There is a New Poll :)
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Posted by Keith

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Um, no offense but this sheeta looks kinda...fat...the legs are kinda chunky and the fur is really poofed. And as LadyKianna said, it does look like it needs a barf bag. Also, I really don't like how curly the horns are.

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It's great but...*sob* Nuuuu! It's too fluffy and it doesn't look as cute anymore. I really liked how the sheeta was furry w/ out being so fluffballed.


I love the new look! A big up to the artists! <img src= border=0>


The new one is a lot better shaded and everything, but it just looks weird and shiny to me. I definately prefer the old, but I guess that doesn't matter. I'm one of very few who feel that way.


Wow... wonderful job on this, though I do think the neck is a little off... a little too thick.

I preferred the head on the old one better, not entirely sure why, and almost voted it, (they're my favorite species so I'm gonna be a little picky about 'em xD), but... ended up voting for this one. <img src= border=0>

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The new sheeta looks so much better. The current one looks like its got lymphatic problems. XP

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I prefer the old sheeta as it is standing in a softer way. This stance just looks defencive to me. I like the tufts of hair and colouring/shading, but it just doesn't take me like the old sheeta.

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I LOVE YOU GUYSSSssss lessthanthreeeee


LadyKianna, Subeta is not to have colored lineart on our pets. But I do appreciate the rest of your input.


I love the new one!


Hurray for no more horribly mutated hindlegs D8!


Old is so much cuter. <img src= border=0>

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I love this one, but it could use longer legs.<img src= border=0>

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Rarely vote for the new ones.. but I quite like this one. =]


I like it <img src= border=0>

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Well i for one absolutely LOVE this new Sheeta. It's way too adorable for words and i take my hat off to the artist. GREAT JOB !!!!

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Hmm... This was a tough one.
The new one looks good, it has a more realistic body shape, there is much more detail in the shading, and I like the fluffier bits of hair/mane/tail compaired to the old one... however...
The old Sheeta has much nicer lines - they match the colour of the fur and are a lot smoother than the small, sharp, all black lines of the new drawing.
Also, while the new eyes are good, I prefer the old ones. They seem more innocent and full of life compaired to the newer version which to me seem to be staring off blankly into the distance.
All in all both versions are very good, but Theres one little thing that bugs me about the new drawing - the chubbyness of the face looks like shes chewing something... add that to the blank expression and the sheeta seems almost like shes about to toss her cookies

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Its so much better except a little too much shading x3

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who drew it?

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I really like how it isnt so thin but it could use alittle smile.
Overall its very cute


I really like the new sheeta's eyes and I don't see what people don't like about them... xD I'm hoping the eyes won't be changed at all.

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new sheeta is great
maybe just a little too much shading
Oh I loved the old big eyes better then these small ones
so like a lot of people the face needs to be more like before big eyes, smile, etc

nice work!


The shading next to the right eye is too dark and evil looking. Lighten that up and give it a small smile. That's all. The face is the only problem I have and I think a tiny smile would fix that...

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The old one is WAAAY better. The new one may look more 3-d but it's face is all funky and anti-cute...

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I like the new one a little more, but it would look better with the softer line colors and shading present on the old one.

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I think the new ones cute.

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the lines are very fine, it looks good! great job, keep it up!


v__v;; As long as the GY Sheeta isn't touched, I'll be happy. (sorry, but I just like the old versions WAY better)


I prefer the new - it's a good redraw.
However, as already mentioned, the eyes are lacking a little something (I don't know what), the chest is a little too deep, and that front shoulder bothers me (there is no point of the elbow, so it looks like it's bending the wrong way, or the leg has no bone at the point of attachment).
All this aside, it's still a great improvement.


Everything about the new one is an improvement except for the face, the lower half to be exact. It's much too chubby and rounded and not as graceful as the current version. If the cheek fluff were to be toned down a but and the line of the mouth extended into a smile, it would look much better.


The more I look at this, the more I think the problem is the mouth, not the entire face. Well, the entire muzzle, to be specific looks off to me; I think if the expression was redone to just be a simple smile like we're all used to on the sheeta, it would change the whole dimension of the face and make it look less chubby. Also, I think the shading on the face is a bit overdone, and it's adding extra folds and wrinkles that aren't really there.


weird neck ... dead eyes... weird head ... eyes arent perky and it looks like it needs a long nights rest. I want the old one back already cause it seems people are clicking on anything new.


It's head looks like clay, and the eye bothers me. Those are my only issues. <img src= border=0>

When this poll was made, I think no matter what the outcome, the new Sheeta was still going to be put in affect/effect. (didn't know which was right XD)


The outline is well done and the shading, colour and detail are definatley an improvment too. The only thing I think I would change is the head I think I would have it looking a bit more fowards but I think that just may be my own preferance. Other than that I quite like it and I think it looks more realistic, the artists have done a great job oh and the neck is so much better too. It was far too thin before, looks great now <img src= border=0>.


The body is fabulous, great job! Something about the face is throwing me off though. It might be the eyes, as others have said. I like the wide-eyed, direct look of the current sheeta. It may be the muzzle, I just can't quite pinpoint exactly what. However it 's worth saying twice, the rest of the redraw is a big improvement, very well done <img src= border=0>


It has a finer line, qutie nice


I Love it!! I've always loved the Sheeta, and now you're going to make it really gorgeous. Oh happy day!! <img src= border=0>

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It looks beautiful.
The Galactic Sheeta looks like the new Sheeta.
I wonder why?
<img src= border=0>

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The face has weird proportions, but otherwise I love it.


Not that this needs more crit, but I think if the shading was taken off the muzzle then the face would look a lot less "chunky", as I recall someone describing it.

Again, I still think this is a massive improvement. <img src= border=0>


Not to be mean or anything, but I liked the older one better. This new one's neck looks a little... odd, and the eyes bother me a tad. Nonetheless, 'tis pretty. :3


I don't like new ones neck for some reason. <img src= border=0>


I love this one but..the head and fae ruins it.
The head and face of the old is much better, which makes the old one very cute so I voted for the old. ;D
Good job though, this made me go "Wow...-no comment-"


Wow, this is gorgeous. The pose, shading, and the face are all awesome. I think it's a big improvement from the old one, I thought it looked kinda..flat, and lifeless.

The artist did a great job! (:

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Can't wait for the BR redraw =D *stuffs BR sheeta elixir in vault*


i like the old sheeta better. the body style, stance, and not so ultra shiney coat are way better imo.


I like the new revamp of the Sheeta. This is an overall improvement of the art work. <img src= border=0>

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Well. I guess I'm in the minority but I really prefer the old Sheeta to the new one. If it gets changed, that's one pet I won't be lusting after anymore. :/

That's not to say the art isn't good, however. I just prefer the appearance of the old one more. Kudos to the artist.


Aw, I'm usually iffy on revamps, but I'm 100% for this new sheeta. Nice job <img src= border=0>


As long as my reborn sheeta isn't changed I love the new one. <img src= border=0>

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I absolutley love the sheeta period.. I have eight .. I love both the old and new .. For me it was really hard to decide .. In the end I went with the new, the art is beautiful .. kudos to the artist/s ...

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Actually, I quite like it - the legs look long to me - but I agree with the people who've said the expression is dead. Maybe less light in the eyes (or two separate points) and curvier and/or lower eyebrows would help.


I really like the new Sheeta - with one exception. I like the softness of it, and the lines are excellent. The only thing I preferred on the older version are the eyes. I know a lot of people have mentioned it, but I'll say it again... the eyes on the old seemed to be looking right at you... this one seems more aloof. Other than that, it's excellent!

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i like them both a lot, but i like the new one a little more.
they old one's neck was too skinny, and the legs were a little too big, but we'll see how it turns out.


I like both equally but it seems most of the votes are going to the new one <img src= border=0>

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I don't have a problem with the chest at all. I love the deep chest and the slim waist--it has a kind of greyhound-esque elegance. I think maybe the shoulder joint is a little too high and the eyes are a little dead, but other than that I like it.


I love this new revamp! It looks way more realistic and the anatomy is pinned down quite nicely. The shading and the fluffy tone to it makes it look very cute. x3 Although, it's expression is way blank and, mellow, like others have said. And I much prefered it's long and lanky legs. However, overall, I would definitely want a Sheeta now.


hm, weve got no chance to keep the old one as it seems^^ well at least i dont need to save up for a sheeta anymore xD

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Oh I really don't like this. The expression is very mellow and it looses it's cuteness which I adore on the Sheeta. The anotomy has changed making it almost chuby and I rather liked the elegance the old one possesed with its long legs. About the only thing I like is how the shading is more in depth but in over all- not worth it.

Old one is better!


This is a really nice revamp of the Sheeta. I really like how the neck doesn't look thin like it seems to look like in the old one. I really like the face on this one too. It does look like it's shorter. Like Sophiten pointed out, the chest does dip down a bit low making it look a bit chubby and short. But overall the revamp is very nice in my opinion.


Wow, do I ever love this new Sheeta! I especially like how the horns and the fluff on the tail were drawn, and I'm so glad to see the legs have had their anatomy fixed up. Very adorable and beautifully drawn/shaded. Well done. <img src= border=0>

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Egh... I really don't like this. The horns are about the only change I welcome. The thin lines and shading make it look... emotionless. If this gets voted in, I'm changing Lazarevic to something else. :/


ok.. well, here's my opinion... the old sheeta is my absolute favorite pet... and this one definately isn't.... i think the old one was a lot cuter, and i go for the cuteness factor....this one looks too... sophisticated? maybe.. i dont know.... but i like the old one a lot better.. sorry... maybe its the way the head is facing... i like it looking straight, not like its posing for a picture or something.. and the tail, as well as parts of the body, is a bit skinny


I prefer the old one because of its soft, cute features, and I think that if it's re-done, it should have a good pose, instead of just standing there, as well.


You know, when you look at it, if they edit the chest (since it is kinda low, making it look fat) then the legs themselves will seem much longer. When I compared the new one with the old one, the legs aren't that much shorter. It's just the dip of the chest. o.o


hm... I like, never post in these revamp poll news posts xD But I can't resist... I REALLY like this Sheeta as a stand alone drawing, but when I went to vote for it and compared it to the old one, I suddenly didn't like it as much. It seems most people have an issue with its face... the face looks fine to me, my issue with it is solely its legs. I know we're trying to get more anatomically correct here, but for me, the charm of the Sheeta is its big, lanky legs. In fact, the head looks too big for its body at the present moment. <img src= border=0>

I don't mean this offensively by the way. New art is always nice, but I want my long Sheeta legs! xD


Personally guys there is nothing wrong with the face. Its anatomically correct, and Sheeta`s DO have goat like features so I see no problem... Besides that... Even if a persons style does not change, there art gets more advanced. So thing like this happen. Anyways.. The new Sheeta rocks, you guys are just not used to it yet. Give it a sec Mmmk. Anyways... I really hope that the chibi pets of all species don`t get revamped D; There soo cyoot


I am shocked actually, as the face is also my favorite part of the new Sheeta! I am a huge Sheeta fan, have one and hope to add a couple more and this is the face I was personally hoping for! I think her face is just lovely, perfection!


Well, the artwork on the new Sheeta is lovely, very well done and with nice detail! But . . . it lacks the cute charm that the old one has. <img src= border=0> As others have mentioned, I think it is the eyes and the expression. The new one looks rather wise and knowing, perhaps a bit snooty, while the old one looked sweet and spunky. Good for some redraws, like Galactic, but I'd be sad if all Sheetas had this look. *hugs Bexi*

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Uh one question; are you ever gonna change the newer feli with the old one?

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Well, finally ^^ The thing I didn't like about the old version is the legs. Its knees were higher than the ankle, making it look odd. And another thing was the neck. The old sheeta's neck was so lean! I congratulate you on such a great job done <img src= border=0> I'm lucky I have an elixir stored up for the change ^^


I like this one a lot better. The neck looks a lot better. And the legs don't bother me. I liked the old but I like this one to<img src= border=0>


I defiantly prefer the new pne, you did an excellent job Teera c:


I really like this one, but I have to say the extra curve to the horns and the dimmness (?) of the spots on the legs seem a bit off to me, but it looks like most folks like the new one. <img src= border=0> Nice work to the artist! I do like how much softer and more 3D it is. However, my only sheeta is a chibi...will that change? 0_o

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I think the face of the old one is sweeter-- maybe it's the wider eyes that someone else mentioned. Of course all the shading and details on the new one are an improvement though, and the rest of the body looks great to me on the new one.


I am so very happy you give people the OPTION, rather then just go ahead and change it. Thank you.

beautiful job on the new Sheeta <img src= border=0>



I will say there is a softer look to the old sheeta's eyes and nose that convey mystery, but this redesign is so perfect!


I love the new look. Great job. I can't wait to see what spectrum looks like.


It looks weird. It's not as bouncy looking as the other Sheeta.. it's head is a bit small aswell =(


Actually, scratch the comment of making the legs longer - just looked at current sheeta again, and they're proportioned correctly.


Wouldn't mind the legs being a teensy bit longer, but what do I know of proper anatomy? xD

SO glad this came about, the legs of the current Sheeta are... well... odd looking. XD So outdated.


Yay for not destroying my favourite pet <img src= border=0>
I do like the new one better, not only does it have more 'depth' but its neck has finally filled out and doesn't look like its going to snap at any second!


i like the face on the old one better...but the stance is a lot more realistic and natural on this one, so it gets my vote.

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This one looks so much better. I was hoping a revamp was coming for sheetas, and this makes me happy. <img src= border=0> Please re-do the bloodred one too, the current one is just kind of a pallette swap. <img src= border=0>


I love the redrawn one; I just sorta wish its head was facing forward as seen in the old version


As a sheeta owner, I love the potential makeover, the art work is much better and more defined. I liked the old one, but this one is a big improvement.

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" Again, sorry if any of that sounded rude.

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The legs are too short. But otherwise, I love it =D

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If that sounded rude, I'm sorry; I was trying to go for constructive. I also don't think this possible makeover is ALL bad; I like how much fluffier the fur around the neck is, and the shading is nice and soooo much more detailed. But given the choice, I definitely would rather keep Blumarine the way she is.

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I loved the exxagerated legs on the old one. This one seems kind of normal. Teh art quality on this new one is much better, and I like it better overall. The legs just kinda get me.

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I love the new look. Nuff said.


Honestly, I really, really prefer the old one.

I can't really say anything constructive, just that the old one just has so much charm, and it's simple! This one seems too flashy..


I like the eyes on the old one better, but I like this one because it's more detailed.


I hate saying it guys, but can we please try not to get so off topic? This is not about the demi, swampie and/or dragon. This is about the Sheeta.


My only criticism is its legs and tail seem a little short. Otherwise, it's simply gorgeous.


at last, a makeover that's worth it. if only the others were like this... it's brilliant, congrats to the artist. much better than the original.

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I'll say this - it does look cleaner, and I prefer this revamp over the Demi one. A majority of people make valid suggestions/observations. My biggest one is that its face is, as previously said, chubby.
However, as long as the Spectrum Sheeta isn't tweaked I'll be okay. ^__^ very nicely done.

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Please put a poll up for the Swampie and Dragon as well.


I like it but the face makes it looks a little chubby, the legs should be a little longer but I like the rest. Luv the new Pose! <img src= border=0>


This is really awesome, but I like how the old one's legs are more curved and its body seems slimmer too


I hope there is no change for the Graveyard Sheeta. In my opionion it's the coolest Sheeta ever and it's one of my dreampets right from the beginning. So I hope it stays like it is. ^^
As for the rest... Well, I like the old one more, mostly because the friendly look on it's face and it's thinner neck. But yeah, this one looks more realistically, so I think, I could live with that.
Someone mentioned it looked more like a dog right now. Dunno what animal was used to create the Sheeta, but it really was a bit slimmer and the legs, okay, they wasn't really longer, but it looked like they was.
(Sorry if my english or grammar or both is bad. It's not my first language, but I'll hope it was at least a bit understandable what I wanted to say... If not, I apologize!)


personally the new face is my favorite part. but i agree about the legs, i think they should be a bit longer.


I was very nervous about an approaching revamp after seeing the awful pose of the calactic (alot of people liked it I know, but to me it looked like it had broken legs)
Seeing it in a common colour though I for the most part am really happy. It's front right leg attaches to the body way too high. Considering the overall anatomy is much like that of a dairy goat and that front leg is really off. There are many wonderful refrence images online though of dairy goats the could be used to correct it fairly easily before the revamp pushes through.


....Ugh ;___; I'm going to be constructive and hope it's taken, but I'm so, SO disappointed by this revamp, and it's all in the face.

The face looks so, so chubby. It looks like its pursing its lips together, like when yuo make a fish-kissy face. It's the same thing I didn't like about the galactic Sheeta - it just looks very chunky, very poorly done (sorry, Teera!) I prefer when sheetas have a smoother face, as in the spectrum and dark-matter. This just makes it look... chunky. That's the only word I can think of to describe it. it's very jagged and pursed, and doesn't retain that Sheeta-sweetness at all.

I know this will never happen, but I truly hope that when Sheetas are updated, they keep their current color scheme, rather than adapting to the scheme all other pets have. I know they won't 'fit' then, but the interesting, more pastel colors of the Sheeta is what drew me to them in the first place. I'd hate for Shavri - my sun sheeta, and my absolute favorite pet on the site - to loose that about him.

Honestly, I love the entire body and the chest and EVERYTHING except the face. I just think the face needs to be redone entirely. I hope this was constructive enough!


the right leg is attached a little too high i think and i dont like the new thin line art, i voted old as i adore the old sheetas thick lineart and cuteness, this one looks a little too realistic and not so cute, cuddyly and friendly <img src= border=0>


This Sheeta was done by <label title="header=User invalid body=[<center><img src="><b>teera_misu</b><br />Artist<br /><b>Name</b>: Jill<br /><b>Posts</b>: 383<br />"]" class="tip"><a href="/users/teera_misu"><img src="" border="0">teera_misu</a></font></label>


I really like the new one, but something seems a bit off with its face.
Good job, though. (:

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Wow, I like this one! The face is definately an improvement, and the fur looks great.


YAY... I`ve been waiting forever for this... The new sheeta looks so much better... Though I will still miss the old one as it was so adrable... The new one`s more... Elegant? xD I dunno... Anyways, most awesome revamp yet! And suprisingly there`s hardly no bashers 8D ..... As for the old Sheeta`s neck... I never really payed attention o:


UGH! I KNEW this would happen, as an owner and lover of Sheetas. Surprisingly, I dont find it so bad. I actually like it. the only thing I dislike is the fact that it reminds me a little of a dog. The Sheeta's supposed to have longer legs, I think. But still, its cute and charming, I vote for new. Just improve it a little and it will be perfect.


The new one is absolutely awesome! The old one looked like it would choke to death if it swallowed a peanut. <img src= border=0> I will probably get a Sheeta if the change is made.


Mmmm. I was wondering when the Sheeta was going to get a planned revamp. And I like it. It's more anatomically correct, especially with the back legs and the neck. But this... is MUCH better. *votes new*

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its so pretty! i agree with September though. the eyes could be a bit wider. does anyone know who drew this? they did an awesome job.

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I love the new one! IT's great!


Thank you for doing a poll and the new version of the Sheeta is beautiful! I like how it looks a bit more real now and the neck is a vast improvement. I voted new obviously


I like this redraw very much. I think the legs should stay this way, as they reflect the original design very much. I too wish the eyes were a little more open, or bigger, I guess, but it is a very beautiful redraw <img src= border=0>

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I like this new one, but something about its eyes bother me. Oh well *votes new*


..... I really do like this new one. I mean... its one of the best revamp pet choices so far. But, I also really love the old one. I dont even know why, but.. I just do..

I voted old, but thats mostly because I couldn't quite decide D;


Haha, you'd think being my favorite pet, I'd be able to spell "Sheeta".


Ooh, the neck doesn't look like a twig. ^^ This is good. It looks a bit too small for the square, though.


Sheetahs have been my favorite pet since I started, and I'm pretty happy with this. c: There's some things that bother me a little, like the neck not quite lining up right with the head, even though it's a little tilted.. Also I think the head is a tad oversized, but I could easily overlook that. The shoulder and the smoothness of the back compared to the rest of the body is a little strange too..
But I really like the horns and back feet. :3 The hair was all pulled off really well too.

I think a few minor changes could really go a long way, but I vote new. ^^


I know we all have our opinions, but to me this is THE BEST redraw I have seen so far!!! This new Sheeta is utterly, completely, 100% perfection.

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Oh wow. It's so cute now! Not that it wasn't cute before, but now it's Very cute! <img src= border=0> I'm glad I adopted my Sheeta from the pound!


..I find it creepy that In part of my dream, I dreamed about a pet revamp poll. D8

...I like the revamped look a lot better. -votes- c:


haha this one i love and i don't even have a Sheeta.

i wish the Dragon could have been this pleasing to me.


i don't understand how people can hate the new revamp owo;

sure, saying it could use some tweaking is appropiate, but to say you 'don't like the it at all'
that's just rude and unconstructive u__u;
how does that help if they do consider tweaking it?

honestly, i love the new redraw.
i'll agree, i do like the old expression better...
but overall, i think that it's great :3


I'm not fond of the scoop of the chest and the right foreleg attaching so high up on the body, but other than that, it's pretty nifty looking.


Well okay I am looking at the sheeta for about half a hour now (...XD) and it's not that bad <img src= border=0> Only the eyes look a bit small but still, I think I like it now. ^.^


Really, this has got to be one of the best redraws Ive seen. Its not a drastic change from the last one, in fact, the only thing that really seems different is that it looks more realistic to me. Well, perhaps it has shorter legs, but I still like it. x3

Good job for whichever artist did this one.


Oh, and on the foreleg that is on the "viewer's side", it seems like it goes UP too high.. now that I'm looking at that, it bugs me. A lot. With as deep as its chest is, those lines should definitely be shortened, because the leg should not anatomically be able to attach up as high as it does. <img src= border=0>


I love the new one. It actually has a NECK. That weird little stick-neck on the old one CREEPS ME OUT and is what prevented me from owning a Sheeta before. I agree that the eyes look a little...distant, vacant, whatever. And it lost a little bit of the... I don't know how to describe it... the old one looked like it just lept onto your page like a gazelle and is about to leap off again. This one doesn't. But the art is vastly improved. Good job, teera. <img src= border=0>


The eyes are what throw me off. I like the rest of it. The old sheeta had the happy doe eyes. These look "off" I can't figure out how to word it. The old one looks happier.


Faaar superior. I really love the revamp, but I support a change in the eyes. There's nothing wrong with them, but I prefer the more open rounder original sheeta eyes. The new one looks too... mature without the round eyes.


Oh yes. Bogart - great work. That, and changing the right foreleg so that it attaches a little bit lower on the body (right now, it looks like it starts at the side of the Sheeta's neck, which looks a little bit weird), and this particular user would be super happy. =D


I love the sheeta, and this revamped one is beautiful, but its eyes are a bit small, and the way its neck is turned looks awkward.

The horns are perfect.

I'm a little worried about what the GY sheeta is going to look like, though ;( I love the pose on the GY sheeta.

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The new one looks more cute! Yay!


I like how the joint in the back legs isn't right on her butt. XD And the forelegs aren't bowed at an odd angle, like she was carrying a hundred pound boulder on her head. Now the poor thing can actually walk correctly!


I'm all for this revamp. The old sheeta didnt have elbows, either. o-o;


Yeah it looks fantastic with the elbows. Maybe something that could be incorporated into the final design?

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Bogart, the elbows you gave it look awesome. :3

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ahh, now this is nice. but the eyes are kinda wonky...maybe make them a little rounder on the bottom? also, it looks like it doesnt have any elbows. i dunno, thats all i have to say. otherwise, this is just lovely :3


Okay, sure, I'll show you it. I also tried to give it some elbows, but it just looks weird when I did it, so ignore it. o_O

I don't know what you think about the shading on the shoulder, but here it goes... xD

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...Hmm. Something about the eyes bothers me, but I can't really tell what. Apart from that, the new version is lovely. Just don't touch the GY Sheeta please.


This new sheeta is hawt o.o


But I love my reborn sheeta just the way he is.
Are you going to change Reborn? ;~;


I like this new one, I like it a lot. The only thing that bugs me is that it seems to lose something around the face... the sense of immediacy, that your sheeta is RIGHT THERE, looking at you. That's gone. There's a distant look in the eyes now...


Bogart, could you show me the shading you tried on the shoulder, please? <img src= border=0>

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I don't really like this one. ;~; Like people have mentioned, the chest slopes too low, and the face... I don't know, but to me, it just looks too... "gruff", I suppose. And the feet bother me for some reason. But other than that, I love the shading!


I really LOVE the old face compared to this one, however, the shading and coloring is much better on this version.
The horns are really nice.
The chest is sagging too low.
And... once again the face. My eyes keep going straight to the face, but not in the good way. Pretty much, all that's bad about it is it's face, and the slightly sagging chest.
The rest is absolutely gorgeous!


Uh...I don't like it, sorry. I was thinking to get a Sheeta, but not one that looks like that. =(
I love the old version. But thank you that we can vote. ^^


Oh wow, where to begin?<p>

Okay, I love the sheeta. And I think think this is a very nicely done revamp. I'm all for it 100%. A few things irk me, but only slightly; the line art on the old sheeta was softer, while the new lineart is a bit too thin, so it feels a bit sharp. The bottom of the chest bothers me, but only slightly, but only because the way it curves.

<p>All in all, I can say this is a well done revamp for a pretty species that needed it. Old sheeta had uneven line art (no offense to the original artist!) This one is more proportionately correct, and it still keeps the cuteness of the old sheeta. Well done, artist!</p></p>


The old one is just so darn cute, and I'm so used to it plus I like the nice thick lines for some reason and the new one is very in porportion, a ton better shading almost like it's realistic in a way...I can't choose which one I like more xD I guess I'm happy with either one as long as the reborn sheetas don't get changed XD I love them =)


Oh i love it!It is so cute!


I like the old one a lot.
The new one looks girly. <img src= border=0>


Exactly, Bogart <img src= border=0> Focus on being clear with us on the things you think would help out THIS revamp - like shoulder lines/eye shape etc. Then we can help you! We can't help you when you say stuff like 'Omg you've changed my favourite pet I'm going to cry!' (I realise no one has actually said this, but you get my point xD)


Because I do not get to get on here much. I was wondering if the new Feli got voted in.


Mhn..... I like the basic concept, but, as most everyone said, the shoulders need to be more defined, and the far shoulder makes the rest of the chest look a bit off.


<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">Jessyta, if the purpose is to revamp the pets- Why did we get a poll to vote on this one? Isn't there a way to fix all the errors? And keep it revamped? </blockquote>

To see what people thought about this version. In the past we have polled people potential new versions of a species and if it wasn't well recieved, the artist tried again.


The neck on the old one has been bothering me ever since I first saw it! I adore the new one. <img src= border=0>


I kind of thing since Subeta's art is going in a new direction that we need consistancy so when the new colors are drawn that they look like it is the same style. I am not a big Sheeta fan. They are too cute for my taste. Yes I know I have a Kerubi which is also tooth achingly cute, but that pet is named for a special friend who did not want to be a Fester.

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this is one of the only ones where i have like the new one rarher then the older one! good work!! i love it.


Finally a pet that actually needed a redraw. The legs on the old one were awful.


The missing elbows and shoulders can be easily fixed, and I hope it will be fixed before this redraw goes through. The missing shoulder can be fixed just by changing the shading a bit. -tried it myself- xD

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I love both of them. <img src= border=0> I love sheetas and I would definitely get a redraw. I was going to get another sheeta today but I'll wait if there is going to be a revamp. Just don't touch the reborns! -Protects Britney-.

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Your right Rah, but before I use my blabbermouth to get myself in trouble, I must say, I am going to miss the old sheeta xD I saved it so I can see it <img src= border=0> I will be okay now <img src= border=0>


I don't like the new one at all <img src= border=0> it' different. Ohhh what if they revamp the chibi sheeta? <img src= border=0> I just got a chibi sheeta today lol.

But I like the old one much better. this one its head is...I don't know. A bit strange. o.O


While the shading and the proportions of the new one are a lot better in the revamp, I still much prefer the facial expression on the older one. The new one's expression is some sort of unreadable "I don't know what", while the older one just looks sincere and happy.
Course, I haven't had any of my pets affected by any revamp since the Endeavor revamp, so I probably don't have any room to talk. XD


Lmao, either way, at least one user will always be unhappy no matter what you do. @@;;

I love this redraw so much though! The shading makes me happy. |D


I like it. The old one looks somewhat blurry to me.


I think Polls are more a way of saying 'right, we want a general idea on how many people like this, and we'll get a few crits along the way, and change it a bit if necessary'.

I do just want to say though, to those who seem to think we're crazy for revamping the Sheeta - can you read the comments of the people who LIKE the revamp, and who fully support it? We can't be that crazy if we have a lot of people agreeing with us? Even the original Sheeta artist agrees it could do with updating!

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Jessyta, if the purpose is to revamp the pets- Why did we get a poll to vote on this one? Isn't there a way to fix all the errors? And keep it revamped?


Apart from the pixely thin lines I like it! Come on the Sheeta needs a revamp the art is old old old!
I don't think I'm going to vote, but if this is the new revamp I definetly wont mind it ^^
Great job Teera? (I think it was you xD&quot<img src= border=0>


I prefer the new version. The head is more in proportion with the rest of the body now - no more humongous legs and paws! The lines are neater and thinned out, and the shading is better with more levels to it. Also, the fur on the current Sheeta looks jagged and strange - this one has a lot more freedom of movement in it.

My only criticisms would be that perhaps the angle of the head is <i>slightly</i> awkward, and the front of the stomach goes down a little far. However, everything else I see is beautifully drawn. And those criticisms are only minor, minor details that if adjusted would only make a slight improvement anyway. All the elements of the old Sheeta are in it - but just improved on.

Well done to whoever drew this =D

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Jessyta- Yeah...I guess you're right. <img src= border=0>

I agree with Phantompony, it kinda does look like a plastic toy. With all the shiny-ness. But I voted for the new one anyways.


*scratches head* so the purpose of pets is to get revamped, not to make all users happy o_°


Keeping the "old" version of the pet on the site for users to choose from kind of defeats the purpose OF revamping pets.

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The new sheeta is cute, but it is WAY too shiny for me. The legs indeed look a bit funny, so does the head in it's position. The markings need to be a bit thicker, and I also have the poll page open. The older sheeta's back leg did look a bit funny now that I look at it, but these legs are a bit too thin for me- And others as well, I believe. The eye is indeed a bit feminine, The tail looks a bit thin to my eyes, though. And looking at the older sheeta's tail, I see there are markings. On this newer Sheeta, the markings appear to be just the tip to me. The front foreleg is missing some fur up top, and then it is indeed looking as it missed an elbow. The old sheeta's neck was too thin, but this one is indeed thicker, and I like that fact. But I have to say, I voted the old sheeta.

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I've got an idea! When users choose their pets, what if they would be able to choose if they want the version 1 or version 2 pet? They would be able to choose which pose and style they want their pet to have.


I don't understand why the head seems to have turned... that's the only thing holding me back from liking this revamp. :C

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I like this one, the back leg looks much better, and the horns look great.
I think the eyes might look a tad bigger if they were rounder. That's mostly the reason why the original looks so wide-eyed and curious.
The new one looks a lot sharper, and I kinda like how the fur has a sort of sheen, but I can also see why it makes it look a little like a plastic toy. The older one had much more muted colours.
Also, wondering about the neck fluff, I sort of expected it would go down to where the front legs meet, but that's really just my own interpretation of the original.
Kudos to the artist, the Sheeta looks more hug-able now.. well atleast I think so C:
(That's just my 2 cents, I'm not looking to start a conversation)


"I don't understand anyone who votes otherwise." because there's something called "opinion" you know.

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I like the new one because it has curly horns and a sweet-looking face. The old one had a head with a skinny neck that looked like a potato on a toothpick. But the thing I liked about the old one was that it looked younger with the big eyes. This is hard to choose :/

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oh my god its a poll! XD but really i like the new sheeta better. i dont know why people are saying that its head is small. it looks good to me. O_o


Nestly: Hell yeah, this is MUCH better then the old one. I don't understand anyone who votes otherwise. That gray outline for the horns and tail in the old version bothered the heck out of me. <br />
I like how the horns are curled now too.<br /><br />

To the voters; I say people should vote on overall quality and look, NOT how they still are just used to the old one. That bothers me the most. Everyone's a critic though here.


I dont dislike this new redraw but please dont change my sheeta's!

The new eyes look rather tired, and it doesn't capture the innocence of the original sheeta

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Thanks for the poll! I really am digging on the new sheeta. Liked the old one, but this one seems more alive. *shrug*

But I do agree, some of the other pets need revamps (and some of the already revamped pets need some of the colors finished)... *shrug again* Just my opinion. <img src= border=0>


Noir: I understand where you're coming from, but my comment was only really to people who wanted to find out which Sheeta version was drawn better, not people who already know which version they like better. :3


the new one looks fantastic... but i'm still quite fond of the old one. I voted old.


I'm definately agreeing with Terra on that point; I really miss the Sheeta's big eyes. o; They gave it an innocent cute look. The expression of the new one is... alright, but not compaired to the older one; this one looks a little... dry. No personality like the old one had. x= The rest of the revamp looks good, although it *does* look a bit too shiny.


nah *hugs the old one*

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I might get one now. :O


It took a lot of deliberation before I could make a choice.

Regardless, Teera, this is pretty.


Thanks for letting us voice our opinions <img src= border=0> *hugs


Yay! Thank you for actually polling us this time~! It's really appreciated.

I prefer the big, bright eyes on the old Sheeta... but over all, I think I like the new one the best. <img src= border=0>


desertsonata: I'm not critiquing the old one because to me, it doesn't need a revamp. Not because I'm attached to the older version or threatened by change. Hell, look at the Dragon Revamp. I loved it even though we didn't get a poll about it. <img src= border=0> The revamp was definitely better/needed in that case.
However the Sheeta shouldn't have gotten a poll so soon for in my opinion, it looks fine as is. And it's not just the leg. The position of the head is weird, it's lost its character and it's as shiney as a plastic toy which the Sheeta is not. Maybe you should take a better/longer look at the new Sheeta.
Oh by the way. When I critique, I have the poll page open as well so I can make on sight comparisons and edit my critique where needed so it's not like I'm going by memory alone.<br /> As for what you said not applying to me... Well the way you put it seemed to say otherwise but I'm not willing to argue about it.
Jessyta: You raise a valid point that I didn't consider. I was just a little shocked to see that the Sheeta is going for a revamp. :/ It was/is one of the better drawn pets.
Oh I'm grateful for the poll, believe me. I'm happy to see that they haven't totally gone extinct. Sorry if I failed to express that. :/
Also, just so ya know. I'm happy about polls because well, we get to have a say about a pets fate, and that gives the artist time to make major/minor changes before the design is finalized. Which is a lot... for lack of a better word, "nicer" than just being handed a revamp while being told, <i>"Don't like it? Too bad so sad, you're stuck with it."</i> I think this is the main reason why people like polls. </p></p></p></p></p>

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I dont like the current reborn sheeta Dx Im strange I dont like the pose.......


I like it and I like the old one too. This is a win win situation in my humble opinon.


I'd like to thank the staff for polling this. And a little hint to them aswell. If you think that polls take too long to gather information, why not set a time limit on them? Like, a poll stays up for 3-5 days, users are informed that it will be up for the number of days days and everyone has a chance to vote. Afterwards, the version which gets the most votes ends up as the revamp. It won't take as much time as the revamps before, you'd get more than enough feedback/criticism in the news comments and 3-5 days are more than enough for around 70% of the users to vote on their prefered version.
This aside, here's my two cents for the revamp:
<br />
- it might be a good idea to use a bit less black on the outer side of the eye itself. It kinda gives the Sheeta a little bit of a feminine touch and the pets aren't supposed to look all feminine, or all masculine. Something inbetween.
<br />
- the foreleg. It looks shoulderless, as was stated before. I don't mind it looking 'elbowless' as much. There is an accent of the elbow itself on the front leg, look at the small tuft of fur attached. It looks elbowless because of the perspective, but it has a joint there.
<br />
- the chest. The old Sheeta was a good bit slimmer than this one and had a smaller chest. The mane and the fur around the neck and going down, that's perfection. But make it's body less... hum. prominent? I don't know how to say this. This one looks like it's ribcage grew a bit. XD;
Also, markings on the legs could use a tiny bit of an accent, but that's not really too much of an issue as long as it still has markings.</p></p>


hmmm. i find the possible new one not so very great. find it overshaded, the legs are too short and thin, the horns too curly, the neck too thick...the face looks as if it has smoked something wrong. but all in all it is okay, not as weird as the last revamps.


I love the new one, but please, pleeaase don't redraw the reborn sheetas. D': They're absolutely perfect right now, and they look just like the common sheeta's revamp, so it's not like it'll be out of place or anything.


I love how it looks like the old one (which I know oodles of people love), but it has this wonderful shading, and coy look. I vote new <img src= border=0>

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Wow! This is the first redraw where I like the newer better than the older. <img src= border=0> Voted.


I'm glad that we got to vote on THIS one.

I'm not fond of the new sheeta though, something about the face bothers me.. maybe it's too blocky for my taste? I sure as hell hope that you guys DON'T revamp the reborn sheeta though - I'd be upset about that. x__x


Both are nice, but that new one just tugs the heart. And who ever decided that members were once again worthy of giving feedback on pet revamps, thank you.


Oh. I hadn't noticed the front, foremost, leg. It does seem that those lines go a bit too high. But something like that should be easily fixed. And I would love to see the redrawn chibi, if it's done. I never really liked the old one.


I /do/ love the new one, and I'm glad we did a poll, but this /was/ very hard to decide. I loove the old and the new one in different ways.


Ah, one more thing: I think the markings on the legs should be a bit larger. I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be cresents, but I can't make them out on the newer one.<br /><br />

And I'm actually very pleased there was a poll this time. I just wish we could've gotten polled on the more drasticly changed pets.


I think the revamp is wonderful! I'd never considered having a sheeta before, but, if reborn is redrawn in the revamp, I just might <img src= border=0>. I only have one question, how does it bend it's foreleg with no elbow? (doesn't need to be extreme, because I realize the front leg is true to the current drawing), but there's obviously a little bit of one in the Galactic, and a hint of one (the little tuft of fur) in the current. *curses my desire for physically sound anatomy*


But if the other species revamps aren't ready for polls (or if the ADs decided that polls weren't needed), why wait to poll on this one. It's ready, the others aren't. xD
<br /><br />
I am a little suprised people aren't more thankful/happy they ARE being polled this time. But then again... I am not.


I like 'em both... = / but I voted for the old one 'cuz it's cool. xDD


Oh, this is a hard one to vote on... D8 This revamp is just beautiful... I'm really impressed (and delighted) with it. Easily the best out of the recent redraws. *___*
Though, I think you should give the Sheeta an 'elbow' in the final version, even if it didn't have one in its current state. It looks sort of awkward without one. XD Also, I think the stomach curves down towards the chest a little too soon (near its closer foreleg) so it seems like it doesn't quite match up with the chest and the shape is a little awkward.
-wanders off to debate which one to vote for-


Noir: No, I was saying to find out which one is truly drawn better you should critique BOTH, not just one because its leg looks funny. You're not trying to find out which one is actually drawn better, because you're already attached to the old one, and you're just critiquing the new one because you don't like it as much as the old one. What I was saying doesn't apply to you.


AdiGallia: Nooooo! Not the Velos! DX ...Well... As long as they leave the DM Velostor alone, I'll be fine with it getting revamped.
Jessyta: Oh yeah, I can definitely tell someone diffent did this but I still think this should've been the last pet to get a revamp poll, even if the final result, isn't what we see here and/or if it's still a long way off from being released. *Is still waiting for some of the older pets special colors to be revamped like the DM Fester... but not the GY Magnus. XD;*</p>


The new art looks good, but there's something about the head that I really dislike. I like the old one better, it had more personality. I do love the horns and fluffy neck though.


I think the new one looks great. The shading's very well done, and it's nice to see the horns and tail finally have a black outline. The only thing that really bugs me is it's torso. The original had a very small/skinny chest area, which makes this version look a bit odd. I think if the chest area were a bit smaller it'd be a huge improvement. I voted for the new one, but I really hope to see it tweaked a little if released. <img src= border=0>

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"other pets need revamps MUCH more than the sheeta does."<br />
i guess staff is tierd of saying that over and over that an theese are worked on too. -
I personally see that on some it will be more difficult to find the right redraw then with sheeta/s...<br /><br />
anyway... i am happy with this redraw.<br />
Personally don't see anything wrong with the forelegs... *lookes much closer*... hmm... maybe when the "left line" (that one that is near the belly) on the foreleg is not that high into the flank it will be better? Anyway, not much to complain obout that.<br />
realy love the redraw! ^^


@ desertsonata: Excuse me? You do not need to critique something old in order to critique something new. You just need to be familiar with the old version of something which I am... Seeing as I've been on the site for almost two years now, I know what the Sheeta looks like and believe me, it was one of the last ones I'd ever consider giving a revamp. :/


The only complaint I have about this one is the front leg, it starts way too high in my opinion. Other than that, it's a lovely revamp.


I agree, some pets needed revamps first, such as the Tigrean, Ruffie and Velosotor, but I think the Sheeta was in need of a revamp and I am impressed. <img src= border=0>


The eye looks like a doll's eye - dead. And the leg swirls are too small. I do like the horns, though.


Noir, Dustxx: Not all the pets are drawn by one person so it's not as if only one revamp is in the works. For all anyone knows the other species that you think need to be revamped are being worked on by people other than Terra (who did this).


It looks amazing. I voted for the new one!


Oh yeah, I like the new horns better too. They're more realistic.

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...the head is too small for the body...<img src= border=0>? eh...what? that's a perfect size, everything bigger would be too big. remeber, it shouldn't tilt forward ^^°


Okay, I agree that the leg looks funny, but have you seen the old Sheeta's leg? That's worse. If you're going to critique the new, you should also critique the old. That's the only way you're going to see which version is truly better.


I personally like the old one better. The new one's head is too small for the body.
Also, other pets need revamps MUCH more than the sheeta does. How about we do those first? -hint hint-


Nice improvement on the Sheeta. <img src= border=0>
<br /> I love how it has a wider neck, it lost that bobble head look which always bugged me before. <br />
I'm in the minority about the horns, I like them. <br />
Kudos to Teera_Misu! <img src= border=0>


I lub it exept the head is at a weird angle x.X


Ooh... interesting revamp. I wonder how the Chibi will look revamped. :]


Oh you have got to be kidding me! The Sheeta?! I can name at least five other species that need a revamp more than this. Needless to say, I don't care for its revamp either...
It's too hard and seems... artificial when compared to its older counterpart. It's lost a lot of expression in it's face due to the position of its head and too much shading. Honestly, the Telenine wasn't this shiny so why does the Sheeta need to be? I also dislike it's front shoulder. It looks like it's going backwards or at least, it's way too high up... No... I was right the first time. It's backwards. I know this pet is a goat/llama/cat mix but I think it would be better if the forelimbs were angled in the same direction as they are in the older one.
The Sheeta may have better anatomy but it's also the cause for the Sheeta's lack of character. Honestly, sometimes all these pets need is a new outline with a new paint job. Not a total new pose all together.
I say, make it like the old Sheeta but just give it an update in color, turn off the sun and make its shine a little more muted. It doesn't need to be shiny shiny. It's an animal, not a plastic toy.</p></p></p>


I love the expression on the newer version. If it goes thru I will definatly be getting a Sheeta.


I think I like this one. It's not THAT realistic, and I think it still looks like the old one, kinda, even if the old one looked more coy, maybe (but I think a "coy" personality could fit even with this revamp, so..).


Very very nice - I like the neck area MUCH better, and the tail too. I may miss the little bit of a smile that the current version has, but this new version has a nice face. The extra curl of the horns is fine with me - and I would like very much if the spectrum Sheeta is redrawn to have a nice body/face/ears pose similar to this <img src= border=0>


it looks really nice although it's a bit too shiny it hurts my eyes <img src= border=0>

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hm...well, then i'll wonder how the new ones will look like <img src= border=0> and if i don't like them...hey, there are still nice colours like field or lilac <img src= border=0> *optimistic*

will the field one keep that bright green colour ._.? *loves that*


Okay, some tweaking sounds fine. x3 I got abit scared first since I own a spectrum sheeta and don't want it to be changed.


I like the shading on the new one, with it being a bit darker and all, but I still would prefer the old one more. I like the old one's face more, that's why I wanted the two I have.


No they don't. Your assumptions are correct.

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Beautiful work, it was a tough choice between the two of them. The eyes don't sit very well with me, for some reason, but with a little bit of tweaking it could be fantastic.

(Just a thought, but I'd like to see the Bloodred Sheeta have a more... customized pose?)

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so...I think Chibi and GY Sheetas don't count as 'newer ones'...or <img src= border=0>?


And yeah, after reading some of these comments and looking at it a bit more, I have to agree with the forelegs looking a bit odd. The one farthest away is fine with me, but the one in the forefront... It looks too slim at the top, and sort of like it grows out of the neck/back. It's a bit too high up. Apart from that, much love.


I don't think the newer sheetas need redrawing, per se. Just tweakings as the chais have gotten this past weekend.

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0-0 Oh, no. Its good but...I dunno. I prefer the old one.


The new Sheeta is very nice. The only thing I dislike is the extra curl to the horn. I don't really think it was needed, but it's not really that big of a deal. Also, the shading is kinda... shiny. As if it was coated in gel or made of plastic. lol <img src= border=0> Maybe that's just me.


I kinda like it, but what's going to happen to the well-drawn sheetas? Like spectrum and reborn. Like, why add an extra curl to the horn? <img src= border=0> 'Cause now the well-drawn sheetas would have to be re-drawn too...


Bleh, too realistic <img src= border=0> Not what I spent my money on. It's nice though ^-^ *gives artist...half a cookie*


Oooh, beautiful. I think I might need a sheeta now <img src= border=0>

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ooohh i love it Teera_Misu did a great job.


I <img src= border=0> the new one <img src= border=0> great job Teera_Misu <img src= border=0>.


It's adorable. I've never been a fan of the common Sheeta before, but this? This I could own. Great work.


I prefer the old one. It had a nice cartoonish symmetry to it. Why does everything have to be uber-realistic with seven layers of shading to it?

But that again I don't own a sheeta, so I won't be devastated if it does change <img src= border=0>


PRETTY! I love how the expression is much more mature looking. The shading is better, I like the leg markings more. Just general luff for it.

Yay for polls. But it always had an eyebrow desertsonata.


Teera_Misu is responsible for this sheeta.


I love the new sheeta! The current sheeta looks great but the art in this one is much better and I love it x3

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<b>Quote:</b><blockquote style="padding:5px; line-height:15px; background-color: #FAFFFF; border: 1px solid #000000; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10;">losing that wide-eyed, mystified expression</blockquote>
it may depend on the own preferences, but i think it's a good improvement. all the other revamped pets had widden eyes and brows which were WAY too's good to see pets which don't have that 'oh look i'm so cute!!11!'-factor


The new version is so gorgeous!


...It's too hard to choose. My favorite specie is Sheeta - By the way, I wanted to create 3-4 differents sheetas in the next days, but i will wait the results of that poll.
Now thats the question : New or old. I dunnooooo T_T


I think I like the new one better, it has a sturdier looking neck and has more detail and shading. It looks like it has a little Gobstopper in its cheek. X3


Whoa... the Sheeta has an eyebrow. Haha. xD It adds to the expression, though. xD

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so pretty <img src= border=0>


It's so pretty. <img src= border=0>


I like the body on this one a lot. However, the head bothers me. The eyes are a lot narrower, losing that wide-eyed, mystified expression. I also don't like the extra curl in the new horns. I'd love this one if the head was tweaked, and maybe not at such an odd angle.

User not found: *_* i wondered when the ywill be revamped, and i think they are just great! no main changes like they did on the dragon, just a better art
i love that gaze (will you also revamp the GY one? *loves own*)


I love the body but I just think the eyes are a tad.. oddly-shaped. <img src= border=0> Don't bite me but I'd like to see them just a tad rounder. Everything else is love, though.


The new sheeta looks great


I LOVE it, I LOVE that there is a new poll, but more importantly I LOVE the new sheeta, simply gorgeous and FULL of beauty and personality!!!


I think the new one's better drawn, and I did pick it, but I don't like its forelegs. They seem too...I dunno. Straight at the shoulder region?


O: I love the redraw!

-huggles mytery sheeta plushie-


Did Arbor do this?! I love it. I think I may have to get a sheeta if the poll goes through.

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wow its so pretty the new one ^^ I love it


I don't really like the expression of the new one. The face seems a little puffy to me as well. However, I like the rest of it. <img src= border=0>


Thank you for the poll! It is much appreciated. <img src= border=0>


I love the new sheeta, but I like the old one too. <img src= border=0>


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