn)
<br<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_mad.gif border=0>f, relating to, or resembling a ruminant mammal of the genus Bos, such as an ox, cow, or buffalo.
<br>Sluggish, dull, and stolid.
<br>An animal of the genus Bos.
<br>[Late Latin bovnus, from Latin bs, bov-, cow. See gwou- in Indo-European Roots.]
<br>Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
<br>Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
<br>Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
<br>Main Entry: bo·vine
<br>Pronunciation: 'bO-"vIn, -"vEn
<br>Function: noun
<br>: an ox (genus Bos) or a closely related animal —bovine adjective
<br>Source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.
<br>adj 1: of or relating to or belonging to the genus Bos (cattle) [syn: bovid] 2: dull and slow-moving and stolid; like an ox; "showed a bovine apathy" n : any of various members of the genus Bos

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Assassin. It's not a cow. It's a bovyne. A subeta pet. Not a real animal.

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I LOVE this.

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The head on this one makes the Bovyne look like a goat <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0> No cow has a horn on its nose... And a cow only has two horns on its head anyway. The old head would look better on the new Bovyne.


I really like the artwork..........however I think the old one is more fun looking personally. The new one is great and I can see i'm out numbered, but I like the smile on the old one. How bout putting the old head on the new body. LOL.......just a thought. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>

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Erm. SailorGundam, a bovyne is a cow... XD I get what you are saying, but it looks too much like many other animals.


Sorry for the double post... but I just realized something... one of the back legs should be doing something. or at least ... not as close together. But, overall, it's a good revamp. The last two I didn't like all that much.


I like this revamp.
<br>And, it's not a cow, it's a bovyne. It's not supposed to be a cow.


Wow! When I first saw this in the news I thought it looked a little TOO different, and just too... busy or something. But it has really grown on me. Very nice artwork. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif border=0> *votes new*


That is awesome, and I'me gonna get one! I think the raised leg is a bit small though, and doesn't have as much long hair at the hoof. But, oh my gosh, I'm getting one


I like this new one muchhhhh better. I really hopes it goes through, because I'd like the bloodred version of this pet ><img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


Love it! Pwnnnssssss :3 I'm going to get one when I get space too! Amazing! Much better! Wh00tness and all that <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>

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<br>If I may ask, how is Atebus does it look like a goat? I see no goat. Anywhere. at all. o__o;;

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I like th old one better that looks to realistic

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<br>;_; I wish I could see what it would look like in reborn. I hope this revamp goes through quickly. :x


@User not found: __@ That is AWSOME! One of the greatest re-draws I've ever seen. I vote new all the way. And it isn't a cow people, nor is it "supposed" to look like one

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Guys. o__o Please keep in mind, the Bovyne, as like any other subeta pet, isn't meant to look like one pet. So the Bovyne is not supposed to look like a cow. It's up to us to choose, and you can't be mad because the Bovyne may not look entirely like a cow.

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Erm... No offense, but the new one looks like a goat, not a cow. That is also what my mom said.


It's so pretty! I love it! I like the old one but this one has a bell, and shiny eyes, and cool hoofs.

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<3 omg loveeeeeyrujhg.
<br>The new one is so much better, in my opinion. It looks much more with the style we have now and is beautiful. ^^ I love Teera. Lots. We need to make "I <3 Teera" shirts. XD!


I thought Bovyne was another word for Cow.
<br> I honestly could not pick on my own so I told my husband to come here and point at the one to vote for and he picked old so that is why I voted old because I wanted the 250 sPs because honestly this was the first time I could not choose for myself.
<br>Teera's version is winning of course as the new one's usually do.
<br>With four revamps pending when will we see the new pets?
<br>I am dying for my Festers to change.
<br>Everyday I wait for a news post on The Fester Revamp.


...It's half cow, half horse. Which is awesome, and perfect for Subeta. Because now it doesn't just look like a cartoon cow. x] The detail is much better, the horns make it more unique, the bell is a wonderful touch, and the fur carpeting the hooves is exactly what makes you think "horse". Over all, truly amazing. <333 I'd get one for sure, if I had extra pet slots... -pokes Keith-


Red new look!!!

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Finally!I was waiting for some major pet revamps!Seems like almost all of 'em might get a makeover.they need it(some of 'em)..I hope the Otter or Ruffie is next in line...

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wow, i love it, as someone else said the raised leg does look a bit small but overall? WOW it looks so so so much better. and the animal itself to me looks like a horse/cow/deer. because of the neck head and body. i love the spots too very creative. one hint i think you should start working on the 2d like animals that need a revamp and then move on but great job very well done and congrats to the artist. it really looks amazing!!!

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It's amazing, but I'd have to vote for the old one. Don't get me wrong, this is an amazing picture, but I guess I'm a weird old person who is way to simple or some thing, cause the new one looks way too complecated......


It's not a's a bovyne.
<br>Subeta's pets don't have to be rigidly based on any particular animal, in fact we prefer to let the users decide what it "is" for themselves.
<br>And this bovine wears a jinglybell around its neck. What's to complain about? Don't you like jingly bells? <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>


It does look slightly horse-like especially in the head and neck, but that could be me, and the raised hoof is a tad small and skinny looking from the rest of the limbs, but the revamp is definately a lot nicer and professional and more people may adopt it ^___^. I have no reason to complain, great job artist!

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Oh, and though the kitty bell is well drawn it looks weird and out of place. a cow bell would make more sense...or no bell at all.

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It's sad to see Lycan and Christine pets being wiped from the site but I guess Subeta has to evolve.
<br>It's very good and I like it looking slightly horsey, it's a made-up pet afterall and not a cow.
<br>The leg that's being lifted up looks withered though :/


The new one uses more of the 200x200 space, is more anatomically correct whilst keepig some of the original Bovyne look (the tail & pose)... even with more horns, you can still tell what it resembles (though, subetapets are not always intended to be automatically associated with a real-life animal). The colours, like natalie said, are much more subtle, less cartoonish (though I love Lycan's style), the shading's superb.
<br>I can't think of anything that needs improvement. Excellent job, Jill. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_heart.gif border=0>


I have been a Teera Misu fan for a long time. She is a great artist.


D: It's so pretty. I'd get one...
<br>If I had space. ;; -votes new-

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its a cow a clydesdale horse and a rhino all rolled into one whats not to love?


It looks pretty cow-like to me. o.O
<br>I absolutely love this version. I vote new!

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Trust me it takes a brilliant artist to draw a pet i DONT have complaints to make about it.
<br>This is really great Teera, you did real good!


The old one looks too cartoony, like a 60s cartoon at that. The only reason I would think it's femanine.. would be because of it's eyes.. but then again cows are females, and most have eyes that look similar to that.


I love it.. just... the hoof that is raised looks slightly.... small..


Just realized my last comment sounded snotty, which is not how I intended. What I meant was, it's a nice piece of work (looks a little like a horse) but it resembles a lot of other pet site's pets, due to the eyes.

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I think I want a bovyne.


This is very pretty. I love Lycan's version too. I will have to think on this one.

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It looks more like a horse than a cow/bovyne? Believe me, I've seen a lot of cows, i should know. x0
<br>But it's definitly pwettier, it just very horse alike.. <3

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Very good drawn. ^^
<br>Looks cool!
<br>But i like the old one better...
<br>can't realy pointout why... (maybe because of the horns? but not only that)


I don't think it's Subeta's style at all. :-/


SNAPS. Right after I decide to make Slang a Devonti instead of a Bovyne you make a revamp poll. xD


Posted by Freak
<br>see that thing i talked about with the last poll? masculine out and iffeminate in? its happening again
<br>What? o_O i think the old one was extremely iffemeinate.

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I am glad Subeta is making polls to get rid of the catoony pets, it looks much better, and I think it fits Subetas style more.


Awesome job! Coolest cow I have ever seen!


Man I <3 this waaaayyyy too much D:! Its so much cuter than the older one and it looks less cartoony.


I love it! *applaudes for the artist* Well Done!!


The colors are much more subtle and less cartoony.
<br>I like this a lot.


is it not obvious which one we should vote for? ^^




It looks so real.-pets it and gets hand bit off-Fine....I don't like you either!>P


see that thing i talked about with the last poll? masculine out and iffeminate in? its happening again


<br>It looks so much more.. Subetan this way. And less paranoidorsomething.


It's... different... I think I like the older one more, though, just because it's cuter. The new one looks good, but it's not the lovable bovyne that I think of.


Holy.. that looks awsome O_O


I want to take it hoooome. <333

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Love it <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


<3 <3 of course. x3

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Woah, that's absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Once I get space, I'll get one. If the revamp goes through.

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I... loveit.
<br>The eyes look better. <3

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