please when you are freezing multiple accounts, make sure that youd o it off something other than the same IP, and similiar user names

I've unfrozen 4 sets of mother/daughters in the past week, because the mother chooses a name that has their daughters name in it, and they are on the same IP

Remember, users are no longer required to mail user admins when t hey have multiple people on an IP (theres no notice, and it wouldn't really work out anyway) so you have to consider things like that, and look for more proof.
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Posted by Keith


In the Help/FAQ. And, no, I didn't mean it as a rule because it isn't exactly now, just as a suggested thing to do. Because some of them say "Well it's on my look up" and we don't really have the time with the current number of users to click on every single frozen user's look up to see if they might have someone else on their IP playing.


Right, but where do we say you need to mail user admins?
<br>We can't keep making rules, and then making it so ONLY users whoc heck hte boards can notice.
<br>Also - We can't possibly keep up with all users. If a user WANTS to contact us about it, they're more htan welcome. But its not a requirement to play subeta.
<br>Also, I'm talking about women who have <b>called</b> my house becuase they're daughter/son were frozen.


Now wait... Siblings, etc. sharing a computer aren't required to mail a UA?? Since when? If this is true then it will lead to a LOT more unjustified freezings; we alweays check the User Notes for this info to know not to freeze as a multi.


Usually these sorts of things also involve multiple item transfers, which also need to be checked. The same IP, similar user names, and similar passwords are still key in telling. Also, I've had mails to frozen claiming to be the parent of a frozen user that aren't. A lot of them straight away claim a non-existent relative when they get caught.

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