Freezewand of Doom
Item not found: ices freezing rod of doom Item not found: keiths star rod

We at subeta care a ton about the user suggestions. To keep up with the hundreds of suggestions we get, a new area of the site, the Suggestion & Idea center has been created.

This should get rid of a lot of the spam created in the suggestions board, and allow them to go through and be seen much quicker.

This page can be reached via the forums, the contact page, and the help page.
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Posted by Keith

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Keith, Freak's got it right - that's <i>exactly</i> what I meant, I just ended up describing it in a lot more words <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy_sweatdrop.gif border=0>


I LOVE this new addition. It is the best thing since sliced bread. Goes to read more. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0><img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>

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i think glory is right

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I think that Keith is right, ultimately. It is in the vein of democratic process and we should be proud that we have a site manager who actually cares what we have to say and provides us with an increasingly efficiant process. Sure, there's things that need work, but we can use the new system to suggest how to improve it. Keeping the forum open would be nice, too. It would allow conversations for developement of an idea, but as we have noticed, there are large numbers of subetians who feel the strange impulse and need to trash an idea without contributing one constructive thought to the whole thing. I gave up on the suggestions forum for that reason ... I got tired of having my feelings and ideas trampled without consideration that I am a real living human being on the other side of the screen. I can deal with rejection, but only if it is constructive. ^^ Sorry to those who side with Freak, but Keith is most certainly right to do this.

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and how git a pitcure

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i need friends

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i need friends


Keith; shes suggesting that one be an extension of the other; that the forum be a brainstorming stage and the "new feature" be the processing stage; look at it as you would a bill going through congress.


dolphinbabe1210 - That's pretty much a waste of space. Why have two sections of the site that do the same exact thing?


/should probably apologise for referring to subetas users as "sheep".

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I'm sort of stuck between Keith and Freak; I get both sides of the story. It's understandable that Keith wants to stop the idle chat; but it also makes sense when Freak says that ideas can be discussed on the boards. I think that both sections should be left up; and both checked for good ideas. Or, even better, ideas can be made and then discussed on the boards, and when it has been decided by the Subetan public whether it should go forwards, the person who suggested it can submit the completed idea to the Center. That way, it is a more full idea, and both sides are happy.


Thats why there is a <b>improvement</b> box. But we don't ened the idle chat that came with the forums, and things ilke
<br>'i hate this idea. it sucks'
<br>In this system, we can control things like that better, as well as lock suggestions and make notes as to why exactly it was locked.


I must agree with Freak too. It improves the idea alot. At least it did when I made a topic there. If someone makes a suggestion you like, but most people don't and it's used, they might be angry. It's best to see wht the whole subeta community likes better. This is more organized though, so maybe you could do it like that and have people able to comment.


Sadly, I'm with Freak on this one. I thought the whole purpose of having a Suggestions board was not only so that people could suggest things, but so that they could be discussed by the other members of the site.
<br>Most things are not perfect the first time they are posted.
<br>By getting the different thoughts and views of other users, idea can then either be completly rejected or further refined into a more likely feasable option.
<br>While I still make no definate judgements on this new Suggestion doo-hicky... I find it rather hard how some things can be proven on there... it seems as if you don't want us to post on these things <b>WHY</b> we think a certain idea is bad, when I think really, that's what many of the users who are going to suggest things are going to need. They suggest because they do not know. That was a nice thing about the forum, if you didn't think it was a good idea, or you knew it wasn't going to happen, you could at least explain to the user why it wouldn't happen.
<br>With this... I see the potential for suggestions to simply sit and rot, with no comments, and the user is left further confused as to why their suggestion seems to be ignored. At least a yay or nay would show them someone is, in fact, looking at their suggestions.
<br>Mmm.... I'll be watching to see how this works out...


Frankly, most of the ideas on the idea&suggestion board did suck, no matter how much work they had.
<br>They were either impossible for a team of our size, or they were just stupid.

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*Agrees with Freak*


First thing, Keith, I don't need to know how difficult the coding of subeta is. For people who know what they are doing, and the staff on this site i'll credit - they know what they are doing; but it does NOT take 4 months to fix the sP voucher bug; and its been medium priority for that long thusfar.
<br>Secondly; positive thinking - yes that is a good thing; BUT without criticism or challenging of ideas - then the site strays from what the majority would like it to be. There is nothing wrong with criticism; just noone on this site seems to ever gather the courage to say anything.
<br>Thirdly; I read posts on the suggestions forum as well; and dont see "omg this idea sucks" - Infact; most ideas on suggestions thread get better after people converse and discuss it. That way problems can be worked out and the reality of the idea can become clear. Without discussion over suggestions; noone will see the same idea you do; and more likely than not - a good idea will get tossed aside.


ah yes. 8D Good idea. I like it.

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This is a good idea! We'll have to wait and see if this gets off the ground well, but it's promising!
<br>It's nice to know you care about us. ^^

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Most times when I have a suggestion/idea I don't want to dig through all of the forums (that I'm unfamiliar with) just to say one small thing and then leave, this will help me alot anyway. ^^ Thanks Keith.

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Sorry about my post; I want to delete it. Could you make it possible to delete your ideas if you want? Like, the person who made the idea decides its a bad one, and wishes to delete it? ^^

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oooh i like it. i just made one about the server. i hope its well made enough. it was four paragraphs long. go check it out people. remember when you comment dont put an opinion but instead an idea that you think wil improve the orginal one.



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I don't know, I've seen someone ask for a Chibi Celinox when they know that all colors for pets will be released eventually and someone asking for staff stuff when its been said that staff items will be renamed.
<br>Is there someone way to let people know not to ask about these types of suggestions?


Actually, we are fixing bugs extremely quickly now, and have knocked off <b>30</b> in the past few days.
<br>What you don't understand is how complex the coding of subeta is.

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Positive thinking, Freak. Positive thinking. In theory all of the ideas the staff come up with are good. Only time will tell .... I for one am glad to be able to submit an idea without somebody without people saying things like - "Yor idea suuuuucks!" or "I don't see it ...." This will be far more efficiant.


The people of subeta are officially sheep and I'm greatly disappointed in you all. Every little piece of news is a brilliant revolutionary idea, when the Bug Tracker has resulted in lessfixed bugs than the original Bug and Problem Forum; yes it'll run smoother and be more efficient.. every 3 weeks when someone decides to check the damned thing. I honestly cannot see why people can get behind every single idea on this site. It's possible to drown in complete and total blind positivity.

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XD Dudes! That is awesome! This will make it so much easier ... uh ... forgive me for being dumb, what are the tags for?


This is a brilliant idea, and much needed improvement. yay!

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Great! Show people how you care about their ideas, awesome!


A great idea... and... will I get thwacked upside the head if I suggest the SB returns as it was 8D ... ... -runs away tails between legs-

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ilu so hard keith <img src=/images/smilies/smiley_sadface.gif border=0>

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Yay for using Ice's Rod xD


Great idea.

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Oh thank god, I've got loads of ideas :3

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