
We would like to remind all users that using the same password on all sites is a massive security hazard.

Please make sure that you use different passwords on different sites, Subeta included.
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Posted by Keith

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But...if I use different passwords...I'll forget them all and never be able to log into anything...o.o

But, I guess I'll go change it...just for you Keith :]


Those of you yelling at Keith for not posting this sooner, I sort of feel that it is your own damn faults for getting hacked.
It's not his job to be your mother.
He is not required to <i>tell</i> you how to live your life on the internet.
Get common sense.

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Well, I didn't get my information from the 420chan forums but from other sites around the web, they may be 420chaners blaming Keith, I wouldn't know but the news gets out rather fast. And for your information, I don't really trust anyone with my personal information...I'm sticking around this site just to see if any new news surfaces, and because I don't know what is truth...


I don't see why you stick around if you don't trust him.
After all, he may be spying on your internet whereabouts as we speak!

I can't believe you prefer trusting a website known for it's particularly violent raids rather than people who have been here for several years..
I've wasted enough breath on this conversation.
-over and out-

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You never know, it could've been someone (probably one of the angry hackers) posing as Keith and posting that stuff just so that the real Keith could be framed, as revenge for the Longcat issue.

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He hadn't told us anything, every time he posted something such as changing passwords or e-mail addresses he refused to tell us the reason. I didn't even know there was a chan war until he posted it later on...I have no clue what is the right source and what isn't Oo


Apologies if this is off topic admins but I just want to say something... Guys keith did NOT give out your passwords or anything like that on Gaia. There was a post about it in the forums that I found from looking at 420chan and on the gaia forum keith had replied himself saying that he did not give out any passwords of such things. I think you'll find the 420chan members are trying to lead you all astray by telling you lies and trying to blacken keiths name... Don't believe everything you hear guys and do NOT believe anything that comes from unreliable sources such as w20chan members. Your making it easier for them if you believe there nonsence if keith says he diddn't then he diddn't. There are many other ways they could have obtained your passwords and if you were using the same passwords as on here then like I said that is a risk YOU take it's not keiths fault so go easy on him.


I really don't think keith would do that, i mean does that really sound true to you Nychii? I wish they would leave everyone alone, i mean what life is it to destroy anothers life?? Oooh that don't makee sense, i've gone crazy from all this

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I hope what I heard from Gaia wasn't true, because what they said was that Keith gave out our sn and passwords as a that allowed? Oo;;


*Sar* Well then they learned a lesson about internet security they can use later in life. If they've ever signed up for an email account then they are alerted to measures that should be taken to keep information secure. I know people are upset but Keith and staff didn't do this to you. Get mad, mourn, let it go and rebuild.


I'm ok I use a different password for evey other site I'm a member of and I even use completley different user names for most. Also my e mail here is fake including the details for it and only realy made in case I ever get hacked I just keep it so subeta can contact me if they needed to. But I would never use the same passwords or screen names for sites thats too risky.

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Sars, while you do have a valid point, you need to consider that a lot of children use the site. They might not know any better. They might not even know that passwords were literally released by whoever has gotten their hands on them, nevermind how exactly did it happen. I just think the news post should explain at least a little about what happened. People might overlook it thinking something like "I change my passwords every X weeks and I just did X days ago so I'm safe". I just don't think it's fair to be silent or even vague about this.


First off to everyone believing those lies from the channers... look at the people you are trusting to tell you the truth.

Subeta is doing everything they can to protect you, at some point you need to learn to protect yourself. I'm sorry for everyone who has lost something in this. Now you know, when a site is being attacked and you were just told to change your pw then you should probably change it for all the accounts you have with that same pw.

Try hating the people doing this to you not the ones trying to save you from them.

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and me are pretty angry

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SeahorseJoannas is right, i might know, why my photobucket account got hacked...


my loggin is the same everywhere I go. But my pw is generated by a special program that remembers them for me. Each site has a different pw...


my gaia account got hacked i learned my lesson about usernames/pw


You stupid people! You really think he would cut off his own foot? They are bragging all over the internet about this; they used a program or script thingy to get access them.
But Keith immediatly asked us to change out passwords which meant that they became the happy owner of a list of useless passwords.
However, they went to all the popular sites and tried the usernames with their corresponding passwords. And bingo! Some of us were using exactly the same username and password on other sites! Although they broke into our accounts, we actually gave them the keys to do so..
I've learnt my lesson: unique username/password combinations for every website.

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Ah i have an extra 'S' on the end of my user name <img src= border=0>

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i have different passwords for everything does that mean i am safe?



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This news post is reminding everyone that using the same password for say, Ebay and your deviant art account is dangerous. It's not saying you have to change your Subeta password again, it's got nothing to do with the security of one site over another. It's reminding you of the common knowledge guideline to use unique passwords amongst all of your internet accounts.

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why is there an s at the end of my name last post? *beats it up*! there can only be one! :O

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omg just lay off and go change your damn word already..nobody gives out OUR passwords so just chill for crap sake lol..thanks keith youre much appreciated for this <img src= border=0>


Just wanted to let the staff know that I was finally able to get the email to send and allow me to reset the password..





.______. Thanks fer remindin' me!


Given out? You don't actually believe that propaganda crap, do you?


You can't possibly "run out of passwords"; there is an infinite number of possibilities. You shouldn't change them to anything similar to what they were before, or have them even be similar from site to site. Each site should have its own unique password.

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Thanks for the reminder! <img src= border=0>


Why on earth are you all telling us what your passwords are like? We don't want to know. Seriously! <img src= border=0> Only hackers want to know. <img src= border=0>

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Luckily this is the only site where I use this particular password. *whew* Thanks for looking out for us by posting the reminder! <img src= border=0> I've been scared that someone will get my DA account, but it uses a different pass than this one, and my username's different. The only other site I use this name on is another petsite and I don't care if they get that account XD


"This is a bit late"??

So let me get this straight - for everyone who didn't have sense enough to use different passwords on different sites - now they're mad because keith should have told them before now that it's a huge security risk? Why is it keith's job to educate you about basic internet safety and security? It isn't. It isn't even his job to post this NOW, but he's doing it anyway, to warn as many people as he can.


Suxinn, just because you think it's difficult to guess you should change it anyways, apparently these people had a full list of all our usernames and passwords from a few months ago, so you better be safe than sorry.

I don't have the username Aimee anywhere else but this site so i know i'm safe, but i still changed it anyways.

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This is rather late, isn't it?

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Yeah, my boyfriend got hacked on his Gaia account... he was incredibly pissed off... -sigh-

My own pw is changed now. (:

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Mine's only slightly different than my other ones, but it is still different and hard to guess so I'm ok..

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keith thank you for this reminder, having the same username at various pet sites is something I know a lot of us do. Until some of the recent issues i had the same username and pw for all my "pet sites" This has been changed now, but its a great reminder for those that havent changed yet.

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Aa...*goes change password* Oo

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I have different usernames, but I should change my Gaian one.

-runs away-


Autumn703s: obscure password won't help you when someone GETS it. They can get into any place you use the pw on. Quite a lot of subetians DA accounts were taken that way.

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This is a bit late, but I do have different passwords. The other site I'm often on is currently under attack by the chans...


Aw man, I just made a huge post on vanity about this. Lol! Though I don't know if people have understood that it's not about humans "guessing" but about people "knowing"...


(oii got cut off xD)

messed up alot and almost got me banned. thankfully i got my account back...

good thing awareness is getting around <img src= border=0>


Thats how those longcat ppl hacked into my DevArt account D|


I use the same one for every site, but mine's.. obscure. Unless you're my brother. XDDD And even then I doubt he remembers XDDD


*headdesk* Isn't that like...common sense? o.O

Anyway. I do appreciate that y'all are trying to keep your users safe outside of Subeta, because I know a great many sites couldn't care less about their users, much less the security of their users outside of their site.


I have mine different. With peoples emails and gaia accounts being hacked now.. its a good idea to change.


Yep, which is why when they first asked for a password change, I changed it to a slightly different one on here, then today I changed my Gaia to a completely different password. <img src= border=0>


I use some of the same passwords for some sites, but I'm pretty sure that no one can guess mine since it just seems like random numbers and letters.

And my Subeta password is completely different than my other ones. I only have one other that has the same password, but I hardly go on there anymore, so I think I'm okay....

And I've run out of passwords to use. <img src= border=0>

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Why do we have to change?


Oh, my yes!! And use a mix of capitals, small letters, and numbers (shifted numbers if possible).


I meant password. xD

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Hmm...I don't think any of my pass's are the same.


I have different passwords for most things <img src= border=0>


Crap, I use the same password over and over again!

-flees to change-


I only have the same username on 1 different site. ^^; I don't even go there anymore, so I will just disable the account there. Better safe than sorry! =D


-goes change password-
lol :B


all mine are seperate and unrelated, so i'm good <img src= border=0> but nice reminder.

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I agree Kuruma. I changed mine not so long ago, for one thing it was easy and simple and hard for me to remember. And plus, if I was hacked, I would be overflowing with rage xD


O_o Oh yeah, I should change mine then.

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