The Demi is up for another poll!


Yes, thank you, I'm aware that MC isn't staff anymore. Like I said, I don't intend to go into that again. It was a one-time side note. I wasn't the one who brought it up OR took it further.<br />
<br />
And I've said a million times that I DO respect Tsume's hard work and the fact that she listened to user opinions and referenced MC's sketch. <i>Again</i>, my point was that if several different artists were given the chance to work with the same sketch, you'd see just how differently each one would flesh out, and thus it's not really fair to say that it was "what the original Demi artist was going to revamp it into anyways." Because it's not. Because every artist's style is unique and would lead to a different final product, regardless of the base sketch.<br />
<br />
Make sense yet?


I must say, it is very pretty. o3o I love it and I wouldn't hesitate to get a non-redrawn demi if this ends up being the revamp.<br />
<br />
Now, like several other people have said, the colouring does look a bit glossy, but since that's getting fixed, I believe, I won't go farther with that.<br />
<br />
The tail looks a bit odd for me near the base, but I'm sure what it is. Maybe it's too flat, or too low. But I am not completely.<br />
<br />
It also would be lovely if the spots on the ear would be darkened or largened, but I could live with it if they didn't.<br />
<br />
Now, I know that the reborn won't be changed, thank goodness. *snugs Rai* But I will be sad if the DM is changed. So, it is natural that I hope it doesn't get changed.


No one told you to fake compliments, or lie. What I'm saying is, don't post something if you're going to be rude about it.<br />
<br />
Angelembryo, I'm sorry, but pretty much the entire art staff agreed Tsume was up to the job, and if anyone is an expert on subeta's 'style' it would be Tat and the other artists here. Mystic /did/ propose her sketch, and we did use it, and Tsume consulted Mystic for a good portion of the project. Tsume certainly didn't have to do that though, and perhaps you should show her a bit of thanks for it? I know most of the other artists wouldn't spend this much effort on a pet just to get things right.<br />
<br />
"A bit of blending would do it some good."<br />
Blending would completely throw off the art on this site, which is done in a cell shaded manner.


Can i remind you all that non-staff art is not accepted anymore. Meaning no matter how much MC draws or people love her drawing it will /not/ be accepted by staff. It was her choice to leave and not be on staff, nobody elses. *period... end of sentence. no more on that topic*<br />
<br />
I don't mind people having their own opinions I don't. NOW giving rational, costructive, soundly put critques will go far. I'm not saying you don't have a right to say "the coloring looks like crap". You do.... now I will say this. That doesn't solve the problem in how it'll be fixed. I more or less will register your opinion, but if I can't see the problem and know how it can be fixed... then nothing will get fixed. Do you see what I'm saying?<br />
<br />
I mean I want to grow as an artist and draw for this site. I want all the critiques I can get. Though when I can't see a problem, but you don't give me suggestions on how to fix it. There is no way it'll be improved.<br />
<br />
<br />
to me... thats the line between constructive critism and then just a plain out opinion.


mysticcookie can't submit her own because she's not staff. Period. Not because it's 'not fair' but because she doesn't want to. XD I think... <br />
<br />
I think the Demi does need a revamp. So change, to me, is good. XD It's really just opinion...


<i>Let me remind you, that this is basically what the /original/ Demi artist was going to revamp it into anyways.</i><br />
<br />
No, really, it's not. Maybe this one was BASED on the original artist's outline, but the coloring, features, anatomy, shading, and pretty much all other details are totally different. (And I still think it's unfair that the original artist doesn't get a chance to submit a proposal for this revamp, since her sketch was VERY popular and I think a poll would reflect that, but I won't go into that again... yet <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif border=0> ).<br />
<br />
But the point is that, even when given the same sketch to work with, artists just have very different styles, and sometimes one artist's style is better suited for some things than others. In this case I think Tsume's style would make beautiful fanart, general site graphics (game images, characters, items, etc), but not whole pet species. No offense to Tsume; it's just an issue of style, not talent. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


you're right robotoi. When I'm being honest, I do tend to sound rude. Probably why no one likes talking to me. <br />
Well, if I hurt anyones fellings, I'll be sure to sugar and honey coat everything I say. Who cares if it's not true then?<br />
<br />
But frankly, if someone said that my coloring skills were bad, I'd have to take it in stride. I know mine isn't good, and I'm not going to pretend like it is either. If I see a piece of work that isn't colored well, I will most likely mention it as so.<br />
I can also admit that comment was purely for rudness sake. It shouldn't have, but I couldn't really think of a better way to put it. It isn't colored well. A bit of blending would do it some good. The colors are blocky. I just can't say something looks good when it's not. I'd be lying to the artist and myself, and that doesn't help anything improve.<br />
<br />
Of course, it's only my personal opinion, and I know it doesn't count anyway. I suppose I shouldn't have bothered.<br />
<br />
and PymaJac, I never said I hated change! Just change that wasn't needed! If my friends changed what they wear, gee wiz their entitled to do so. I fully embrace free expression, and clothing is a part of that.<br />
And hating an animal just because it grew up is so stupid. A cat is beautiful no matter how much it changes, same goes with every other animal in the world.<br />
Now, if someone tore down one of the historical relics in my town just so they could build something cool and trendy, I would be pissed about that. New things can be build anywhere, but history can't be re-made and re-built.<br />
<br />
Otherwise, I love change, expanding, and other things. Anything that didn't -need- it gets my goat a whole lot though.


the one thing i just noticed with the revamped version is the tail looks odd... everything else about it is super cute! It's not that dramatic of a change *like the chibi malticorn*, The only thing i'm not feeling is the tail. I think it should curl up more and be against the body, kinda like the old one.


The reason we are updating the Demi is to make it more uniform with the reborn and chibi, it would be pointless to revamp them with that being the case.<br />
<br />
Let me remind you, that this is basically what the /original/ Demi artist was going to revamp it into anyways.<br />
<br />
Also, Princess_Isho, keep the direct insults to yourself. 'it’s terrible coloring job' is inappropriate and downright rude. A terrible coloring job would be scribbling all over the canvas.


o.o Wow, I didn't even notice all the comments were falling off into non existance. XD Sorry about that.<br />
<br />
Though honestly Princess_Isho, I think your constructive criticism is more criticism then constructive...But we can't all be perfect. D=<br />
<br />
<i>I’d like to ask, have you had a pet you loved suddenly revamped and completely changed from all the reasons you loved it in the first place?</i> <br />
Actually, I've had the montre and paralix change on me. Two pets I loved, but really needed revamps. I got over it. XD I mean... In all honestly, WHY would you throw out a pet if it's revamped? It's your pet... That's like getting a kitten and abandoning it in the street when it gets older and more mature, or when your best friend decides to wear different clothes, and you dump them for that. o.o I just... I don't get it. <br />
<br />
I honestly really love this new revamp. The only thing I don't like is the tail again, like last time. XD But Tsume is already working out some more quirks to this, and you know what? She doesn't need to... So give her hugs. ^^ She definitely isn't doing this to kill everyone. XD She's just doing her job as artist. If it means revamping a really popular pet, then well... Any artist on Subeta would!


Yeah, thanks. But seeing as how comments seem to disappear as more are made, I haven't had the joy of witnessing for myself the repeated comments of it not being changed.<br />


Well, the reborn demi, which has been said about a bazillion times before, isn't being changed.<br />
<br />
And I definitely think the old demi needs a revamp... And I own one.


And I'm not saying all of that just because I own a pet getting revamped. I don't hate change at all. Just change that doesn't really need it.<br />
<br />
I have a Graveyard Malticorn, and I think I'd just giggle with joy if it got fixed up. I love it how it is, but if it's a change for the <b>better</b>, I'm all for it.


Reborn Demi's not getting revamped. I'm pretty sure that's been said repeatedly, so save the ire. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif border=0>


Nestly, You’re telling us complainers to “compare how bad the old one is compared to the new one”, but how can we when it’s <b>NOT</b>?<br />
Do you even have a Demi? Oh, looks like you don’t. Looks like you don’t have any of the pets that have gone through the revamp the near year I’ve been here. <br />
I’d like to ask, have you had a pet you loved suddenly revamped and completely changed from all the reasons you loved it in the first place?<br />
<br />
Is a comparison still in need to satisfy you and all the others who complain about us ‘complainer’? Fine. I’ll give you one. I’ll compare both, giving both pros AND cons about both.<br />
<br />
<b>OLD</b><br />
Good: <br />
*Clear simple lines. (I can see everything about the Demi perfectly)<br />
*Smooth thin quills<br />
*Bright shining eyes<br />
*Flexible curvy tail<br />
*Spot marking clearly visible<br />
<br />
Bad:<br />
*Big feet (just needs to be a wee bit smaller)<br />
*Awkward placed horn (it’s crooked)<br />
*Too little color detail (all it needs is a new coloring job. Ad a little shine here and there like on the new one, just toned down a lot though.)<br />
*Neck and base of tail are too thin, body a wee bit thin as well<br />
<br />
<br />
<b>NEW</b><br />
Good:<br />
*Smooth body and legs anatomy<br />
*Horn in the right place (at least it doesn’t look like it’s falling off XD)<br />
*Smaller feet<br />
<br />
Bad:<br />
*Stiff looking and broken tail (looks like someone snapped his tail bone. Poor thing must be hurting. AND it looks like the tail is shooting out of it‘s butt, rather than above it near the spine)<br />
*Thick fat quills. (Unfortunately, it looks more like a mullet blowing in the wind. No definitions and distinction between each fat quill.)<br />
*Lines are a bit too thin and blends in with everything else too much.<br />
*Head style looks like it was referenced from the Chibi version. Good for Chibi... not so good for this.<br />
*Over use of shading and texture. I’m sorry, but it looks like the artist was <b>trying too hard</b> to impress people when she didn’t need to.<br />
*Where are the spots on the ears?… Oh wait… I <i>think</i> I see them. Darken them.<br />
<br />
<br />
Over all view….<br />
All the old Demi needed was a bit of a touch-up. A complete physical make-over went too far.<br />
When I look at the new Demi, I’m not looking at the whole picture! I find my eyes focusing on it’s fat head of hair.. Erm “quill” (if you say so) and it’s terrible coloring job. At least try to blend the colors. <br />
<br />
I can just imagine how terrible the Reborn will look when it looks like this new one. I feel VERY sorry for those people who made a RB Demi their goal pet, and wasted their precious time and 5+ Mil to make it, same with any other Special Theme color that costs 2+ Mil.<br />
I just honestly can’t find much to be happy about it. If the supposed “goal” was to make the Demi more popular… It just dropped a popularity point by at least one. Cause if my Chibi Demi changes, it’s <b>gone</b>.


In my opinion, compared the current demi, there is nothing to be said bad about this version. I liked the past revamp attempt a lot better, yes, but I think anything is better than the current demi. I never found it pleasing to the eye, and could never imagine it being 'alive' like I could most of the other pets because the anatomy just looks so wrong, particularly in the forelegs. While the foreleg in the foreground kind of bugs me in this one, at least it's not a big lump of flesh without an obvious joint in the middle. The only thing I could say to make this at least slightly helpful criticism has already been said, and that is to tone down the white glare in the eye, since it stands out a little too much... And there's my bashing of it, as I'm sure someone will call it.


"so i voted for the new one. i always thought you can say your own opinion in polls like this, so why are those who like the new demi complaining about us who don't like them? is it just me or doesn't it makes sense? tz..."<br />
<br />
Well, superficially, they're entitled to their opinions that your opinion is in the wrong. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif border=0> Not that I'm saying I believe as much myself (I voted for the new Demi and am of the opinion it's an improvement on the old version, but I can see the arguments of the other position that think it's been "ruined" by the new look), but freedom to express one's opinion cuts both ways--which is something everyone should remember going into this discussion.<br />
<br />
What <i>I'm</i> complaining about, and what others in my position might be complaining about, are people who are offering commentary that take the form of pity pleas ("I'll cry so hard if it changes!&quot<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif border=0>, veiled or overt insults to <i>either</i> piece of art for the Demi (because seriously, what good does that do?), or attacking the "other side". While, again, you're entitled to express your own opinions on the matter, I don't think any of those are particularly useful in persuading people to see your view on things.<br />
<br />
:X That's all.


"and plain looks better"<br />
<br />
That's your opinion, you know. I mean, the coloring is better on the new one, but I still find the old one more aesthetically pleasing. Not that I find it perfect, of course, there's a reason why I never wanted one (though I don't know why), but it's...eye-catching, you know? And I don't think the same about the new one. I mean, even if I'm not "used" to newer versions, I can still like them in their own right if I find them appealing (not saying I find the new demi completely un-apealing, but I'm not really falling in love with that face).

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ps: I'm not used to the old Demi. I've registered only 2 months ago. Thats not long... I felt in love with the Demi on my first day, not with...this dog-like _thing_ (though, it would be perfect if it's face would look more Demi-like (old Demi-like, of course)

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hm...very interesting. well, i STILL like the old one more, even if the new one is drawn better <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0> i don't the face of the new demi, i don't like it's muzzle and i don't like it's eyes. it is NOT cute in my opinion, it looks too much like a dog (and i don't like dogs). <br />
<br />
so i voted for the new one. i always thought you can say your own opinion in polls like this, so why are those who like the new demi complaining about us who don't like them? is it just me or doesn't it makes sense? tz...


This revamp is great, the anatomy is near perfect, the markings are where they should be, it's in the same exact pose as the original art, so I don't know why some of you guys are complaining. If this revamp goes through, most of you would get used to this anyway, and if you don't well, you try revamping a whole species in a way that everyone would love. It's not easy!<br />
<br />
Hopefully any miniscule problems will get fixed and this goes through, because it's wonderful


There such thing as too much detail and shading. This has proved that. Ew.

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I like this new Demi, but the old one I think just looks plain cuter. I voted for the new one, but still, the old Demi in my opoion looks a lote cuter and innicent rather than...realistic. I like cartoons! xD


I like my demi the way it is. I don't like the shading or mane on this one. the mane looks stale.


<b>Nestly:</b> Kay. Everyone who is still complaining about the new look and that they prefer the old:<br />
<br />
<b>1.</b>- The new one, is better draw, better posed, and plain looks better. You need to instead, compare how bad the old one is compared to the new one, not compare what you liked about the old one compared to the new. <br />
<b>2.</b>- Try to vote according to what looks better, not what <i>you</i> like more, and what you're used to. New members will like seeing this Demi much more, because they won't be so used to the old version. And this is just simply drawn better.<br />
<b>3.</b>- The only real complaints I see people making; it's clear to me they're just so used to the old one. I really hope for this change. The older members will learn to love and get used to it. 83<br />
<br />
I lyk 2 rant... |3

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This one is much better than the other try at a revamp, but I do still prefer the older one. It looked more mischievous and appealingly small, it really fit. Plus, the mane was spikier, and I'm biased towards spikes.


I like this one... it has a lot more depth, and the hair looks better. The tail is also much better.


I think this new revamp is better than the ohter<br />
<br />
Nice job ^^


It's way better than the last revamp try, but I still prefer the old one.

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woooo new poll i like the new demi a lot but dosnt look as cute as the old one... <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0> but i love them both grats!!


I do think the demi needs a revamp, but I miss the old's cuteness.


Is it just me, or the new Demi looks like a Russian with a shaved beard?<br />
<br />
*votes for it, anyway* Just because I'm curious to see how the revamp of the colours would look like. ;P


Eh, something about it isn't quite right. :<br />
<br />
I still prefer the old Demi, but i did vote for the new version. Just barly. The hair on it's back doesn't seem right, and for some reason the shading/highlighting bugs me alot. Too shiny for me.


EstherDG<br />
most of the pets you are stating look "better" or at least newer and more fitting from thier art then the Demi.<br />
i fully understand why Demi gets his turn now.<br />
though i liked the old version too (had once one, disowned because i no longer like the name to create a new one), i voted new.<br />
<br />
oh, by the way... i sort of think the staff is working on your listed ones too. i mean, Cadogre, Demi, new Colores. seems to be a busy time right now. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif border=0>

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I really love the artwork and quality of this revamp but something about the head just doesn't look like a demi to me :/

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Much better than the other one. Again, it would be nicer if it looked more like the old one... I still like it best. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0> I love the face and it's fur now, but the shading does make it look very dark, and that tail is still very bent. It's still a better improvement though! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>

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Its better than that another new demi. But id like more puffy tail... but its okay. This is one nice demi <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>

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oh, and ps. I DO like the new one. <br />
<br />
I just think it's not any better than the old demi.

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ehm... I still think, the old demi looks really good as it is. why revamp? Why don't you revamp pets that need it?<br />
<br />
Such as, (in my opinion) Clawsion, Dragarth, Otter, Ruffie and Malticorn. <br />
There's so much to do, why focus on the Demi, a pet that really doesn't need it.<br />
<br />
Btw, why I think the demi doesn't need a revamp.<br />
It's cute. His/her nose and mouth are so simple, but perfect. The clear lines, these make the demi stand out. The look in the demi's eyes, I dont really know how to describe it... The pose, straight, with the head a little turned, cute, gracefull, relaxed. <br />
<br />
Well, I hope I made my point clear, it's up to you to do something about it or just ignore me.


My comment got cut? =/ Oh well, as I said I do miss the more mischievous expression on the old one.

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I really really dislike the new Demi the only thing i do like about it is the way it sits. The head its really ugly and the hair is weird looking i also dont like the tail. i feel soooo bad saying this knowing i could not do any better :| i feel like the old Demi was fine apart from the fact it looked a lil stiff in the body.


Oh, I like this much better than the first revamp, though the tale still looks a little stiff. But I like the hair.

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an ugly dog? that's really rude, emma. =/<br />
<br />
i don't think it looks like that at all, in fact i think its quite cute.<br />
i like that sly little smile~<br />
<br />
i like the new revamp. it fits in with the rest of the pets~


im really not liking the hair, tail or face at all, they are not as cute as the old demi and i has lost all of its "deminess"<br />
the lines are very thin, and the body and tail are a little to furry, the face is all messed up in that its face looks too much like a ugly dog. The hair is all stiff looking and does not give the demi as much life as the other one.<br />
after all this going on about a revamp, i have zapped my beautiful dawn demi, knowing its going to get a terrible makeover <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0>

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This one is better than the old revamp, but not better than the old old Demi :/<br />
It's muzzle reminds me of a dog or something, but the old Demi never did. And the eyes, it's not as cute as the old Demi. The eyebrows are too far away from the eyes


I think it's a real shame that in making the anatomy more correct, you lose the delicate qualities of the demi. In the original it looks slightly fey and fragile, the newer versions are much chubbier and cutesy. I voted for the older version, really all it needs are thinner lines and very slight adjustment.<br />
<br />
I do hope that whatever happens you never change reborn. It's among my favourite art on the site - and in fact if you changed the standard Demi's pose to something more like reborn, you might be onto a winner.


The tail still bothers me a small bit, but I like it a lot. Don't really know how you'd fix it while trying to make the Demi still look sort of the same. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0><br />
<br />
Just really wanted to say nice job~ :3


I think this is a lovely redraw and I definitely prefer it over the old versions. <br />
<br />
I think that it would look better if the shading on the body was done in the same style it is on the tail. That furry look. ^^ Also, something about the eyes doesn't seem right... The shape of them, maybe?


I really like the new one! The ONLY thing I would maybe change is the eyebrows/shape of the eyes. They make the Demi look a little surprised, when before it looked more serene. <br />
<br />
I know it's nit-picky, sorry.


OH dear...senile old me forgot to ask...does it look to anyone else like the mouth is open in a tiny smile? or is the line just not drawn all the way across? I actually think it would look cute with it's mouth open a tad, yes? ^^;


Wow! *stares* I have to admit, I do love the old one and voted against the revamp before, but this version does grab my heart! ^^ I could handle the demi getting this look! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_heart.gif border=0><br />
Great job! Can't wait to see other colors now! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


sorry but i really prefer the old one better. it looks more cuter :3


No problem, Tsume! Also, one possible idea that just came to me... since the shading seems to be the biggest issue, maybe you could check out other new-ish furry pets, such the Montre, Pherret, and perhaps the Spectrum Kerubi, for reference? Just a few examples that came to mind, but I think they all demonstrate a nice, simple, effective shading style that a lot of people seem to like. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


Although I liked how angular the old Demi is, the revamp looks more believable as an animal, my only criticism has been said multiple times already (toning down the highlights a bit). I think this is just what the Demi needed. (And I apologize for my horrid grammar.)

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I like the new one. The little tweeks from the last design really made a difference. It looks great. The shading is very nice.


LOL. Yesh I am the vampire. *fangs grow* |D<br />
<br />
Thanks angel. ♥<br />
I'm a critique lover and I get sad when I can't read all of them. ;^;


Tsume, my critique was bumped off too, so here's a paste from the version I left on the forum topic. Slightly tweaked because I just remembered a couple additional things. c.c<br />
<br />
Some of the smaller things that bug me are the shape of the muzzle (too long and flat on top? or something), the odd shape and placement of the horn (it appears stretched into an oval shape at the base), the arrangement of the spots on the tail in a straight line, and the bushy, poofy fur inside the ears and on the cheeks. But what bugs me most is the shading. As many others said, it looks too shiny and metal- or plastic-like for a fur-covered animal. Also, in my eyes, the dark areas are TOO dark and too randomly placed, making it look sort of muddy. Especially on the face and tail, where the shaded areas are actually outlined. I've never seen a shadow with outlines. <img src=/images/smilies/smiley_xface.gif border=0> HOWEVER, I do think the shape of the tail and volume of the mane looks better than the previous attempt.

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-Blinks- Tsume is that you? xD I thought Aqua was kidding when she said you were a "vampire". <br />
<br />
._.; (Yes I'm quite blunt.)

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o.o; On the poll it says I voted for old and I thought I voted for new. Anyways, it scares me when people are saying the revamp is F-A-T. This is one of the things I did not like about the old. The old demi is as thin as a twig, and looked like it could float away with the wind at any moment, while this one actually has some weight on it, and it's still skinny. <br />
---------<br />
Personally I only think it's the face with the gloss. Everything else is beautifully done.^^


OKAY! I missed alot of critiques.... as the news seems to only show so many. <img src=/images/smilies/smiley_sadface.gif border=0><br />
*whinewhine*<br />
So I'm sorry if I missed your critique. Really I am. ;; If you'd personally like to smail me a critique that was bumped off the front of the news you may. Don't mail me if you like or hate it... critiques only! i want to makes sure I got everything. ♥ I can't promise everything will change but I will try to tweak as much as I can. :3<br />
<br />
I'll definitely bump down the highlights. xD I run on a laptop so everything is a bit different for me. So thanks for saying that guys. ♥ You don't know how much that helps me. x3

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I'll just be like everyone else and crit on everything I see! But this time on the OLD version:<br />
The shading, is bad.<br />
The line art is too thick<br />
The tail is way too thin right where it begins<br />
HUGE head, little neck and body<br />
The mane on the top of the head is messed up<br />
The horn looks like it's melted, onto the head.<br />
The horn isn't in the center of the head.<br />
<br />
Looking at the new version, all of this is fixed.


The eyes and nose look... distorted somehow. I love the new shading and fur detail, though. But, it looks like it got deformed or something with the face. It doesn't sit right with me.

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I like this new one. It will be sad to see the other go though. (if it ever does that is) Not meaning that i want to get rid of.<br />
Oh well thats just me and i voted for the new one. ^-^<br />

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I voted the new one, it seems much more well done. Especially the fur, shading etc.

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??<br />
...*gasp*<br />
<br />
I didn't mean to point you out, Oba. XD<br />
<br />
I didn't know someone exactly said "stop hatin'". ^^; I just typed it cause that's what popped in my mind. XD<br />
<br />
This is a something I do mind, beacuse I myself own a Demi, and I feel in love with them on sight when I first joined years ago. <br />
The Demi made me want to play this game. <br />
<br />
When the reset happened, I remade my account, I changed the other 2 pets...but I stuck with my Demi, beacuse I love him so. T__T<br />
I guess...he has a...sentimental value that I don't want to part with....even though I know I have to.<br />
<br />
SOooOO.....Make the Demi nice, Subeta. Please! ;_;


It was said in jest. I assure you. Constructive opinions are always good as they add more than, "I don't like it" with no reason just as much "I like it" with no reason won't help either

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Yes, please don't say "stop hatin'". The reason for the poll is so we can GIVE opinions. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sigh.gif border=0> There will be people with different opinions and we aren't all entitled to absolutely LOVE whatever Demi the artists comes out with. <br />
The Demi will be revamped no matter what we do...soo.....might as well have a nice one.<br />
<br />
I still like the old Demi's.....SOMETHING with the eyes...I don't like the eyes of the new one. I do however, I do like this one better than the OTHER revamp.<br />
Maybe it's this realistic approach I'm NOT into. The old Demi is like a doll, a little stuffed animal. Old Demi just has a cute factor that overpowers this one. ^^;<br />
<br />
Let us see more options! ♥♥


I don't think people with positive opinions are bashing in most of these cases, nor do I think negative opinions have no place. I'm speaking only to the people who seem to be operating on the idea that saying they'll cry forever or get rid of all their Demis will improve matters. X) A little bit is okay, in my mind, just as it's okay to say that I'll be excited to see my Demi get an update, but a lot of it doesn't get much done. That's why I suggested people with negative opinions figure out why they like this one less than the old one and offer actual suggestions, rather than sympathy pleas.


I really like this,I think that it keeps the charm of the old Demi,but I would tmake the eyes lighter,or no,maybe take a little of the shine off,that would make it really great,but either way I voted for it,cuz,ITS AWESOME <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>

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I like this revamp of the revamp. Although the horn still doesn't look like it's coming form the forehead. It seems like it's somehow pasted on the Demi. (Mayhaps it's the shadow toward the base of the horn that is creating that effect.)<br />
As others have said, the shading/glow/lighting/whatever it might be called still needs fixing. It somehow doesn't look right.<br />
Otherwise, I love the furry, fuzzy, wuzzy creature with it's pretty blue eyes and furry tail and pretty markings and I must hugitandhugitandhugit and not hyperventilate.


I will admit, it looks wonderful.

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Mmm, I still like the old version :/ Just pleases me more than the new one.

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One might also say it's the people with the POSITIVE opinions who are creating the melodrama.<br />
<br />
Well, that would be pushing it, but some of the people who like the revamp are bashing the people who don't a little more than would make sense if they think it's "no big deal".


Woah, I don't get why if someone has a negative opinion, that makes them a horrible person O_o; everyone's entitled to their opinions, after all. The people making melodrama of it, yeah, that's ridiculous, but if someone genuinely doesn't like it... why shouldn't they be allowed to say why? /swt


As much as I love the old Demi (one of the first pets I ever got :0), I truly respect this revamp. <br />
<br />
It looked a little odd at first glance, but it very much grew on me after further examination... I'd be quite pleased if this one went through.

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I dislike the new Demi.<br />
It doesn't look nearly as cute.


So Tsume-kins knows I hate cats, at least, I think she does. Anyhow, <i>hate</i> cats. And Demis are cats.... But this, this actually makes me think maybe cats aren't so bad, because this cat is not the spawn of evil. In fact, tis rather handsome, and I like it a whole lot....<br />
...Not that I'd ever get one... I don't like cats <i>that</i> much, but still, Tsume has made me likes cats. That's saying something. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_heart.gif border=0>


Omigosh. It looks so much better!<br />
So... so alive-looking. 8D


Tsume = Vampire on subeta now.


PhoenixAutura, thats so childish... sorry. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy_sweatdrop.gif border=0><br />
"I'm going to cry so much if the demi gets revamped"<br />
so you would cry this or the other way... i think i got that while reading all. Demis will be revamped, the question is just "how"!?<br />
<br />
<br />
but why i actually came here:<br />
who is that artist "Tsume"?<br />
the user Tsume does not look like it is the one i search for...


The old Demi is awful.<br />
<br />
It was drawn several years ago, and then it was fine, but with the constantly evolving art of Subeta, it has fallen far behind. It needs and update, and no amount of whining about how omg neko kawaii the old one is will change that.<br />
<br />
Personally, I would like a medium between the current eye, and the eye that was proposed. Perhaps just a bit of a reduction in the shine, now that I think about it, so we could see a bit more of the lovely colour.


This one I REALLY like. It has all the charm and wildness of the old one, and has a good update on the basic design. It also took care of the "stiffness" in both the old and preliminary designs by planting it's feet apart a bit.<br />
This is a beautiful render of it.<br />
<br />
And the rest of you, stop the hatin' =P


Personally I like MC's edits very much and would like it if the spots were a little bit bigger. Nice work <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>

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I'm going to cry so much if the demi gets revamped, and I'm guessing it will since they put so much effort into it that they did it twice... The old one is just awesome. I love it. I used to collect all the plushies and beanbags as well as the elixirs, since I don't have any demi pets... but after they redid the items (minus the elixirs) I had to sell them all. It's just plain ugly in my eyes.<br />
<br />
The new one sort of looks like a goon. Wish I could be more constructive in my criticism...


Wow.. I can't beleive some of the hostility towards this... Only thing I'd really like to ask is that DM doesn't change... it's fairly new anyway, looks very up to date, and I adore it more than anything...


This is looking SO much better, Tsu-Tsu! X3 The mane is looking so soft now, not like stiff quills... The tail's looking fluffier, the horn's not so scary now...<br />
<br />
The only problem I can see is the overall....shine/gloss, like others have already mentioned. <br />
<br />
I can't wait to see all the revamped versions (well, those receiving them, anyhow). <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>


Augh, ate my comment.<br />
<br />
Also, dude, guys. The melodrama isn't a good way to persuade anyone to keep or leave the old art. It's just that--melodrama. :/ Saying "it's not the Demi I fell in love with! My e-life is over!" does not...reflect so well on people who do it.<br />
<br />
So yeah. If you don't like the new art at all, figure out why and voice your concerns constructively rather than bellyaching. The old art was very far from perfect, and this at least is a step toward that, IMO.

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eww no i dont like the new one its fat and not cute :/ the old one was realy smart tho :/


Now that I think about it, the "gloss" issue mostly has to do with the brightest of the highlights--namely they're very thin, sharp-edged lines where they should (per light shining on a substance that's not high-gloss, like fur) be more diffuse. Right now, as I said, it looks like polished plastic or even metal, and that doesn't quite sit right with my mental image of fur.

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I love MysticCookie's revamp of her revamp. The eyes are absolutely lovely and lively. I recently adopted my friend's Demi, so I'm very glad to see an update!


I really liked the old one better this new one looks too shiny!

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The face is entirely different - I don't like the muzzle. In general, it's a little too fluffy/pudgy for my tastes.<br />
<br />
It's beautiful, don't get me wrong. The shading is gorgeous. But the artist needs to keep it simple.<br />
<br />
Remove all the "fluff" to reveal a fresher and beautiful version of the simple Demi people loved. You're almost there <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>.


The highlight on the upper lip is a bit troublesome, and I still want the spots to be bigger, but other than that I really like this. XD<br />
<br />
The only other issue I have is...well, it's common to a lot of the revamped pets, and that's the shading/highlighting makes them look too "glossy". Like the fur's not fur, it's plastic, or something similar. This works fine on pets like the Torrent, but the high-gloss doesn't work so well on the Wyllop or this revision of the Demi.<br />
<br />
SO looking forward to Arubedo getting a makeover. (Can I beg and plead for the Arid color scheme to get with the program and have purple/magenta eyes like most other arid pets? <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>?)


mysticcookie:<br />
don't know... like the dark eyes, and would have left at least a little of the darker nose shadow. :/<br />
the eyebrow/marking change appeales to me, it makes the demis look a little softer (less male?). ^^<br />
*zipps mouth and tries first to reach that drawing level*


I love this and some of the tweeks Mystic did <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>. The demi really needed an update, just...don't change the chibi x-x;;;


I don't understand how a picture change completely ruins a pet for someone...It's still the same pet. Same name. Same personality you created for it. <br />
<br />
And there are items being revamped every day... They're still the same items, right? Drawing a hot dog differently doesn't make it a hot dog anymore.

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the wider stripe makes it looks nice!<br />
i wish mystic made the spots bigger though. the markings are too small!!<br />
<br />
OTHERWISE, iloveit!!!! ♥


Sari liked Tsume's origianal revamp a whole lot more. There's something about the face, mane and ears that really put me off... Fortunately, I can live with it, because it would be -very- expensive to go turn all nine of my Demis into Telenines or something. *sigh* Nope. Still doesn't look like it'll fit with my Demis. Oh well. More reasons to hate the majority. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>


Princess_Isho got it right. My first pet was also a Demi, and there are reasons why they've been my favorite species ever since I signed up here 2 years ago. With this revamp, no matter how pretty the art style may be, those reasons go out the window. It's just not the Demi I fell in love with. It's not that I'm against change; I <i>adore</i> the Torrent, Bovyne, and Escalade revamps. I just don't like THIS change. I salute Tsume for the work she put into this, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.<br />
<br />
Not that it really matters. The staff likes it, and the most vocal commenters like it, so no matter what the vote count says it will probably end up going through. Might as well start planning a new look and personality for Thaeus now...


I must say, this is a definite improvement over the first suggested redraw. I strongly approve of this.<br />
<br />
I still favor the old version (I'm <i>sorrrry</i> <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0> ), but this wouldn't be a bad replacement. I still think the tail is a bit off (it seems too flat on the "erect" part now), and the sitting pose still looks odd to me (something about its tummy... it almost looks pudgy to me from this angle), but the colors seemed to have improved, and I do like the new snout, hair, and horn. The dots are back on the hindleg, too!<br />
<br />
I think my biggest concern is that it would be hard for <i>me</i> to think of this as a female pet (which is, er, what I own), because there's something in the face that strongly suggests "MALE" to me, but that's my own issue, my own opinion, and it really doesn't affect the species as a whole. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


I like them both, but the old one is just.....

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I think I like the eye the way Tsume did it, personally. Having the pupil a different color makes the eye look dead, like a zombie as Aqua said... that or he's going to need corrective surgery soon ^^


oh mysticcookie, I really like what you did with the eye. I think it looks really good with dark eyes.


Well I'm not saying use my eyes! I was just fiddeling around, and I know they don't fit it properly it was hard drawing in a tiny gif file <img src=/images/smilies/smiley_sadface.gif border=0>


The eyes on your kind of make it look zombie like to me. Sorry. <img src=/images/smilies/smiley_sadface.gif border=0>


Righto ^^ Thanks Tsume for working with my sketch it's looking really good now! The only thing that bug me a bit are the eyes. I really don't like that black pupil...never did like it in the original demi, I think a dark blue one would look much nicer! And maybe not quite so much white shine at the top?<br />
<br />
I dunno I just skribbled into the pic hope you don't mind ^^" Looks weird because I drew directly into the gif file.<br />
<img src="" border="0"><br />
I also changed the shape of the eyebrows and make the markings a bit wider, I think they look a little skinny at the moment.<br />
And darkened that little light patch on the muzzle and got rid of the darker shade under the nose too.<br />
Really these are all really minor things but those are just the bits that irk me a bit. <br />
But otherwise great job ^^


I still love the old Demi, for reasons I can't really name... but I know I could definitely let this redraw grow on me. Such an improvement from the last redraw. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


Personally, I like both versions. Kudos to the artists that drew them. But I chose the new version. Because even though I like both versions, I like the new, well...softness of the new version. I think my fave thing about the new version is how it's hair flows over it's head.


my poor Demi. There was a reason the Demi was the first pet I ever got.<br />
<br />
and that comment about people not liking it just cause they're not use to it. That isn't true for everyone. I still despise the Kanis and Telinine just as much as I did when they first changes, and how long has it been?<br />
<br />
well. There's nothing that can be done about it. It'll change, and I'll have to find something else that's decent to change my Chas into.

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No offence to the old demi, but a lot of the people critting on EVERYTHING they seem to find forget that the old demi is very outdated. The redraw desperately needs to go through.<br />
<br />
I disagree to most of the crits this time.<br />
<br />
About the light part of the muzzle: From my point of view, I can understand why it's like that. But it's very hard to explain.


Tsume: Thank you so much for listening to our comments, tweaking things, and generally handling the abuse you've received so gracefully. I voted for the old one in the last round and I admit I'll miss some aspects of the old one (there's a sweetness to it that I think is inextricably tied to its outdated simplicity), but this one is a definite improvement. It will take some getting use to, but there's nothing to really pick on. -votes for the new one- <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


*yay* i was helpfull! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_happy.gif border=0><br />
*thanks-waves at vlad and Chimera*<br />
<br />
<i>i would have liked to say something a little diffrent, but i just can't translate it right...</i>


It's a beautiful, beautiful redraw, much better than the first attempt IMHO (the first one was very off to me ;_<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_wink.gif border=0>. This is quite lovely, and depending on how the redraws would look, I might even consider one.<br />
<br />
Will Graveyard be getting changed though? I have some friends who adore the graveyard demi and would be terrified to see it change xD

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i love this NEW one so cool! ^^ i have a dm demi and i hope to see it change in a good way if the new demi goes through ^^


I do like this, and even though I accidently voted for the old one, I have faith this one will be the new demi. :3 Anywho, the tail is a bit flat on the side, but it doesn't matter!XD


The re-draw looks makes demi's look a guy and I think there's something iffy about the tail but I like it. *votes new*


I really love both the old and the new, but the old one is just more...chibi-esque. : x. I completely voted for the new one. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_heart.gif border=0> xD /useless opinion. x3


Personaly I still loved the Tsume's first try at the Demi but this is also a massive improvement to the Demi, who needed a remake so desporately ^^; Again the colours are good, the anatomy is good, the angle looks fine and the expression looks like it actualy has a brain XD Personaly I liked the old tail better but this tail is still better than the original. The horn is MUCH better as is the mane. Good Job Tsume tsu, you are win


i love it, but still, i think the tail is just a liiiiiitttle too long ;x; -hides so i don't get smacked-


Huff, I can't thank you enough. That's immensely helpful, actually. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0><br />
<br />
And Nestly, now you know how I feel sometimes. XD

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The new demi has a wonderfully intelligent look about it and I like it a lot. The only difference I would make would be to lighten the dark colour around its eyes.


Much, Much better, my 12th pet will be a to find the plushies...


<b>Nestly:</b> Glad to see people taking that fact into consideration. ^w^ And it's nice to see more pleasent comments now. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_heart.gif border=0><br />
<br />
If it were up to me, I wouldn't even make a poll for this, and just strait out revamp it. xD Let the stuborn people deal with it. But that's just me, haha.


much better remake then the last one, that squished flat tail was bugging me x_X' the quills look more realistic too

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I hope they wont redraw the Reborn Demi.... I just love Adda the way he/she [needs to buy a Sex berry] looks now... =______=

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Ah! Huff, I believe that's exactly what was making the face seem just very slightly odd! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0> It is totally minor, but does look better with that pale spot filled in. Thanks for that - I couldn't put my finger on what it was that just didn't quite gel.


i want this going through too! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_heart.gif border=0><br />
<br />
and i think i found what buggs me on the mouth.<br />
that little light spot:<br />
<img src="" border="0"><br />
i covered it up (right), and it looks better to me. xD<br />
totally minor though...

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I prefer the new-old version, personally.<br />
<br />
Just my two cents <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_heart.gif border=0> I found it to be a lot more appealing, shading wise.


how can you not like the new one?<br />
it's got much cleaner lines the other demi had sloppy lines and a bit messed up on a few parts, this demi gets my vote any day.


I.. really want this to go through.<br />
<br />
I've had a DM Demi for as long as I can remember, and the ONLY reason I've never changed her, is because I've always hoped that at some point the Demis would get a revamp.. or at least that the DM one would. xD<br />
<br />
I adore almost everything about this revamp, and am hoping it definitely goes through, so that my dear leetle DM Demi can get a total makeover, at last.. after like.. 12 months of waiting. xD<br />
<br />


<b>Quote By Nestly:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">The only reason people are still complaining about the new one, in my opinion, is because they're simply not used to the new look.</blockquote>Agreed on that one.<br />
<br />
I want this one to go through. I love it and although I love the old Demi... it needs a revamp. There are alot of things wrong with the old and it just doesn't fit in with Subeta's pets anymore.


I think this one is MUCH better. o-o I really like it a lot more. ^__^ Thanks for taking our comments into consideration, Tsume-ness. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_heart.gif border=0><br />
<br />
Though I still wish it looked a little closer to the Reborn, I like this one. 83 The face looks a little manly compared to how dainty the old Demi was, but I can get used to it. I voted new this time. ^^


Because people had huge tantrummy fits about it and demanded things be changed. We listen sometimes--we just may not do everything asked.<br />
A few MINOR things may be tweaked here, but I think this is pretty much a done deal, IMO.


Ack, wtheck. Blank comment.<br />
I said I prefered the old one only because the mouth on the new one bugs me. X_x;




The first revamp, I mean.


Sorry Aqua..Vash can't spell well with one hand.. XD


Just a second... Why is there a new poll since the old revamp won anyway?


the longer i look at it. the more i like it! xD<br />
*yay for voting new!*<br />
<br />
i realy hope i would be able to see how this looks like in sun. ^^


I'm with Nestly on this.. and Aqura's right the demi needs to be changed it needs to be updated.. and Tsume has went back through on this one took alot of our critques and Made a new wonderful version of the demi..I never wanted a demi till now..I mean seriously I just never liked the old one..there were things that bugged me..this one looks like its ready to jump off the page and hug you.. ^^


Well, I have a Demi (and a Reborn Demi, but since they aren't getting revamped...) and I definitely love this revamp. The Demi needed a revamp, it looks... Out of place now. (And I don't really like the big feet on the old one)<br />
<br />
But then again, I loved the first revamp too. XD I love Tsume's hard work. It really shows.<br />
<br />
I just love it how new pet colors are loved, yet revamps are hated. Why is that? Are people really that afraid of change?


Demi needs an update imo, the current one has weird feet and face. XD Though I probably wouldn't get either, just not my type of pet.<br />
<br />
The update is really nice though, good job Tsume. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>


<b>Quote By nestly:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;"><br />
The only reason people are still complaining about the new one, in my opinion, is because they're simply not used to the new look.</blockquote><br />
<br />
You hit the nail RIGHT on its wee little head, I think. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


Why must there be a revamp?<br />
<br />
<br />
To me it's like liking one flower or color better than another. It doesn't matter who created it, people just happen to like the one they like. I really respect the time and talent put into the new Demi version, but the old one is the one I fell in love with. That's why four of my pets are Demis! I wonder how many of the voters actually have Demis. It's sad for those of us who have them and can't imagine our pets looking so different all of a sudden. I'll cry. I do appreciate the artist's hard work.


I like this a lot better then the other redraw, but Im still not liking the tail much =/


<b>Nestly:</b> Jeebers. xD I don't get why people STILL don't like the new one. I admit, the first attempt at a redraw for the Demi was a little iffy, but this one is very much improved! I forgot who the artist was, but my salute to you. They must've had to put up with <b>so</b> many crits, both helpful and strait out harsh, so I'm voting for the new. <br />
It's drawn better, more adapted to the rest of the pets, and more realistic and in depth, while still being the cute, original Demi.<br />
<br />
The only reason people are still complaining about the new one, in my opinion, is because they're simply not <i>used</i> to the new look. But you'll get used to it if you give it a chance. :/ Possibly only thing I think I liked better about the old, was the way the tail curled, but I honestly don't care that much to complain about it. It's <i>much</i> better then the old. ^^ *thumbs up*

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Saying you didn't like the other choice is fair enough, but describing it as "awful?" That's kind of a kick in the teeth to the artist who spent all that time on it. There are pets that I don't like, but nothing about the way they're drawn is "awful" - Just not to my taste. I love this new re-draw. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0> Thanks for taking everyone's comments into consideration. If my pets weren't set as they are for now, this would make me want a common coloured demi! *pets reborn one* But I can't give up my fire.


Reborn wouldn't change, but DM probably would.


Why change the demi? It's perfect as it is. This one is definetly better than the other one, but the original demi is best.


Mercy if I'm not mistaken..The reborn and dark matter demi's aren't going to be changed its the regular poses that will change into this if it goes though..


I voted old, because I still prefer the old one..Though I do rather like this one.......If you exclude its face..Something about the way its face is drawn really rubs me the wrong way. xD It is better than the other redraw though..that was awful imo. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_sad.gif border=0>


Oh yuck. It's way too cutesy. Why can't they just leave the demi alone? My mom and I will be very upset (devestated almost) if they change her. After all the money we've spent on our demi's to have to think of something else to change it to would be awful...these are our babies. Please rethink this guys. *votes for old*


Hmm. I like the old one's eye and the thick outline, but, I like the new one more. -voted new- I think it's awesome.


oii. im loving this one ^^ awesome job Tsume. xJ <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_heart.gif border=0> this definitely has my vote...


That right there Is love.. Love it -snugs demi-


Trucker, just klick on the link "poll" in this news?<br />
<br />
and i don't get what angelembryo is talking about?<br />

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I see why I like the old one. It was alot more rugged like an animal in the wild instead of a pampered pet, but this one's a little rugged as well.<img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0> If only I got to see what the lilac one looked like before I truly decided, but I still voted for new.


Sorry... I'm still voting old. The volume of the mane and shape of the tail have improved a bit from the previous revamp, but the rest of it I like even less than the first one. The face shape looks awkward somehow (muzzle too long and flat on top?), the spots on the tail are still in a straight line... but what bugs me most is the shading. It sorta looks like it's been rolling in the mud. ;_; The dark shadows are too distracting, especially on the tail and face where they're outlined. I've never seen a shadow that had outlines. :s<br />
<br />
I hope this sounded at least semi-constructive. I really tried to make it that way. If not, I'm sorry, Tsume.<br />
<br />
*makes note to save all current Demi images to hard drive in case this goes through*


Yarr. Love it.


There's a link to the polls in the post <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>


It looks great.<br />
<br />
But I'm used to the old one....<br />
<br />
So which one should I vote for?<br />
<br />
*votes new*


Gah I feel like a newbie, but it seems Ive forgotten where the polls are located.. o-o;;


-wonders if votes new will Hikku change-

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Oh dear me... I've gotten attached to the old look even though I voted for the new one last poll, but I might as well vote for the new one again.:3


Of course. Even if you revised this 100 times + then people still wouldn't like it. But thats why we vote, to see which one wins the favor of everyone. -shrugs-


Mm, that's what happens when an artist is no longer on staff and other artists have to pick up a pet. Things change.




I realize that Chimera. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0><br />
<br />
But Dokuja's comment kind of made it seem like if someone liked MC's sketch they shoudl like this, because Tsu used MC's sketch.... So I was just pointing out why that's not quite logical. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>

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I like the old onr and new one but the new one has a little more detail


She could've not worked with it at all. It doesn't matter what we do, it seems. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0><br />
<br />
Not that that's not ever expected, mind you.


I loved the old one, and the new one too. They both look so cute. @@


XD Just curious..<br />
<br />
I like this one better than the old, I think. =) It has my vote..


I love it. ;p

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I really love the face and eyes, too.<br />
If the revamp goes through, I'm really tempted to turn a pet into a demi.


Nothing against Tsu, but 'working with' MC's sketch isn't quite the same as having MC do the entire thing...<br />
<br />
But I already know why she isn't so yeah. Just had to state that...


I seriously prefer the first revamp. o_O I've always wondered why we don't get to vote which one of the different revamps we prefer. Oh well, the revamp is still much better than the old one...


Tsume did this one, too.<br />
And y'know what?<br />
I love it.<br />
<br />
So there. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_heart.gif border=0>

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Ooh, I really like this!<br />
I can clearly see that Vampire has listened to the crits, the tail, horn, hind leg and main look so much better in this!<br />
I'm voting new, this time.


No matter what, people will complain about something. Best to ignore it. :3


somethings funny with the mouth (muzzle?) and the fluff you see left from the nose seems a little long...<br />
but ist <b>great</b> over all!!<br />
voted new<br />
<br />
i wonder how sun will look like... *has an elixir, but could not decide on wich pet to use yet*


I liked the last one, but this one is awesome!


This one looks more like a living animal than the old one, but I gotta say, it's face is awkward in a way.


Oh, I really like the mane and the ears of the new one, but - imho - the eye color and the sitting pose of the old one are kinda ... cute <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_heart.gif border=0><br />
<br />
*eek* I really dunno O.o

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Huge eyes and the front legs seem a tad strange, but wow.. such an improvement over the other revamp. .o.<br />
<br />
Did Tsume draw this one too? ^^


I love this Demi. So so much. It just looks like a Demi. 8D *pets its fur*<br />
<br />
I might actually keep Krystyne a Demi now. =O


Hmm.. The tail still bugs me a little, but MUCH better than the first try. I'll miss the old face, but I wouldn't be upset to see this as the new demi.


I like the new version much better.. it has more... personality? I dunno, just seems more expressive

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The art is great but for some reason I prefer the old style.


I like the new one better. Just a few subtle changes make it look much better... for me. XD

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ok i like the paws of the old one better.. but the mane on the new one better..<br />
<br />
maybe they could be redrawn using the old style paws with the new mane... Just a thought..


*gigglesnort @ Taters*


I love that everyone was practically screaming for MC's version, so the awesome Tsu went and worked with it, and people still complain. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


Meh. I appreciate the work the artists do to come up with new styles, but I have to say I like the old one better...


Hooray for the polls! <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>

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Many improvements from the original redraw. Voting new on this one! n.n<br />
<br />
This one looks a lot more rugged and carefree. ;D -loves on it-


I think I got the first vote in for old. XD GO ME.


I am not sure what it is about the demi but i'm still feeling the old one more than the new one


Sorry, you guys.<br />
No one was complaining and it was totally weirding us out. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


Yum yum yum, new Demiiiii!<br />
-prances around-


:'D MUCH better than the first one. ♥ I love it.

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It's great, but the face seems...meh.<br />
<br />
I guess I'm used to the old one. <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>

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Love the new.


*Votes for old and wonders when the Escalade revamp will go through* <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_raspberry.gif border=0>


The New one has more Definition <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0> I like it <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_smile.gif border=0>


I like the face on this one <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>


I love both the old and new though... so I'll be happy whatever wins. But this is definately an improvement over the previous Demi revamp <img src=/images/smilies/6398_emoticon_grin.gif border=0>

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love the old...

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*votes for old*

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is that the one mystic drew? looks a lot like it. haha


Wow alot of news posts today. I wonder what the demi will end up looking like...


Better then the first.... but I don't know....


*drools*<br />
<br />
*votes for new*


Go Old Go!

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