Mystical Montre Plushie
Mystical Donadak Plushie

Two magical plushies have appeared on the Donation Items page.

(You can have a max of 5 extra pet slots. Ever. Don't ask for more.)
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Posted by Keith


Sweet. <3
<br>I'll be getting my Donadak Plushie within a couple weeks.

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cooooooooollllllllll omg


<br>i didn't add the Magical Donadak Plushie on my wishlist... *beaming at everyone who pass by*

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First the Kumos pluahie now this.. LOL
<br>Well there goes this weeks money X3


100$ for two more virtual pets? I'll pass.


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;"> Posted by Dokuja
<br>The Montre gives you 1 Pet Slot. The Donadak gives you 2.
<br>And Dokuja gives you sP for buying her them. D:</blockquote>
<br>LOL that is funny, Dokuja. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>

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And I agree with tracy, you gotta have a lotta time and love to have 15 pets. Some people can barely manage 3 pets. Kudos to you guys who go for it <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>

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Awwwr, those came out adorably!
<br>Those will definately be -rare- plushies! D:

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Aw, the montre is so cute <333 I don't need extra pet spaces, but I wish I could have that plushie! x3


Heh...I never even reached ten. I stopped at eight. XD


yes, Raevaine. My room-mate and I both bough one, and at least three other people have purchased one already. 5 have been in fact bought for sure. Possibly there's more. And I'm positive a few more people will do so aw well.


I bought one.
<br>Wanted the extra pets when Spectrum and Hydrus Darkonite's come out. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>
<br>But I don't consider myself 'elite' lol just a crazy guy who wanted 2 more pets.

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I think at least 3 or 4 people have bought them so far, if not more. I wish the mail would hurry up so I can get mine already.


Question: Has anyone bought one of them yet?


Oh, wait...never mind! I found out! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


15 pets! YAY! Thanks so much!! <3
<br>Now, about the plushies! What do they do for them to cost that much money??!


Aww......I really want that Mystical Donadak Plushie. ><


I only think an elite few can care for 15 pets.
<br>I am one of these people who are just so satisfied with having ten.
<br>In fact I could like really kick my own but for ever creating so many pets.
<br>I wish I just had one with ubber stats and a Huge treasure box full of unbuyables.
<br>Please do not tell my pets I wish I only had one though as I don't want any of them to have a low self esteem.


but too much money.


aaaaaawwww.....<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_blush.gif border=0>there so cute

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Ohyeah. And don't get me wrong, it's an awesome idea, the price is just way too high for Miss Mel. < 3

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Uhh. I think I'd rather spend an amount that huge on something in real life, like a ferret and such. o-o; If I ever even -get- that much.

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I have the $$$ to buy them but I still think the price is way too high. Yes, Keith, I know you want them to be elite, but I think if you cut the price in half you'd still get elite buyers. Not only that, but I don't like the idea of Subeta becoming a socioeconomic-based organization. I don't need the extra pet slots - 10 pets is enough! But I don't want them bad enough to fork over that much money when gas is $2.79 a gallon. Sorry, darlin', not this time.

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I'd love to have two more pets... but $100 is way beyond my means. XD
<br>Wonder what the plush will cost in sp?
<br>Thinks... Angelic potion is $25?
<br>Goes for about 1 mil... so 4 mil for the plush? Ouch.
<br>Congrats to those of you with a spare $100! lol

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People keep saying that if you REALLY want it, you'll spend money on it. Well, I REALLY want it, but I CAN'T spend the money on it, even though I want to. It's not a matter of wanting it and getting it. It's a matter of how much one makes, and how much they have to spare. -shakes head-


OoooooAaaaaahhhhh! This is what I've been waiting for....but am a little bit broke at the moment. *sniff*
<br>I do hope these stay up for awhile. I can't manage $260 all at once...but in pieces I can. ^^


Mm, .. . even if I did want to spend that much I'd end up putting it in my plushie collection and not getting extra pet slots .. though I do really want an angelic darkonite .. ._.


Perhaps if size issue really is the problem, then the cost for the plushies is good as high as it is. I'm dirt poor with college bills to pay... but I couldn't resist getting another pet slot, and it it helps the site, then it's worth it. I spen hours on Subeta almost everyday, and $60 total is a lot less than to go entertain myself at the movies, clubs, or my favorite Japanese place <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0> for a week. <b>BUUUUT</b>.... I really really wish we could keep the plushie in a non magical form since we did pay a lot for it (me and my room-mate together $160)... but I GUESS it's understandable that you can't, because people may make trades with the ones that are magical, and people may try to trick others witht the non magical ones and it would be confusing. Oh gawd, I've written enough. I guess I had my say ^^;;


Mm, I've having issues adopting with my new slots.. sometimes it will let me and sometimes it wont? D:

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<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">If you hover over them on the descriptions page, it tells you. x3</blockquote>
<br>Pffft. That's only if you use IE. xP Some of us use other browsers, so that doesn't happen.
<br>This is a good idea. If people want the extra slots, they can, so no more complaining. x3


actually,i think theres people who would desperately LOVE new pet slots,but couldnt possibly spend that much..i dont think its a matter of 'who wants it the most',if there were someone making the choice between food and other needs and the pet slots,and they ACTUALLY chose the pet slots,then maybe it becomes and issue of who wants it the most,but..that person would have to be a bit sad/ it doesnt really apply to most here i dont think..i think what im trying to get at,but managing to go in weird little circles instead,is that it isnt always a matter of want,just ability to afford it *nods*


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Rah, working for real money is not the same as working for game money. If I had $260, I would keep to to help FEED my family. Real money is far more precious then some pixels on a game.</blockquote>
<br>Then don't buy them <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0> People who think this way are obviously not the ones who want the extra pet slots the most. I, too, would rather keep my real money than have extra pet slots - but I know there are others who are willing to part with their real money <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>

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the montre is cute!<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>

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As I said before, congrats to those who are able to afford these.


opinions,opinions,everywhere,and not a tylenol in sight!!
<br>>_< im kidding,by the way. just an attempt at humour.
<br>i'll just be going again now..


The reason they are so expensive is because I WANT it to be elite.
<br>The database has enough size-problems as is, and it doesn't need every person and their mother being able to have five extra pet slots.
<br>I was against the idea in the start, but with enough pressuring I decided to release them - just so that not everyone would be able to get it.
<br>I know its not fair to people without a lot of money. but then - having gold accounts aren't fair, and neither are donation items.

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I know that they just disappear now. I was hoping maybe that might be changed, seeing as how it kind of reminds me of the discount cards being able to get stolen from items. Since people were paying real money I thought they couldn't be stolen anymore.

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Someone stated earlier:
<br>"For all of you who want to know, the plushie DOES go away, never to return once you use it for a pet slot"

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Is there any word on whether or not the plushies will become unmystical or something to where, if we spend this much money, they don't just disappear? They're so cool as it is, I'd love to be able to keep it as a plushie after I've used it for pet slots.

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That's true, Sylvie. But considering the recent skyrocket in the price of MP's, it wouldn't surprise me if those were out of the reach of all but the richest players. :3 Yes, I know people can work for the SP to buy one from another player.. But only a small few will be lucky enough to buy one from someone else.


Well if you don't want to give real money for this, you might want to just buy one with sP from someone who bought it with real money. I saw one in the trades earlier.

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Rah, working for real money is not the same as working for game money. If I had $260, I would keep to to help FEED my family. Real money is far more precious then some pixels on a game. I've spent money on his game, yes. But $260 for five more pets is just.. Eh. No matter how much I love subeta, I can't afford that. No matter how much I want more pets, I can't afford that. Even if I want it, there's no way I can get it. Real money isn't that easy to come by. Either way, there's nothing I can do about it. Congrats to those who can afford this.


Oh and by the way,I agree with you guys saying that it should be expensive.If it wasn't,then it wouldn't be as special. =) And it's not THAT expensive when you think about it.And it helps with the running of Subeta and everything.


$60.That's like £30 in Britain,right?I'm gonna have to save up for a long time if I want one of those! =D


Keith doesn't want a LOT of people to be able to buy these <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0> You have to really want the extra slots to get them - to the point you'd work for real money to send in.
<br>Each extra pet takes up server space - so if everyone could afford to get an extra pet the site would be overrun with extra pets and would get a lot slower :p


Guys he set them at that price for a reason, if its too high then ten pets should be enough for you.
<br>This is one of those life examples, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

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On second thought, I don't think I'll be buying one. That's way too expensive. $100 for five maybe I'd do.. but $260 for five? If I had that much, I'd give it to charity, not to a website. :/ And like I said before, this isn't entirely fair to people who don't have tons of money. I understand that the site needs money too.. but that's a lot. I think a lot more people would buy if it was $100 for five.


i think its too expensive for MOST people..thus..i guess..
<br>making it kind of 'elite'..not so great..because..maybe..
<br>some people might get a little proud/snobish about it??
<br>that wouldnt be so hot..>_>..

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Wow... Now that's really something else. XD I like the extra pet slots but it's so expensive. O_o $100 is over a day's pay for me.
<br>Aye! It's so tempting. XD I need to get a GA first though. It's nice to see that the option of more pet slots is avalible. I think the site is nice enough and worth spending the extra cash on it if you really are into it, make LOTS of moeny with your job or have very nice parents (for those who are underaged), and want to help out in more ways than one.
<br>Though I'm a college student with a $12 an hour job with a baby morgage that cotst me $1500 a month of my pay and then bills on top of that.
<br>It IS exspensive. $30 for one slot and... $50 for two slots would be something I'd bite at more likely. $100 for all 5 slots would be a sweet deal even for me who just started playing the site not too long ago and I already like it a lot more than other places I've been online.
<br>$60 for one and $100 for two does the whole "bills or subeta" argument with the price range. My cable internet bill isn't even $60. O_o

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I think it'd be much cooler, and you'd get more interest (well, you have interest, but less people CAN buy) if the one pet slot cost $20 and the $100 plushie gave you all five. $260 is SO MUCH money, people just don't have that kind of cash.


I think to get the total 5 you would have to pay $260?
<br>If you have lots of money it is Ok but unfortunately I do not .
<br>I do not want anymore pets right now anyways.


Ai wants, but Ai will probably never have, seeing as she:
<br>1) Has no credit card
<br>2) Would probably get the money once these items are gone
<br>But seriously, thanks a million Keith, I'll definately get one if they're still up when I finally get ahold of some money!


oh phewie i thought it meant that if you buy one of these magical plushies you get the five slots, not that if you pay 60 per slot, a little steep for my pocket, oh well I'll just sit in a puddle of drool <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


I need $60-$100...or a zillion sps

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ooooooooo ... montre ... for my gallery ... i wish i had 60$
<br>so beautiful -spazzdie-

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I'm totally saving for the montre. I don't want the extra pet slots right now, I just want it because it's expensive/rare/shiny. XD Hope they're both still up by the time I get my summer job.


Yes silver_flame, you can either use the plushie to get additional pet slots, OR put the item in your plushie collection. If you chose to buy the plushie, make the decision cautiously, and wisely. 60-100 USD is A LOT to just put the plushie in your collection.


Oh, and here I was looking for an actual thing that said, 5 extra pet slots XD
<br> so the plushies can be used for either, but you can also use them for the pet slots as well?

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darnit, i wish i had $60


Hey, it might be a bit expensive, but it serves two purposes, gets us extra pets slots AND give money for the site. Think about it, you could save 10$ a week and in 6 weeks you'll have the 60$ and 10$ a week is less then a movie ticket (at least where I live) and I personally get more hours of entertainment from subeta than I get from movies <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif border=0>

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I'm just speaking in terms of comparison. And spending $200 here still doesn't get you the extra 5 pet slots.


I was one of the stoopid ones and bought a Mystical Plushie. <b>For all of you who want to know, the plushie DOES go away, never to return once you use it for a pet slot</b>..... Makes me REALLY hope the money goes to the site.


o3o Because, you can get up to 15 pets with these, while a gold account only lets you get up to 10 pets?

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I don't understand why this costs so much while gold accounts, which give you 5 extra pet slots, only cost $5. It's WAY too much. But hey, that's just my opinion. With gas prices these days, I and others can't afford something this extravegant in the least. Oh well!


That would be a cute way to use them.. by putting them in your plushie collection..

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oh NOES. T___T i must have them now. *feels $160 burn a hole her pocket. nuclear burn.*


The plushie count went up by 2 when these items were released, guys. That means they DO count towards the Plushie Collection.


Well, you can probably stick them in your collection, but guess you won't get the extra pets slot if you do. This is why I think it would have been cool if the pets slots would have been given to us AFTER we put the plushie in our collection, this way we would keep the plushie in our collection AND get the pet slots.


I think, justsomechick, that using them for their pet slots is optional. xD You can get them just for the fact that they're plushies, if you so desire.
<br>...I'm trying to figure out how to get the donadak, when I dont even want anymore pet slots. WHY IS IT THE MORE EXPENSIVE ONE, KEITH? YOU GOOBER. -explode-
<br>I'll figure it out. Somehow. XD

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wait. so... these ARENT plushie collection plushies?
<br>cause if they're not, i dont care about them. but if they are, GOODBYE MONEY. XD


I love the idea, but I wish this plushie would give pet slots when it is put in our collection. This way, we'll have them in our collection at the same time. In any case, I still think this is an excellent idea and if I wasn't in a very bad financial situation I would buy one. (I hope they'll be around for a while so I can buy the Donadak)
<br>Thanks to whoever created them <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif border=0>


Yeah but enless it turns into something that STATES its used, people might try and sell it to someone else. It would have to be totally renamed.

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I don't think it would be that hard - just like the DPs, after it's used the one item dissapears and another is there in its' place. just like "used mystical plushie" or something.


you know,considering they cost so much,itd be cool that once they were used,they could somehow deactivate,then be put into the persons plushie collection..or..something..maybe not,because itd be nigh impossible for people trying to get all the plushies to get their hands on them,plus itd be a lot of work and yadda yadda and..*shrugs* shutting up again. but*sigh*

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Well, looks like I'm off to the bank tomorrow. If people only knew what I was spending my graduation money on...sheesh. I need to get a summer job. Then I could get all 5...
<br>Does anyone know how long these'll be up? Perhaps at least all summer?
<br>Thank you Keith!


that's...a LOT of can make me spend 40$ on Angilic potoins....but not 50$ for a pet slot. 0.o But nice idea and love work on the plushies. ^^

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5 extra slots... does that mean GA folks can have 15, or are we stuck?

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Who on <i>earth</i> would pay that much for a fake item, and why don't they do something like donate the money to charity instead?


Ah.. if only money grew on trees!


ack! i want them for my plushie collection, not the pet slots...maybe they could be released in a 'non-mystical montre plushie' version...
<br>oh, for those of you wondering about the descriptions, just hold your mouse over the item like you can do most anywhere else around the site.
<br>if that doesn't work, then yeah, i dunno.
<br>*wants plushies* ..would they event count towards plushie collecting?

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<br>Pity I can't get a job yet.. -wants more pets so bad-

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wow. Awsome..yet way too expensive for me. I shall now use the $15 I hav eot buy my mom a present. Don't think I'll be albe to pay $60 in sp eigher. sniff.


<br>I don't know HOW I am going to get them, but you better believe I will. XD

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What do they do?
<br>I mean the pet slots and such.
<br>I have no idea.
<br>And why does it cost $60 and $100?!?!?!


Yey. <3 When my summer job starts I'll be able to get some. ^^ I hope they stay on the donation page.


Oh that is what those Plushies do.
<br>I am happy for people that this would mean alot to.
<br>I am way too poor in real life and I do not need any more pets anyways.
<br>Although one of every kind of Fester intrigues me.
<br>But I shall remain intrigued and use my 100 bucks to do something really frivilous like pay my utility bill.

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ooo...i thought maybe it was a hint towards a new pet color or something....well im gonna say it should be....Mystical Pets For Everyone!!!

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This is awesome. .. I just feel bad for people who can't afford to spend money, or don't have a way of sending the site money. :/ They don't have this option. I highly doubt people will buy those to sell to others after all, considering the price. Still, awesome that these were made available. I hope they're around for a while so I can raise money. xD


Hey, someone lend me 200$? xDD;

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is anyone actually going to buy one?


D: Gaah, I need a job. XD
<br>Thank you Keith! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0> This is wonderful! :3


Dokuja: would that i could..XD
<br>i be so broke..TRULY almost pennyless lol ^^;; n'fun..


<br>If Sevvy had money. She'd so be bouncing off the walls.
<br>But fifteen dollars won't stretch to buy.. ten different things. Oh well.


Him. Since it's a max of 15, I'm going to really have to choose on this (once I actually find my credit card, that is).
<br>Seeing as I've got 7 being held for me by others (not counting Circe, since her foster is no more). But since we can only get another 5 (<b>not</b> complaining, honest. Getting 5 is better than only 1), this means I'll need to pick two that I don't want.
<br>This could take a long time. And I hope that by the time I decide (and find my card), these are still available.
<br>Thank you, Keith. <3

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Ohhh. I'll bet Songo'd liek one of these for her birthday. Too bad they're like.. 60 dollars. x3


The Montre gives you 1 Pet Slot. The Donadak gives you 2.
<br>And Dokuja gives you sP for buying her them. D:


doesnt work for me-must be my browser,somehow..bah..<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sweatdrop.gif border=0>; sorry about that,though..i asked because i truly cant do that for some reason!!


Dx I need 60 dollars. And Quick DX


I'd sell my soul for someone to buy me one o' those XD
<br>No seriously, this is a great idea. Yay for people being able to get extra slots :3


If you hover over them on the descriptions page, it tells you. x3


i dont see a description-maybe my browsers all funky..
<br>so-how many extra pet slots per each dif.??
<br>way too expensive for me,but would be handy..<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sweatdrop.gif border=0>;
<br>i wonder if theyll ever go down in price..or how long theyll stay..or..okay i will shut up for now.


Purple o.o Oooh so tempted to buy for pet slots.. but the purple. Gah. Cool idea though, thanks Keith for giving users this chance


I'll get the two pet slots one when I get around to getting the money deposited in my Paypal. It's bone dry from April Donation Presents at the moment. XD


Guys, read the descriptions on the Donation page. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


They're so pretty. .o. When you use them do they vanish completely, or just lose their "magic" the first time?

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They give you extra pet spots. Which gives people a maximum of 15 pets.


Ooh, lovely! Umm, since they're mystical, is there anything else special about them? *curious*


what in the world do they do?? whoa..

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wow.. too expensive for me.


I want the montre one, not even for pet slots <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


oooo..first comment O_o heh


Oh, the Montre one is so cute!


-runs in circles- I'm so excited, and I dont even want to use them. xD



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